Let’s start with the somewhat classy ways for a man to become head over heels for you. When you learn how to make a man obsessed with you, then you’re golden.
It’s not easy to grab the attention of a man and keep it for all the right reasons. Of course, there’s the classy route and the not-so-classy one. We are going to closely follow the expert relationship tips and stay on the right side of the fence, for now anyway!
There will be times when you really put a lot of effort into getting a guy to go crazy over you and you get totally ignored. That just sucks!
FACT – There are so many distractions in our high-tech world today that making sure one particular guy is paying attention to just you is anything but easy.
Lucky for you, men are easy peasy when you think about it. Sure, they may have a variety of complex qualities but when it comes to qualities or traits men find attractive in women, it’s just about unified across the board.
This isn’t about the physical stuff, but the valued qualities that tend to make relationships last, you know, the substance.
With these strategies, you are bound to get their attention and from there it’s up to you to take the bull by the horns and make it happen when you’re ready.
How To Make A Man Obsessed With You
Here are a few telltale proven tactics to help you capture the undivided attention of the man on your radar and make him want more.
Strategy One – Just Be You Please
Now I don’t need you rolling your eyes over this one and thinking it’s cheesy because it certainly isn’t. Acting is tough and do you really want to have to act the rest of your life just to try and impress a man, try to give him what you think he wants to see and hear you?
I think not!
The best thing hands down you can do when you are trying to get a man is to just be yourself head to toe. This means the good, bad, and the downright ugly. Well, you might want to hold off on the ugly stuff for now but you know what I mean.
When you are happy with yourself, you are naturally going to attract the men that really do want the girl that you are.
Truth – Inner beauty trumps all else.
Strategy Two – Let Your Confidence Shine Through
This is another one I’m sure you’ve heard before but it’s important that you take it seriously. Confidence in the right amount is totally sexy. An excellent way to make men go crazy over you.
When you show your confidence, you’re shouting out to the world that you are secure set to positively take on the world. What better quality is there than that?
Insecurities be gone because confidence will get you what you want.
Strategy Three – Be Respectful And Loving Of Yourself
When you can’t respect yourself, you are telling all the men out there that you are not worthy of a second glance.
Is that really what you want?
Respect is an attractive trait and when you show this to guys, they are going to want to pay attention to you and only you. Give it a shot because you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Strategy Four – Stand Strong With Your Beliefs And Standards
A man likes a woman that knows what she wants, to a degree anyway. There is overdoing in anything and everything if you aren’t careful.
If the sweet gentleman you are with wants to take you to bed after your first meet and you don’t want that, just tell him for crying out loud!
If he wants to take you out for Chinese and you prefer Thai, open your mouth and tell him so please.
When you don’t, all you’re doing is creating miscommunication and this is going to get you nowhere fast.
Also, when you aren’t afraid to tell him what you want, you are also showing him you are confident and secure in yourself and that’s just plain sexy no matter what angle you look at.
Strategy Five – Make Sure You Are Generous And Kind
You can never make a second good first impression no matter how hard you try. Even if you start off on the wrong foot and try and start again, you can never erase those first seconds you met.
This means you need to pay attention and make sure you are open and kind and approachable right off the hop. Have your smile on and use your manners.
If you screw up, say you’re sorry and don’t be afraid to admit when you mucked up, you are human right?
Do this and the guys will be putty in your hands, seriously.
Strategy Six – Let Him Know What You Want And Prefer
This doesn’t mean you get to play the bossy card because that will get you kicked to the curb fast. What it does mean is that you need to show him within reason that you are okay being in charge.
That you can step up to the plate and handle things with confidence when the need arises.
Yes, men are naturally the ones that want to provide and remove all fear and worry, but there are times they need a break. When you show them you can give them this break, you are tapping into their heart and they are going to go crazy over you.
Just think about this one for a minute or two and apply.
Strategy Seven – Pay Attention To Yourself
What this means is you need to put a little effort into your appearance if you want to attract men. This does NOT mean you need to wear a ton of makeup or look like a model. But it does mean you should have proper hygiene, dress nicely and at least try and do your hair.
Exercising and healthy eating is also essential to showing a man you deserve him.
Smelling nice doesn’t hurt either. Have some fun trying out a few new perfume scents to see which one drives him wild. Maybe you will discover the “Axe” for women in the process?
Give him something to be proud of.
Strategy Eight – Don’t Be Pushy
If you really want a man to be obsessed with you, it’s important that you don’t put too much effort into getting him to notice you. Sometimes for whatever reason, it’s just not going to work and you need to walk away and say to yourself, “Next!”
Try not to put him up on a pedestal but don’t forget to lift him up too. This is a bit of a balancing act because you don’t want to lay it on too thick with an overdose of compliments. On the other hand, you want to pump him up a little.
Make him feel important in moderation and he will have literally no choice but to notice you for all the right reasons.
Strategy Nine – Keep Your Door Open
The only way you are going to get a man hook, line and sinker, is to open up to him and let him in. This doesn’t mean you have to spill your guts but you do need to let him get to know you from the inside out.
Talk about the now, the stuff that matters to you and you are on the right track for certain.
Let him know your goals, hopes and dreams and opinions on things that are important to you and hopefully him as well.
Now lets look at a few pointers that are a little less angelic when you’re focus is to make a man crazy over you.
Strategy Ten – Find That Word That Makes Him Nuts And Keep Whispering It
Experts report pet names will trigger a man to feel for you but if you want to push him over the edge, you just need to say his name.
There is just something electrifying when he hears his name from your mouth. This is according to body language experts worldwide.
Cosmopolitan experts agree that men need to hear their name in order to trigger the urge for competition and that means they are going to go for you fast and swiftly – Get ready!
Strategy Eleven – Reach Deep For The Keys
There’s just something about this “innocent-yet-not” gesture that’s going to drive him crazy. When you reach into his pocket to grab his keys, you are using the power of the unexpected touch to get the juices flowing.
When you do this, you’re stimulating the nerves and the anticipation of your touch creates a subconscious physical connection.
It’s the little things that truly matter.
What does this mean?
You should always have your eyes open for moments where you can “accidentally” touch him or brush up against him. Touchy-feely with the clothes on is a fantastic thing.
Strategy Twelve – He Doesn’t Want To Be In The Loop
Men are peculiar creatures and men really don’t want to know all the details of your life and they definitely don’t want to get caught up in the drama.
This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t share with him because you should but leave some of the nasty workplace drama out of the conversation please.
Psychologically speaking, guys really don’t have the capacity to handle loads of details and that’s why they will rarely ,if ever ,give you a play-by-play of their life.
Best Move – Keep the small talk to yourself and save the important or “bigger” stuff to share.
Go to the end of the story in other words and your’e going to give him valid reason to go after you.
Strategy Thirteen – Rewind Time With A Vivid Sensory Flashback
Depending on how far you are in your “relationship,” it’s important to speak vividly about anything physical between the two of you.
What does this do?
Well, it puts you front and center in his brain because men buy with their eyes first, never forget that.
Strategy Fourteen- Be Mysterious
Men explore by nature and when you act somewhat mysterious, he will naturally be drawn to you. Don’t be afraid to be vague with your conversation at times and a little evasive when he is pushing for the details.
Letting a guys mind wander and wonder a little is a great tool to push him into your light to stay.
Strategy Fifteen – Investigate The Competition
Lust really is fantastic and if you really want to make him crazy over you, make sure he sees other men checking you out.
There’s no doubt a man will step up to the plate when he sees another man interested in his girl. So make sure you are always looking your best and don’t be afraid to lock eyes for a minute when you feel another man checking you over.
If a guy catches sight of this, he is only going to want you more.
Flash a flirty smile and you are going to get men hot over you on the spot.
Strategy Sixteen – Learn To Be A Teaser
Men are often programmed by their smaller head. And when you delay satisfying him, you are only going to increase his desire for you. Send him sexy hot text messages and perhaps even unveil what you might like to do to him when given the opportunity.
Of course this depends on how well you know the guy and where you are in your relationship.
Final Words
When you are looking at how to make a man obsessed with you, it’s multi-factorial in the least. Take advantage of this expert information and don’t be afraid to follow your guy and his cues. Read between the lines and don’t let your emotions trump logic.
Show him you are confident in you and that you aren’t desperate and the rest will fall into place.
Time for you to take action and make him crazy over you. Best of luck!
Leticia says
I appreciate the time that you put to write this article and I hope that it will help other women to get the man of their dreams. Thanks for the great information and especially about the STRATEGY FIFTEEN. Every girl out there thinks that men want the perfect women. That is not the truth. I had to learn it the wrong way. Nevertheless, here is an interesting article that helped me realize the truth about what men really want. https://goo.gl/J652Gt
leslieb says
I did all these things and he STILL ain’t tryna boil any bunnies!!!
Gudie says
Just walk away then. He’s not ready for what you have to offer
Jess says
Good information but,some men explorers just.
Sheila says
Woooo!😍😍 he fell for it after he has ignored me forever after a terrible fight…then tried it after our dinner night I did took him out to renew our relationship and applied ur idea and I saw a positive change…he loves it wild tho and this is exactly ur message
wananda says
ill definitely try it out and see!!
Lucy says
I like that and I really do appreciate the concern that you have!! Thanks so much it was sweet and showing reality 👊👎👌
Jen says
None of these work.
Lil Miss says
he tells me he is not ready for a relationship!!! But when I end our friendship and cut contact
he relentlessly makes huge efforts to keep in contact and spend time with me. It seems the more I
push for him the more he back peddles and the more I back off the more he pushes forward!!!!!!!
I just don’t know what to do. I know he loves me or I don’t think he would
put so much effort in when he does. I NEED SOME HELP HERE!!!!
bronwyn carr says
Its called borderline personality disorder..I hate you dont leave me..Run Bambi. Focus on your worth and someone will see it soon enough.
Janie says
Wow reading this is exactly the same for me … He gets me so confused
Anonymous says
Been there, done that. Step away from that guy. He loves the chase, not you. Whenever he has you, it is not exciting to him anymore. Trust him when he says he is not ready for a relationship. Don’t pay attention to his words when he wants you back, he’ll say anything to get you back.. what truly matters are his actions, especially when he has you. You say he pulls back when he knows he has you, so I suggest you move on (though I know it’s hard). Have dignity and self respect! With a serious guy/right guy, it is easy and there is no confusion like this.
Exposer says
Proof women play games…. glad I saw this I will avoid women with these types of approaches….