Girls like a little romance, so when you put some creatively cute thought into the way you ask a girl out, there’s a good chance you’ll be seeing each other for quite some time.
No matter what, you need to make sure you put some effort into asking her, regardless of whether it’s a first date or you’ve been dating for quite some time. She’s going to appreciate your effort, and the more creative and cute you are, the better!
There’s no doubt that asking a girl out can be quite scary or intimidating; perhaps that’s why so many guys take so long to pop the big question.
Truth be told… if you are serious about a girl and you think you can actually start a relationship and make it go somewhere special, then you need to make certain she understands you will do whatever it takes to make this happen.
Don’t make her wait because some other man will swoop in and scoop her up.
By asking her out cutely, you will show her you have given it some serious thought, and you really do want her to be your girlfriend.
It’s time to get cute!
Cute Ways To Ask A Girl Out
1 – Get Creative And Take Her On A Truly Thoughtful Date
You’ve got to make the effort to make your “usual” dates different. This doesn’t mean you have to take her to a fancy restaurant or buy her something extravagant. But you need to show her that you have given this date some real thought, and you need to make it special for her. You want her to remember it.
If she loves walks, make sure you do something special to make this walk the best of the best. Surprises along the way is also a good move. When you decide to get thoughtful, you will worm your way into her heart big-time.
2 – Pick A Special Day – Like Her Birthday
This is a timely route to show your cuteness asking her out. However, if her birthday has come and gone, this one obviously won’t work. If she’s got a birthday coming up, make it memorable by asking her out on her special day.
If you get a thumbs-up, talk about an awesome way to remember your anniversary.
3 – Attempt To Write Her A Poem
This is especially effective if she’s a romantic a heart. Don’t be shy because I promise she is going to love whatever you write. It’s the thought that counts, and when you are opening yourself up to being vulnerable to her, you can’t lose, not if she’s the right girl for you anyway.
If you are game to be extra-cute, deliver the poem to her line by line throughout the day.
4 – Write Your Request On The Sand, Snow, Or Window
Keep it simple and ask this special girl out by simply writing it in the sand, snow, or even the mirror. Pulling this one off when she isn’t standing beside you is even better. Even if you’ve got to write it when she’s with you, it’s still super sweet.
5 – Set Up A Treasure Hunt
Girls love a cute game. Having her run around solving riddles with your clues is an awesome way to ask her out and make sure she remembers this act of sweetness. This will excite her inside out. Certainly, the last clue should lead to you, asking her face to face to go out with you.
6 – Try Putting It In A Fortune Cookie
Talk about a super cute route to ask a girl out. If you can bake this cookie yourself, even better. There’s no way she can say no to this totally cute way of asking her out.
7 – Give Her The Message In A Balloon
Some guys naturally get nervous and tongue-tied around women. No worries because this route will take off the pressure. Make her a personalized balloon that asks her out. You can tie it to her car or perhaps her door at home.
8 – Simply Play Her A Song
Make sure you don’t try this one if you don’t have at least some musical talent. If there’s any route to capture the heart of a girl, it’s by playing her a personalized song.
Maybe you want to take her to an open mic and surprise her there. You could also try serenading her outside her window.
If you want to make a girl’s heart melt, you should try this route to show her just how cute you can be asking her out.
9 – Ask Some Friends For Help
This one is great if you are really into a girl. Ask a few friends to meet somewhere and hold up message boards with you asking her out. She’s going to love it. Plus, it helps to have some friends on board.
10 – Bake It To Her
You don’t need to have baking talents to pull this one off. Figure out whether she loves cookies, muffins, cupcakes, or cake. Then find the perfect recipe, follow it step by step, and write your message on the top.
Get creative and remember she’s going to think you are super sweet just because of the thought you put into this question.
11 – Take The Time To Make The Perfect Atmosphere
Women can’t help but love flowers and softly burning candles. But even more, girls love the perfect atmosphere. Take the time to create the perfect romantic atmosphere. When you’ve got a thoughtful atmosphere to ask her out, you’re most definitely making it memorable.
Girls get tired of the constant lame pickup lines like, “you’re hot” or “what’s up?” These lines work for some girls but not the cream of the crop. Women appreciate the romantic guys that work a little to figure out the best route to ask a girl out.
12 – Get Bold With The Latte
A good route to ask a girl out and make her feel special is to write a note on the bottom of her morning beverage. It may take a few times buying her morning latte before you muster up the courage to ask her out, but trust me, it’s super worth it.
Write the message on the cup and hand it to her. There’s no way she can resist this one.
13 – Give Her Some Of Your Gum
This is a really sweet way to ask a girl out. You need to do a little prep work first. Use a sharpie so she doesn’t miss it. Ask her out on the gum wrapper, and she’s sure to appreciate you for the thoughtful man you are.
14 – Get Creative And Journal
This route to ask a girl out is bound to make her gush. Buy a journal and write a little something about all the times you’ve hung out with each other. When you are ready, give her the journal with all these memorable thoughts and pop the question. Ask her to be your girlfriend, and I’m pretty sure you’re going to get a solid yes.
15 – Take Action In A Public Place
This one is a little gutsier, and you’re going to want to be pretty sure she’s going to say yes before you put your heart out on a limb. Understand you are putting the pressure on her when you ask her out in front of a crowd of people.
If she likes baseball, maybe you want to take her to a game and get some help from the announcers to put you on the jumbo-tron, so you can ask her to be your girl. Writing it on a piece of paper to hold up is the easiest.
Use your imagination. The key is to make sure you ask her with as many people around as you can.
16 – Borrow Her Phone
This one takes a little time and patience. All you need to do is get your hands on her phone for a few minutes without her knowing. Of course, this is the only acceptable reason for getting into her cell phone!
Change your name and picture in her contacts to something really cute. Put her phone back and give her a call to ask her to be your girlfriend. Guaranteed, she’s going to be over the moon to be your girl.
17 – Try The Pizza Route
The only thing better than having a girl open a pizza to discover an engagement ring is to have her open the box to find a super sweet message asking her to be your gal. She’s definitely going to be drooling too much to say no!
18 – Make Your Move At The Movies
This is a super neat way to grab her attention and make her want to be your girlfriend. All you’ve got to do is get a hold of her movie ticket and pop the question on it. Give it to her, of course, before you enter the theatre and make sure you ask her something specific, like the gate number, just to make sure she looks at it.
You’ll be in her heart forever with this approach.
19 – Dive Into Her Inner Nerd
If your girl happens to like to sit at the front of the class, this is a super smart way to ask her out. Get a hold of her textbook and write your message on the pages you know she will be looking at. If you don’t want to graffiti the book, you can slip a note in that she’s sure to notice.
You’re going to figure out fairly fast whether you’ve got a lot of chemistry together.
20 – Use The Bookmark Method
Figure out what book she’s reading and stick a sticky note in it. Keep it clever and make sure you get her smiling with the note. She’s certainly going to say yes.
21 – Just Write It
You don’t have to be extremely creative to make this one work. Write her a few riddles on some paper with some bright markers. Ask her a few questions and give her a box at the end where she can check “yes” or “no.”
Going to all this trouble should get you a big yes!
22 – Go Instagram Crazy
Take the time to post a really sweet photo of something you know she holds near and dear to her heart. Then, all you’ve got to do is ask her the big question!
23 – The Classroom Note
Of course, this one works best if you are both in school. Write a simple note asking her for a yes or no answer. If she’s going to say yes, all she’s got to do is smile at you. If it’s a no, have her do a summersault or backflip, something super ridiculous that’s going to make her laugh.
24 – Cheesy Food Route
Sometimes, it’s okay to get a little cheesy with the question. Put out a bowl of oranges and write, “Orange you glad I’m asking you to go out with me?”
There’s a little bit of a risk with this one, but it does work.
25 – Try The Emoji Way
It seems as if everyone uses emojis these days. Try asking her out with only emojis. This will take a little cleverness, but I’m sure you are up to the challenge if you really want to go out with this girl.
There are right and wrong ways to ask a girl out. Follow your gut and, although you should consider each one of them, only use the routes you feel at least semi-comfortable with.
26 – Look For Her
If you want a girl to know you want her, all you’ve got to do is put a little effort into tracking her down and asking her. This goes a long way in making her feel super special. If you don’t know, take a guess at where she might be and, through trial and error and asking people the right questions, you will find her.
27 – Just Tell Her You Are Treating Her To Lunch
This one works, but it’s a little ballsy. When you are hanging out with a few of your friends and the girl you have your eye on is included, stand up and tell her that you are taking her out for lunch. Hopefully, she’ll follow you, and when you are by yourselves, you can tell her that you are also going to take her out.
Grab her hand just to make it official and show her your manly confidence.
28 – Simply Ask For Her Number
This is another straight-up approach for asking a girl out. Chances are, you’ve seen this girl around but just haven’t had the opportunity to take it to the next level. When you see her next, just ask her for her phone number. It’s pretty straightforward and to the point.
29 – Give Her A Script For A Date
This is a super-clever way to capture her undivided attention. If you are looking to sweep her off her feet, this is the tactic that will do it. Create your own prescription and ask her for one date on it. Talk about totally adorable.
30 – Get Dangerous And Ask Her Out
This is one of those moves that will either work out perfectly or be disastrous. Try opening the exit door to ask her out or something else that’s semi-stupid to get her attention. You’ll flatter her with this one and likely leave her smiling and shaking her head.
31 – Set Up A Game
This one is a really sweet route to ask a girl out. Set up some sort of board or card game for the two of you to play. Rig the game, so she picks up a card that has you asking her out. You’ll have to get creative and do a little guessing, but it will be worth it.
32 – Send Her On A Mission
You’ve got to use your imagination to make this one work. Ask the girl to meet you somewhere and have someone, perhaps a little kid, deliver your message for you. On a recorder, ask her on a mission, and if she chooses to accept it, she will need to meet you on a certain day and time, at a specific place, for your date.
Add some balloons to make it work perfectly. Red indicates no, yellow is a possibility, and green is for yes.
Hopefully, she will hang onto the green balloon, and that’s the signal you’ve won her over.
33 – Point Out Similarities
Start a list with the girl you like about the things you have in common. When you get to the end of the line, figure out a clever way to make the next number all about you asking her out. Perhaps you both love hot chocolate with marshmallows. Next, you need to hunt her down and write the question somewhere on the hot chocolate when you hand it to her.
Maybe this girl you like is vegan. If so, you could make her a bouquet of veggies, instead of flowers, when you ask her out. This is showing her that you are both clever and creative and that you are going out of your way to make sure she knows just how special you think she is.
That’s not only adorable, but it’s totally sweet.
34 – Just Spell It Out
Have you ever played hangman? This is an awesome way to spell out that you want her to go out with you. The topic could simply be miscellaneous. Talk about sweet and endearing simultaneously.
How Not To Ask A Girl Out
No-No #1 – Through Her Friends
Don’t be the guy that flirts with all the girls and then asks one girl out that’s in the pack. Talk about a lame move. Just don’t do it, please.
No-No #2 – Leave The Cockiness Out Of It
Sure, you might be drop-dead handsome, but that doesn’t mean you need to flaunt it to make her think she’s lucky to go out with you. That’s a super quick way to get her running the other way.
No-No #3 – Skip The Boring
You don’t have to be a super hero and do something death-defying to ask her out. However, don’t be the boring dork, either. Most girls just aren’t interested in a man that’s ho-hum boring.
Final Words
When you are looking for cute and clever ways to ask a girl out, there’s no end to the possibilities. Just make sure you follow your gut and don’t do anything that’s going to push you too far out of your comfort zone. Some of the tactics above can backfire big-time.