Texting seems to be the way of the world these days. If you haven’t got a cell phone and you’re not text savvy, then you are going to have a tough time impressing any girl.
Why’s that?
Well, girls want convenient and fast. Which means trying to impress a girl with love notes or even calling her is going to interfere with your master plan. It will just make it harder.
Texting is the way to go and lucky for you here some expert pointers to help you get started off on the right foot when you’re trying to make a perfect first impression with a woman.
Most men wonder what they should say to make a girl pay attention to them. Girls are the emotional ones don’t forget and when you learn how to tap into this you are ahead of the game.
Many experts believe it’s easier to get a girl to fall for you via text rather than trying to woo her on dates or buying her piles of gifts.
Newsflash – Before you make your move make sure you promise yourself to take your time and pay attention to her reactions before you react back.
How To Impress A Girl Over Text
One – Shoot Your Text Messages Off In The Night
If you’re looking for the edge, you’ve got it if this special girl is okay with you texting into the night. What you want to do is get the conversation started and work to keep it going so you can push it until she’s actually slipping into bed.
Usually, it’s quieter at night and people are winding down. This means you have the opportunity to capture her undivided attention and that’s magical.
Two – Steer Clear Of Bad Times
Everyone has their busy times and you are best to lay off the texting during the time she is otherwise occupied. If she happens to be hanging out with friends, back off. If she is working, you need to lay low with the text messages.
The last thing you want to do when you are focused on impressing her over text is to interfere with her “happy” time.
Three – Have A Fairly Set Time To Text Her
This one doesn’t need to be set in stone but if you get into a routine with your texting and she knows what to expect, that can work great in your favor.
You will find out quickly, there are times during the day she really isn’t interested in texting you and those are the times you need to steer clear of. There’s no need to crowd her.
Play it by ear and give yourself a timeframe for trial and error and go from there. When she starts anticipating and expecting your text messages, that’s when it transforms magical.
Four – First Text
When you are texting a girl for the first time, make sure you don’t think too much about it. Stick to the basics and casual is a good thing. Start by just saying hi after you’ve introduced yourself.
There’s nothing worse than getting a text message and not knowing who sent it!
Your goal here is to simply initiate the conversation and let it flow from there. Sure, it might be a touch awkward at first but that won’t last very long. Stay calm and follow your gut and you’ll do just fine.
Five – Short Is Sweet
No matter what, you don’t ever want to get into the longwinded texts, particularly right off the hop.
If you’re lucky enough to already be texting her for a few days now, you seriously don’t need to search for more reasons to text message her. In other words, you don’t need to keep going into long conversations with lots of detail.
Stick with the easy lines that are smooth and just feel nice to read. This opens the door to more casual and stress-free conversation and that’s important.
Use the emojis to lighten the mood and put a nice big smile on her face. A great start anyway.
Six – Short, Non-Complicated And Simple
The shorter, the better with the conversations if you want to keep them going. You don’t want to bore her because it takes her 5 minutes to read one silly text!
You want her focused on what you are saying with an encouragement factor to make her want to text you back more and more.
Seven – Get Interested Fast In What She Loves
An awesome way to impress a girl by text is to simply ask her how her day went. Start learning the facts about her life because when you show a vested genuine interest in her, she will open up to you.
If you never ask her about herself, she will quickly put her walls up and when that’s said and done, you have no power to impress her. That’s just the way the cookie crumbles.
Eight – Test The Waters With A Pet Name
When you give a girl a pet name, you are making her feel special, unique. However, you need to be aware that not all women appreciate a nickname so you might want to ask her if she’s okay with it first.
Relationships are all about emotional connection and that can definitely be done via text messaging. Start by giving her a pet name and go from there.
Nine – Easy On The Flirting Please
Flirting is a great way to impress a girl but only if you don’t go overboard with it. If she already knows you are into her, it’s important that you aren’t flirting with her every instant you can. This will get her bored fast.
You should focus more on getting to know what she loves and leave the flirting to intermittent here and there. Find your perfect combination and go from there.
Ten – Still…Don’t Be Afraid To Flirt When Given The Clear-Cut Opportunity
There are always going to be those perfect moments where you should flirt with her. Be patient and wait for them because that just makes them that much more powerful when you are trying to capture her undivided attention.
Eleven – Playing The Naughty Card On Occasion Is Okay
Ever girl wants a man to get naughty with her now and again, and it’s up to you to feel this one out. Start off with some playful vague naughty stuff and see how she responds.
If she ignores it and steers clear; you should to knock it off fast because she’s just not ready.
However, if she is dishing it back to you a little, you’ve got the green light to go a tad farther. Just don’t push too far or you might turn her off. Of course that’s the last thing you want to do.
Twelve – Be Emoticon Savvy
There aren’t many girls on the planet that don’t like receiving emoticons. A smiley face with a few kisses is enough to make a girl’s heart flutter. Keep it light but consistent because if you start using them and suddenly stop, she’s going to naturally wonder why.
Just trust me on this one.
Thirteen – Dirty Is Okay Too
First, test out borderline dirty text messages to see how she reacts. It shouldn’t take you long to figure out if she’s disgusted with you or it she’s on board.
Try and play with her mind a little and tell her you’re being naughty if she happens to ask what you’re doing. If you plant these dirty seeds in her head, she just might see you in a different light, one that’s going to help you impress her more.
Understand this isn’t always going to work and that’s okay. Follow your gut and more importantly listen to how she responds before you push it further.
Fourteen – Special Memories Are Important
You should always be looking to create a special bond between the two of you and that involves making memories to last a lifetime. Girls love knowing special things about a guy and when you open up and tell her about your favourite hobbies and music, when she comes across these things you’re naturally going to pop into her head.
Which is of course exactly where you want to be.
Fifteen – A Little Sappy Before Goodbye Is Sweet
Before you text off for the night, you should text something that makes her feel a little mushy. If you really want to impress her, you are going to have to make her want you and miss you when she’s not conversing with you.
When you find the key to get her sexually attracted to you, then you’ve just struck gold. Flirting and texting with a little suggestiveness but casual is fantastic when you’ve got all eyes on impressing a girl.
Sixteen – Texting Should Always Be Fun
If you are looking to seriously make a girl like you via text messaging, you need to keep it light and funny. You do want to make her laugh right?
Playful and funny texts will draw just about any girl in when you do it right. Remember to never get too serious because the last thing you want to do is make her bored. Try to start the conversation with a pickup line you’re comfortable with and make sure you finish always with an open ended question.
This way, you are encouraging her playfully to continue the text conversation naturally.
You want to make her want more.
Seventeen – Practice Fun Teasing With The Text Messages
If a man is gifted in playfully teasing a girl via text messages or in person, he’s on the right track. Poking each other back and forth is fun and inviting and it’s light. The best route to get a girl to open up to you and let you in.
Also, when you are fun texting, you’re showing her that you are confident in your skin and this is going to help you convince her to like you. And if you want to take it one step further, you should research different funny lines that are going to capture a girl’s attention.
Guess it just depends how much you want her.
Eighteen – Steer Clear Of Boring Talk
Please don’t try talking about the weather or what’s on the news. That just gets old fast. If you want to gain the reputation of a top notch text-er you need to learn how to strike up meaningful conversations that aren’t too serious.
You do want to leave a fantastic first impression right?
Jump right in with some light flirting and ask her the questions that are going to help you learn quickly more about her. That’s your key straight in.
Nineteen – Make Her Feel Special
Everyone wants to feel special right? Your job is to make sure this girl is smiling and feeling special with every text you send. Flirt with her to let her know you want to be more than friends but don’t take it too far. There is a fine line between light flirting and creepy.
Call her beautiful and pretty and you’re on the right track. And don’t forget to use your words. There’s just something sexy about intelligent men.
Twenty – Funny Call-Back Move
This one is definitely unique. When you are trying to capture the attention of a girl, you need to do whatever you can to make her remember you in a good light. And one way to have her remember you with a smile again and again is to ask her to put a funny name beside your number.
Maybe she can put you in as Popeye and you can put Olive Oil beside her number. Just something crazy funny that’s going to pop up whenever you’re texting and make you both laugh.
That’s just magical any way you look at it.
Twenty One – Chill On The Eagerness
One of the most common mistake guys make when they are trying to impress a girl its to get a touch too eager. If you are texting too much, you will seem too available and too eager and that’s a definite turn off.
If you are a perpetual text man, you are going to send girls the other way. And if you continuously use lame old pickup lines in your messages, you are going to lose her interest fast.
Find your balance and stick with it. Less is more here.
Twenty Two – Easy With Texting Her 24/7
This one is a little different then the eager issue because usually when a man texts too much, it often starts off right. Usually, a guy will start with interesting conversations and suddenly they start to become old, cold and boring.
You’re showing her that you have too much time on your hands and this automatically steels her interest in you. Try being a little unavailable up front and see how that works. This should make her want to text with you more and that should be music to your ears.
Make her miss you if you want to impress her and hiding in the shadows some is a great way to do it.
Confident girls want to know there’s a little competition out there because that means you are worth getting to know better.
Now this doesn’t mean you just stop texting altogether or you will lose her. Slow and steady wins the race. Wait before you respond and don’t squash her with too many texts.
Twenty Three – Don’t Be Scared To Ask Her Out
Remember, texting a girl and seeing her face to face are two totally different worlds. When you are texting to impress her, the experts recommend you ask her out often.
See if she’s like to go for coffee or to the movies. Ask her if she would like to come to a party with you or out for dinner. The sky is the limit and all you need to do is keep on asking.
This also showcases you are persistent and confident and you know what you want.
Twenty Four – Take Action With Memes
When you are looking to lighten the mood and impress a girl over text using memes is perfect. Memes use pictures so they convey what you are trying to say with a little humor and fun. And one of the best things about sending memes in your texts is they don’t have to mean anything specific.
In other words, she can interpret however she likes with a smile.
It won’t take you long to find the memes that make a girl laugh and the rest is up to you.
Twenty Five – Try Making Her Smile Off The Hop
One of the main mistakes men make trying to impress women is to not make them smile first. An easy way to do this is use a smiley face emoticon or better yet, one that’s winking. When a girl sees this first, she is already imagining you smiling and that’s all good.
Also, when using emoticons, you are displaying your emotions loud and clear. In other words, there is no grey here.
If you make her guess how you’re feeling, that’s going to create interference fast.
Twenty Six – Real Confidence And Light Humor Creates Attraction
When you make fun of yourself with a text, you’re showing a girl that you are confident and easygoing and that’s pretty impressive.
You need to feel like she is in a safe environment when she’s texting you and this does the trick nicely.
Make sure you don’t make it negative, but keep it light and inviting and you’re surely to impress her head over heels.
Twenty Seven – Make Sure You Do Whatever It Takes To Stand Out From Other Guys
Especially if you are going after a hottie, for sure she has other men circling around her. What you need to do is make sure you stand out from the rest of the boys so you get the real opportunity to impress her.
This means you have to create the “want” and “need” factors. You are going to have to give her reasons to want your attention and eventually need it.
Easier said than done I know.
First – You need to approach her in a light and funny way so she is intrigued with you and wants to know more.
Second – You’ve got to validate yourself and show her you are confident and secure in yourself. Women love a confident man.
Third – You need to make her feel special. This might involve giving her a nickname or telling her how beautiful she is. Trial and error is the only way to figure this out.
Fourth – Show her you are special. Showcase to her what’s so special about you and show her why she should be with her. In order to do this, you’re going to have to learn about her wants and needs fast.
The more you know about her, the easier this will be. You’ll impress her just because you are paying attention to her and are showing her you’d love to learn more.
Final Words
When you are looking at how to impress a girl over text, you have no choice but to do your homework! Use these tips, tricks and expert pointers to help you learn exactly what you need to do in order to impress a girl successfully.
If you really want he,r you will get her.
End of story.
Best of luck!