I write a lot. I do it professionally and personally. I am a ghostwriter, which means I write articles for other bloggers to use on their sites. Also, I write for a few different blogs of my own, including this one.
But even before blogging, emailing, and texting, I would write messages to people in order to get my point across, because I found I was better at writing how I felt than talking about how I felt.
In fact, I was often able to make my parents see things from my point of view simply by writing them a letter.
I know that words have power (even written words) and often awaken emotions in other people, such as compassion and even attraction. But, one comment I received the other day showed that not everyone agrees with me. So, I thought I would turn that comment into a post – because I feel so strongly about the power of words, even in a text.
On my post about why texting women can ruin your chances with them, I received the following comment from Aaron.
Build attraction through text’. Do you have any idea how stupid you sound. That’s really an impossibility. That is not and can’t be done through text retard
Besides the grammar, let’s focus on that last word – retard. I haven’t used that word since I was a kid – since I realized the power it had behind it and how society had made it into a derogatory word. The usage of that word shows a lack of compassion on his part, but it also shows that he thought it would offend me – send me a message – evoke an emotion in me…and it did. I felt a little anger and a little sadness that he could actually think and speak like that.
So I responded with:
Actually it can be done. Texting is like writing (you know, the words you are reading right now). Words can cause you to be angry, jealous, happy, mad, sad, concerned, and – even – turned on. Words can also inspire, express feelings, communicate, and deliver information. In short, you can affect how other people feel about you through your words.
For instance, from your comment (which could have easily been a text), I feel that you are upset with your love life, arrogant, ignorant, and non-compassionate towards other people. If you were to text me, I would be gone in an instant! No attraction whatsoever. Not even a drop of attraction. Especially with the word ‘retard’, which is so ignorant that it almost hurts to read.
Of course he responded.
no its not attraction . you can compliment someone make them fond or whatever .thats not attraction. words have definitions. keeping thinking tech can do things only humans can you may become a robot . Surely your half way there
And, even though I was going to give up on it – because I figured there was no chance of changing this guy’s mind, I couldn’t help myself.
Attraction: the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something.
Attraction: a quality or feature of something or someone that evokes interest, liking, or desire.
You can do that through your words. HELL, you should do that through your words – oral or written.
Apparently I can’t convince you that words affect other people – yes, even in a sexual way. I thought that was an obvious thing, but I guess it’s not.
By the way, there is a human behind the text…but I know that you probably don’t comprehend that.
Good luck Aaron!
He wrote back, but his words turned into swears, and his point was ridiculous, so I didn’t approve his comment.
My point is that you can build attraction through text. It can cause a woman to get excited about you, interested in knowing more, and even feeling desire for you. That’s why sexting is so great – it builds up the attraction until you can get together.
If you don’t believe that, like Aaron, then you are missing out on an awesome way to attract women.