When a man has eyes for a girl, there are certain male body language signals that don’t lie. In truth, it’s often difficult for a woman to figure out whether or not a man is seriously interested in her or not.
If you learn to pay close attention to male body signals, you’ll be able to successfully figure out the thoughts running through his brain. And if you get the thumbs up, there’s no doubt he’ll be tickled blue to hang out with you sometime.
46 Male Body Language Signs He Likes You
1. He’s only got smiles for you
According to the experts when a man is focusing his smile on you and no other girls, that’s a nice solid indicator that he really likes you.
Pay attention and act accordingly.
2. The eye lock is on
If a guy is seriously attracted to a girl, he’s going to make sure she gets plenty of eye contact. If he’s smiling while he’s locking eyes with you ,that’s an even better indicator he’s into you.
3. He sits facing you
This doesn’t mean he just has his face toward you. When a man really likes a girl, he will have his shoulders, feet and knees straight in line with you. This just shows you that he wants to get closer to you when you’re ready.
The balls in your court with this move.
4. He belly laughs at the little things you say
This doesn’t have to mean that you are funny. However, if a man really likes a girl, he’s going to laugh at the things she says to encourage her on. Even if you make a bad joke, a boy with his focus on you is going to laugh.
5. Makes a point of raising his voice
When a guy likes a gal, he’s going to make certain that when she’s within hearing distance, he’s going to be heard.
How does he do this?
By simply talking a little bit louder as to drown out all the other noises around. He just wants to make sure you can hear him and that’s magical.
This one is subtle but a clear-cut indicator he likes you when you catch it.
6. He fiddles with his shirt and hair
When a man does a quick once over before you enter the room, he definitely likes you. Does he run his hand through his hair? Does he straighten his shirt as you approach him?
He really doesn’t care about the people he’s with, because it’s obviously you he wants to impress. Take this as a nice big positive clue worth your while.
7. He’s showing you what he’s got while playing sports
When a guy likes a girl, he tends to step it up a few notches when he knows she’s watching him play a sport. If you watch closely, you’ll see he will try and show off whenever he knows you are paying attention to him.
He does this because he simply wants you to lock your eyes on him. An excellent indicator he likes you.
8. His body language is focused positive
Men aren’t usually aware of this but when a girl they like enters the room, they will literally straighten up. If he was slouching before you entered the room, you can be sure he’s sitting up nice and tall now.
His head may have been aimed down before you came in. After you walk in, no doubt it’s at least level.
These signals just mean he’s happy to see you and what you do from there is totally up to you.
9. No flinching when you reach out and touch him
There are men that are going to pull back or flinch when you brush past them or touch them. If a guy is uncertain of a girl, this is exactly what he’ll do. Pay attention to how he reacts when you do touch him. If it’s positive, that’s a signal he likes you.
10. He’s not afraid to show you he’s manly
This is one thing that’s simply unique to the male species, because gals normally don’t do this. If a man is sucking in his tummy, sticking his chest out and standing tall with his shoulders back, he’s trying to get your attention.
If you are quick and notice he does this every time he sees you, then you’ve got a winner inside out. He likes you, there’s no doubt about it.
11. He’s showing you he’s wide eyed alert
If a guy shows you with his facial expressions that he’s alert every time you say something to him, that’s a clear sign he’s into you.
This means he is genuinely tuned into what you are saying and wants to be ready to respond when needed.
12. The nerves sneak up when you speak
This one is so cute. Maybe he was having a good time talking with his friends and when you walked up he suddenly got nervous. Perhaps he gets red faced and starts fumbling for words a little.
Take it as it is because this means he likes you and wants to make sure he leaves a good impression around you.
13. This guy won’t ever turn his back on you
If a man is interested in a woman, he’s going to focus all his attention on you. He’s just not going to turn away from you and for certain his attention is never going to lapse. The only time he will turn away from you is because he’s leaving.
14. He likes to stare in a good way
Funny how you can catch a man staring at you and when you do, he’ll quickly look away. And when you take another glance his way, you’ll catch him looking at you again. The only reason for this is because he is interested in you and that’s fantastic news for you.
15. He pays attention to how you look
When a man notices how good you look, he’s going to say something. He might comment on your dress or hair or he might just nod and smile. All excellent indicators he appreciates how you look and that’s magical.
16. His eyebrows aren’t afraid to raise
When you walk in the room and his eyebrows raise up, in the least it means he is interested in what you’re saying. Best case scenario, he’s showing you that he’s happy to see you. A little of both will do when you are searching for male body language signs he really likes you.
17. All electronics off
This is a huge step in the right direction when you are looking for signs a guy likes you. If he’s making a conscious effort to put his phone away when you’re around, that’s telling you that you have his undivided attention. Talk about a rock solid sign he likes you for you.
18. He steps back on occasion
When a guy is acting a little rowdy with his friends and suddenly backs off when you walk by, so he doesn’t freak you out, this is a nice sign he likes you. Of course after you are gone, he will jump right back into rowdy mode.
Boys will be boys!
19. This boy likes chilling with you
If you happen to be out with a bunch of friends and a guy is hanging out with you, that’s a clear signal he wants to get to know you better. Otherwise, he’d hang out with the rest of the people in the room.
This means he wants to know what you have to say and that’s why you’ve got his undivided attention.
20. Daddy bear comes to life
When a man likes a woman, he’s naturally going to be protective of her. This means when you are walking through a crowded room, he will guide the way. And when you are going for a stroll down the street, he will make certain he walks on the side closest to traffic.
If the guy you are with is being protective of you in any shape or form, he is into you.
21. He’ll reach out and touch you
I’m assuming here the touching is classy. If this guy gently touches your shoulder or hand, or he reaches over to give you a nice big hug just because, then he obviously likes you. These are just a few subtle physical indicators he’s onto you in a good way.
22. He’s not happy when you are chatting with other men
If a guy likes a girl, he’s certainly not going to be jumping for joy when she’s hanging out with another man. In fact, he might well frown or have an annoyed expression on his face. Chances are he’s a tad jealous of the other guy and now the ball’s in your court to take action.
23. There’s an obvious lag when he says bye
When a man likes a girl, he might very well hang out a minute or two extra after you’ve said good-bye. Super sweet, don’t you think?
He’s doing this because he really doesn’t want it to end. Translation – he’s into you.
24. His rudeness dissipates around you
If a guy likes a girl, he’s going to chill with the rude words and gestures when you’re around. He’s just doing this to try and make a good impression with you. That means he obviously likes you or he wouldn’t bother.
25. Mirroring takes full affect
This is a natural body language indicator according to the experts. When a guy likes you, he’s naturally going to start mirroring your movements for approval. You can test this one out if you will.
Take a sip of your drink and see if he follows. Lean forward and see if he does it too. This is a really neat indicator that’s going to give you the ammo you need to take action with the man that really likes you.
26. He’s always facing his face toward you but not his body
Think of this move as being deliberate, simply because most people understand when someone faces you directly, they really like you. My guess is that if he pulls this one on you, he’s just playing the shy card.
27. Your personal space is no more
Whenever a man invades your personal space, that’s a good thing, just as long as you like him. If he is leaning into you just a little bit close than is normally acceptable, this could very well be a clue he really does like you.
Try this, move in a little closer to him and see how he reacts. If it’s positive, then you can be certain he likes you.
28. This guy isn’t afraid to reach out and touch you when apologizing
Some guys apologize for every little thing they do, thinking they have offended you. If he reaches out and touches your arm when he says sorry, that’s a good sing he wants to know you better.
He might also be genuinely worried about you and his nerves are taking this one a little overboard. Just keep your mind open here and look for the positive.
29. He pays attention to your space
If a man walks toward you and his eyes are surveying the space around you, he’s just trying to figure out who you are with and what you’re doing.
This is a good thing because he just wants to be clever and see if you are available or not. Make sure you send him the positive signals back so he can take action.
30. Avoidance isn’t always bad
When a guy thinks you might not really be into him, it’s normal for him to try and avoid you. He doesn’t want to embarrass you. However, when you find him later, he will always be super happy to see you.
This man will need a little positive encouragement from you. He likes you but he needs you to push him along some.
31. This guys checks you out head to toe
I don’t mean he does this in an uncomfortable way. And you’re going to really have to pay attention to catch this one. If he’s harmlessly gazing at you, this is a good sign he likes you.
32. He leans in toward you
If a boy has his feet set and leans in toward you, straight up without turning away, he is showing positive body language toward you. This is a welcome signal he is into you and wants to get to know you better.
33. This guy doesn’t mind staring
For sure, he isn’t meaning to offend you, but on the flip side, he wants to show you that he is drawn to what he sees in front of him. So he might get caught staring at you from time to time and that’s a good thing.
34. The deep voice is used
A guy will unconsciously deepen his voice to sound more like a man when he’s around a girl he admires. Pay attention for this subtle sign.
35. When he leaves, he glances back at you
If a guy walks away from you but glances back one last time, that’s a solid indicator he likes you. He might just be a little sad that he’s gotta go and won’t see you for a day or two.
36. External stimuli doesn’t affect him
When a man ignores everything around him and only focuses on you, that means you’ve found a guy that wants your attention. There could be people yelling at each other not far away and he won’t take his focus off you.
37. This guy isn’t afraid to show you his moves
If a guy comes up to you in a bar and starts talking while he’s still dancing, you’ve found a boy that is deeply into you. Take this for what it is. He wants you to loosen up and come have some fun on the dance floor.
38. He has no issue giving you what you need without a word
If the man you are with automatically places things in front of you that you need, without a word, then you know he’s paying attention to you and wants your attention.
39. This guy sets his pace with you
When you are walking together, does the guy slow or speed up his pace to match yours? If he’s doing this, it means he wants some attention from you. Talk about magical.
40. Larger pupils
If a guy has dilated pupils, either he’s into you or you’re in a crazy dark place. Pupils dilate when you see something you are attracted to. That’s the experts talking so you better pay attention!
41. He’s not afraid to show off his front teeth
The only time a man is going to smile big enough to show off his front teeth is if he likes a girl. When flirting, guys might show a little bit of teeth but if you are seeing the real deal smile, he wants you to know you mean something to him.
This man really likes you.
42. His whole face is smiling
When a smile extends beyond the mouth, with the eyes squinting and the forehead lifted, it means he is genuinely into you. Once again, a sign you’ve got a man in front of you that likes you.
43. He licks his lips in a nice way
Yes, some guys that lick their lips are just plain creepy. That said, when you get into body language tactics, the experts say when you are attracted to someone, you make more slobber. So naturally he’s going to lick his lips more to compensate.
This may be a little gross but for all the right reasons.
44. Breathes in deeply when you are in his view.
Everyone needs oxygen to live but when a man subconsciously takes a deep breath, puffing out his manly chest, it’s his instincts trying to make him look bigger and stronger for you. In other words, he’s just trying to impress you.
Think fittest of the fit here and you’re on track.
45. The guy tends to sit with his legs wide open
This one is jumping out on a limb a little. But studies report that when a guy sits like this, he is exposing his “parts” which are loaded with sensitive nerve endings. He’s just showing you he’s willing to be vulnerable in hopes that you will let him get to know you.
If you notice this one and see any other signs that he likes you, then you are on the right track.
46. This man unconsciously touches his throat
Experts report that when a man reaches to touch his throat, he is showing vulnerability and communication. Be careful because Mr. Ego can also use this to signal dishonesty.
Feel him out and it shouldn’t take too long to figure out if he likes you or not.
Final Words
More often than not, men don’t say what they are thinking and feeling. If you learn how to pay attention to their body language, you can figure out whether you should get to know them or kick them to the curb.
Take the time to use these expert pointers to figure out whether or not a guy is into you. If he is, that’s fantastic and if he isn’t giving you these clear-cut signs he likes you, don’t be afraid to move on fast.
You deserve what you want.
Best of luck!
Elina says
Someone of my classmate friends said “ he likes you “ to me. But I didn’t reply back I just smiled. After that I know he liked me so, sometime I look at him because I want to know if he really likes me or it’s just a lie so I looked at him. Then I catch him that he starting at me like a long time. Also when the class was end when we are at the hallway he walk front of me with his friends and he look behind and he look at me again. After all that he can’t he’s outfit all the time like he wear a different hoodie everyday. But now he acting like he don’t like me..That’s that mean he likes me?
Kate says
He might still like you but he is trying a different approach to see your reaction. Or he got tired of trying to show you he likes you and thought you didn’t like him back.
Helsé Riddle Tan says
I have a crush… and im not sure if he likes me too. At first, we start of as a friend. He usually chats me. But, all of sudden, we’re not as close as before. We seldomly talk to each other evntho we meet almost evryday. But, he always help me whn I need his help. I oftenly caught him look at me. Our eyes always meet to each other’s when we meet. And his bestfriend told me my crush likes me, but when I ask his bestfriend once again, he told me tht he likes me too, I mean my crush’s bestfriend. (Srry for my bad english, Im from China)
Kate says
He might like you but you need to see more signs to know for sure. If you get a chance, try to talk to him to get more clues.
Losanta Elkomos says
My crush caught me staring at him and I kept foung it and so he stared at me to get me back then confronted me.. I’m not sure if he likes me iui r not and I have to do a lot of things we ith him I’m scared to go to school tomorrow because all my classes are with him… what should I do?? HeLp
Anonymous says
Guys tend to do that. Its just their way of playing hard to get. But if you share interest then make sure that he knows that you like him too by dropping the most obvious signs cause we all know guys are bad at picking up regular ones.
Shahad says
Hi. I have a crush on a guy and we share all the classes together and sometimes I can see that he looks at me while I’m talking to my friends and we make many eyes contacts, mainly because I love him and he’s so cute that I can’t not stare at him. He recently started loving basketball because he knew that I liked it too (he used to be obsessed with soccer though) and once we sat next to each other and he purposely placed his legs next to mine so ours could touch and it literally stayed like that the whole period. He likes to joke with me like bump me from behind, high five me he even unties my shoelaces sometimes. And I remember once in the library we talked about some personal stuff about ourselves and he kind of got closer to me while we talked and he touched my hand and all. He doesn’t chat with me except when he needs stuff that are school-related . Do you think he likes me or is he just playing?
Kaedeemjee says
I have this guy I like. Once, I accidentally caught him looking at me and averted his eyes when I lifted my face in his direction . And they have this space where he and his friends often stay . It’s near the girls’ washroom. I caught him twice , as I went outside the washroom, his eyes averted in my direction. Also, there’s this instances that he stares at me.. I look to him for a while and look in another direction because I’m ashamed.. and every time I’m talking with my guy friend, he always passed between us or stand still between us . But he never talked to me. Can I assume he likes me too ?
Kate says
If he keeps looking at you, then most likely he likes you.
Marlee says
I have a crush and he is popular. My heart beats really fast when I say i’m gonna go talk to him but then i never do. I did talk to him one time tho I asked him if he was going to Homecoming and he said he was actually talking to this girl and I said oh. okay he said sorry and walked away but he was super sweet and nice about being sorry I always check to see if he’s looking at me. He nevcr really does but when he does look at me it is always a super long stare but if I catch him he will look away quickly. I was walking to my class at school and him and Im where the only ones in the hallway and I looked at him and smiled and he turned around to see if anyone was behind him or something and then he avoided looking at me when he turned around but he did glance at me. I can’t tell if he likes me or if he is just not interested. I sometimes make excuses to go to a certain class just because I know he is in there is that bad, but when ever I do walk in he looks and then just looks back at his phone.
Kada says
theres this boy in my class and he got a new hair cut and new clothes and he is always showing them out to me.And he is always staring and smileing at me. Do you think he likes me?
Kate says
Hi Kada,
Yes, he clearly likes you.
Cinderella says
I have a crush and I’m in year 6, today I caught him looking at me the whole time while other people were talking about what they liked about our excursion we had today.
I sometimes find it weird but I have a good feeling that he likes me.
Some boys have found out that I like him and told him but I really don’t care now because I’m really good Family friends with my crush so yeah. I also wanted to ask this one question, does it mean my crush likes me if he jumps over me while I’m sitting down and be’s dirty minded towards me?
Izzayy says
If he smiles with he’s whole face he likes you! And try to notice if he’s pupils get bigger when you two are together or you catch him looking at you if they expand he’s into you!
Jennifer says
He sometimes look at me….when our eyes meet he looks away almost immediately. …he still has a girlfriend though but he doesn’t talk much to her now..I think he is confused..does he like me?
Kate says
Hi, if he keeps secretly looking at you, then yes, he might like you.
Lilly says
There is a guy I like he shoes most of these sings but I’m not sure if he likes me back he’s nice he said if I was ok in a baby voice he kind of got scared when I tried to pat him on the shoulder .
Oly says
I have this guy who is my friend he like to touch me in a romantic Way, like touching my face, neck, shoulder, back and leg, but he has never said anything about liking me or wanting to be my boyfriend or not. Should I avoid him though I can of like him
Kate says
He likes you, he’s probably just too shy to say anything. You don’t have to avoid him, especially if you like him too.
Rhonda says
Michelle says
Some guy friend I’ve known for sometime recently told me he liked me. Then I said ‘thank you for telling me’
Then I told him I didn’t expect that to come from him. Since then he hasn’t said a word about it. I tried to ask just be sure that he wasn’t lying. Still he just avoided the question. Advice please. it’s becoming a bother
Kate says
Well, you didn’t really respond that you liked him too. He probably thinks that you don’t like him as a love interest so he avoids the subject now.
Amy says
There’s a customer that comes into where I work. He always smiles at me. If I’m not there the girls say he looks for me. He’s a very nice man. I try to stay oblivious to the whole thing. Don’t want to read more into than there is. Not sure if he is even married or not. He comes in alone or with his son. He never mentions a wife. So who knows. Last week I was just coming into work & he came around the corner. And his face really lite up. He smiled and spoke like we always do. He has never had that reaction before. Then a few days ago he did the same thing twice. Just not sure how to think of all this. I don’t want to get hurt by reading into it. Any suggestions?
Kate says
Seems like he likes you. However, don’t read too much into it. Just wait and see what happens. He might ask you out or ask your number.
Latoya says
Hello Kate, is it different during a job interview?
I caught the interviewer looking at myself 4sec twice, while remaining calm and smiling very lightly at the end of the interview. We were always sitting face to face. I cannot say, but I’m still curious, wondering if I was right …
Great article.
Kate says
It should be different. Usually, the interviewer needs to be professional. However, if you picked up some subtle signals, you may be right.
alexandra says
So there’s this guy i have a crush on. But he keeps on sending me mixed signals. Sometimes when our eyes meet he averts his gaze, and sometimes he actually follows me across the room with his eyes. We don’t interact a lot but the first time we did we were in a group of people and he told a joke then looked immediately at me as if he was waiting for my reaction to the joke. Then he kept on trying to start a conversation with me. That happened a long time ago , like months ago. But lately i think he is showing interest again. When he sees me his eyebrows flash. and he keeps on making eye contact. however i’ve seen him kiss a girl twice. The first time he kissed this girl and then each one went his way. they didn’t talk for the whole night. the second time it was in front of me, we were in line , waiting to get our coats while leaving a party. so she left first and it was so crowded that we ended up squeezed to one another. and at some point one of the guys in line with us said sthg funny so we were both laughing and he leaned towards me and like wispered a comment on that joke in my ear. and when i looked at him he was smiling and looking at me. I am not sure if i am reading too much into this but it seemed to me like he was actually interested . but then again sometimes he looks very cold when we make eye contact. it is very confusing. what do you thing i should do ?
Kate says
Seems like he likes you. If there’s an opportunity, try to talk to him and smile at him when he looks at you.
????????? says
I like this boy when we see each other we talk a lot and he puts his phone up and tells me a lot about his life and family does he like me?
John Delaney says
You should just ask him and if he says no then you’ll know he doesn’t or does like you.
Aaaaaa says
Hi there is this guy in my year group he came to our school at the start of year 8 and we were instantly good friends and then in year 9 we had no classes together but we would still see each other around and do our usual annoy each other😃and now we are in year 10 and have 4 classes together and he has gone crazy again. He has dropped nearly all the hints on this website and it’s really annoying me like he’s been so close to telling me that he likes me or his friends have nearly said and they chicken out on the last dam word. I’m sure he likes me and I like him . It’s been like this for 2 years straight now going into th 3rd year.
Kate says
Seems like he’s just really shy.
Naomie says
Hi so i have this guy i like for aboit a year, I confessed to him and he said he doesnt like me the way I like him. But after a while I see him do these signs, he looks at me for like a second and looks away, gidgets with his hair, talks to me about personal things, and not really that scared to get physical with me like hug me, so I’m so confused on weather he likes me or not.
Naomie says
Also he mirrors what I do sometimes
Kate says
Yes, that’s definitely odd. There might be a possibility that he got to know you more and started to like you. However, don’t get your hopes up. It’s his time to confess now if he really likes you.
Leila says
i have this guy in my class,he has been staring at me for almost two years now.there are times i catch him staring at me and he looks away almost immediately,there are other times i catch him and he holds my gaze for a few seconds before he looks away. Some days he’ll come and try talk to me,but i usually shy away.i have also noticed that whenever he comes to talk to me ,he usually has a genuine smile on his face which usually makes my heart beat fast.do you think he likes me?
Leila says
Sorry Leila and Joanna are both my names
Kate says
Yeah, seems like he likes you. Next time when he comes to talk to you, don’t shy away. If you start talking to him, I’m sure you’ll find out pretty fast if he genuinely likes you.
Luna says
I have a guy friend I see him every other week and he always hugs me from behind and he keeps doing that I see him staring at me a lot but when he sees that I saw him he looks away fast and blushs then if I am talking to another boy he interrupts us and pulls me away every time he does that he takes me somewhere that there are no boys then he always wants to hang out with me.
Dose he like me?
Kate says
Yes, these are signs he likes you.
Aayushi says
I met him professionally found him really nice and gentle. He listened to my queries regarding our job very carefully. He was facing me but he didn’t really smile much when I praised his credentials. He is very intellectual and speaks less. However, I liked him but I want to know him more. So, I called him after a week just to hear his voice and told him I accidentally did that. However he very cutely asked me How I was? I don’t know how to approach him but I think hes very shy particularly because he is more focused about his profession. What do I do to know him more so that he doesn’t feel awkward.
Blozzy says
After i say that i will post mine
Me and you are kind of in the same predicament. I like a guy in my workplace, i don’t have his number and i do not know how to go about that. Most times we talked it is about proffesional issues and he seems to give full attention to me
There is more but i will talk about that in my own post
Anime senpai daisuki says
Ermm…so I have a crush on this tall ass dude. And in class I often catch him looking at me, and after I look back at him, he quickly looks away. And sometimes when I look at him, he looks back and we both look away >_///< Uwaahh plez help me
Kate says
Seems like he likes you.
Jeon Kookie says
The family of my Crush is our family friend and we only interact if we had a party on our house and my friend Cindy notice that he’s staring at me and whenever I look at his direction he look away. And I notice that he’s making an effort to make an eye contact with me.. He copy my move.. One time he can not even look at me in the eye and he seems nervous.. And I think his ideal types fits with me but whenever my brother asking him if he has a girlfriend. he always say that he don’t have a girlfriend and he said that he has a ideal type and he mention the name of another woman not me..
I don’t know what to do he always giving me a sign that he likes me but why he always mention another woman name as his ideal type of Woman.??
Kate says
Hi, he probably likes you but he is scared to admit to everyone that his ideal woman looks like you. He may not know for sure if you like him too.
Winnie says
I have this guy in my class that usually comes to talk to me almost every time he gets a chance. once we were talking and he asked me some random questions and i answered back,he sat quiet for some seconds then said “when we are done with high school,if i ever meet you in college am gonna marry you”.then he sat up then went to sit back with his friends . do you think he likes me?
Kate says
If he said that then he definitely likes you.
Samantha says
There’s this guy I’ve known for many years, and he’s really shy with girls. In our middle school graduation party, I kept catching him looking at me. We once sat next to each other in class, and he seemed to always treat me differently from other girls at our table. For instance, he would always make sure I’d get a chance to participate in a game–but he didn’t do the same for others. But he’d also be a bit awkward with sharing things. Once I forgot my workbook, and when I asked him if we could share he said, “Oh, that’s a first.”
Also, whenever I’m not around and he sees my mom, he would ask her where I was.
I like this guy, but still not sure if it’s reciprocated. What should I do to get closer to him?
Kate says
If you get the chance, try talking to him. In this way, you might get more clues if he likes you or not. However, when someone keeps looking at you, they usually like you.
Dava says
So I have a crush on a guy and sometimes I’ll look at him and we will make eye contact for like three seconds and than he will look away or I will and him and I were both in track and while practicing I slowed down at the end after sprinting and in a rude tone he told me that I cant slow down and that I need to keep running because I could have made it without slowing down and I don’t know if he was trying to give me advice or something and he also knew who I liked(I like two kids) and every day, after he found out, he would say “HES MINE YOU CANT HAVE HIM!” Or “(Crushes name) is mine you can’t talk, hang, or think about him.” And things like that and i don’t know if he was trying to make me jealous or things like that but we keep looking at each other for like three seconds everyday and making eye contact in that gaze. Do you think he likes me I need help:/
Kate says
Yes, I believe he likes you unless you keep getting mean stares.
Shorrell says
My crush always looks at me then smiles at me for 10 seconds then turns his head. We don’t talk to each other and Im quiet in class but when I do talk and laugh he keeps glancing at me and he talks louder and flirts with other girls then look at me. There are some days were he Avoids me then some days he glances at me.
What is he trying to do? Does he like me or not?
Kate says
If he keeps looking and smiling at you then he definitely likes you.
Haizee says
Hello! I’m pretty confused with myself. I kinda like a guy (which is pretty complicated because he’s my bestfriend’s ultimate crush for 4 years already) We’ve been classmates since last last year though I’ve liked him only this year. I notice that whenever I sneak a peek at him his elbows point to me (he’s sitting down on his seat while leaning his head on his elbow) then sometimes smiles before looking at me. I don’t really look obvious because I don’t look away immediately; looking nervous. And one time we had track and field for our intramurals then he was part of it. I was known in my group of friends to have a high, loud voice, then he smiled for a second when I cheered for him (I also cheered for my other friends and classmates so I don’t look obvious). In my circle(s) of friends I’m also known to walk like a penguin and whenever I slip or walk like that he laughs and teases me to his friend. I’m pretty fine by those signs BUT he usually teases me with his two friends, and his two friends tease me with them. Help, I’m really confused.
Kate says
Keep looking for more clues. However, if he keeps teasing, smiling, and looking at you then he probably likes you.
Naomi says
There is this guy I have had a big crush on but recently he found out… So after a month of knowing I liked him, he didn’t say anything to me but I wasn’t complaining… So five days ago I had an event in my school so after the party we decided to do truth or dare… Then I say yes that I will play… So the guy I had a crush on said he will play also so that dared me to give him a german or French kiss… I kind of thought about it and decided to do it, I want to were he was sitting so I decided to sit on him before I could say anything he just started kissing me then I followed. After some seconds later my friends and his went crazy… Si they were like “yo, bro it has past 10 secs”… That was when I decided to stop.. But he didn’t let me then my friends now separated us before we could get any further.. So after everything he started acting different around me like staring, avoiding eye contact, acting just weird… So yesterday he was asking my friends if I’m single or not.. Or if I like someone so they said yes… Then he was acting as if he didn’t know I liked him… So with that he stood up and said “you guys should come and see this” then my friend now said “why are you trying to change the subject, you asked a question and I told you”.. Then he came back… So I texted my friend why did u tell him about me she said how will you know when I helped you to win the jackpot and I was like what jackpot.. She was now like um… I can see everything turning around… I’m so confused I don’t know if he likes me but if he doesn’t and he hasn’t even made a move yet.. 😩😩
Kate says
He definitely would have not kissed you the way he did if he didn’t like you. Also, he wouldn’t be asking around if you are single or not if he didn’t like you.
Diana says
There is a mural starring at each other from a far. The other day I walk into the classroom and he stares at me until I sat down with his whole body does that mean he likes me?
Kate says
If he gives you friendly stares then yes he might like you.
Cali says
I worked with this guy he is much older than me , but extremely attractive I have noticed that for awhile now Everytime he sees me makes direct contact keeps on smiling and always wants to atleast get a few words in to start a conversation, also he went from gentle patting my back to slowly touching it and my shoulder . Not only that , but now giving big hugs while catching me of guard or whenever he can go for one he does , also when he hugs me I can sense him trying to smell me and hold me tight … What does he really want? Because he is also married
Kate says
I don’t know about his true intentions but he sure wants to be more than friends. Seems like he wants to cheat on his wife.
kay says
there’s this guy who i’ve known since the beginning of college but we’ve been close off and on during those years. recently, we’ve become close since the beginning of the school year. he teases me /a lot/ when we’re hanging out during breaks between classes with our other friends. but whenever we’re alone, just the two of us, he never teases me and we actually talk about our lives and other topics. he recently asked to go out for lunch and he even paid for it. a huge sign for me was that he never uses his phone around me and the only times he does is to show me something about his life or something interesting that pops up. also, during those little breaks between classes and when it’s just the two of us, he majority of the time had his whole body facing me, even closed his laptop and just talked to me. it was only when another guy came in and talked to me that he really used his laptop. and when there are other friends with us and he talks to everyone, he keeps his gaze on me (not sure if it’s because i’m paying attention or if i’m just in his view or something). he also offers to do things for me like taking me to places or if he can’t do it, he tries to have other people help me. what does throw me off is that he checks out other girls and teases me about guys who i said were cute. do you think that he’s interested in me and may be making more moves or are we just close friends?
Kate says
Does he check out other girls when you two are alone or only when you guys are hanging out with other friends?
kay says
When we’re hanging out with other friends and just once in a blue moon if we’re alone, but it’s more of a joking tone when we’re alone.
Kate says
If he’s just joking around and not serious about other girls, then I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Maybe he wants to make you a little jealous.
Angelina says
Hi! I have a situation that I’m a bit confused about involving me and this guy; I really would appreciate someone else’s opinion on the matter because I often find that my gut feeling is right really only half of the time, so it’s like a 50/50 chance that he likes me. Okay, so here’s the story (note: all of these things have just happened last week over the span of Wednesday and Friday). There’s this guy in my business class who has just been enrolled this semester. He’s dark-skinned with dark eyes (black), tall and muscular but with a softer face, and I’m of Italian heritage: a blonde with blue eyes, and shorter, with a thin muscular(ish) body as well, just for visual. I’m not sure if he’s a sophomore or a freshman or even a junior (although I feel like he’s either a freshman or sophomore) and I’m a freshman. So, essentially, I was working on an online assignment which is kind of like a competition (personal finance simulation) and I was struggling a bit with it and out of nowhere, he comes up to me (my desk with a computer in front of me) and starts showing me how to do the simulation. He was like, “Click here. Do your education on the weekends and your work during the week. It’s much easier, trust me.” and such statements for a few minutes and then eventually proposes the following: “Come over to my desk and I’ll show you how I did it.” And so I agreed and he led me over and said, “Here, sit down” as he pulled out a chair for me. And I politely said ”Thanks” as I watched him do the simulation. He showed a few of these body language signs as he explained to me his successes in the simulation, such as deepening his voice (although it was a quiet and intimate volume), “manspreading”, looking me directly in the eye, etc. He also leaned back and stretched, puffing his chest almost. I had to go back to my seat because I was called to it about 10 mins later and so I did and the next class period (two days later), I was presenting my business-related board game to each group of student teams that rotated to play the various games in the classroom, and by assignment, his group was assigned to my game on like the fourth round out of five total. My game was based on the game Clue but it was a business mystery sort of theme. The previous three groups were unable to solve the final “combination”, or what was the answer/solution to my mystery game in the time period we were allowed to play the game, which was totally expected because to logically solve the mystery, one would have to be shown the proper clue cards to write off entirely the false solution possibilities and such. But when he came, he was absolutely unconventional about solving the mystery; it was quite intriguing to watch, actually. He kept saying, “I’ve got it; I’m onto something; Oh, yeah, I’m going to win” in kind of a cocky, but flirty tone, meanwhile, I was just smiling at him the whole time because of the way he said and did things) and to my surprise, he actually solved the mystery at the end (right before my teacher called time)! He straight up asked people what cards they had and although they never told him, he claimed that he could see it in their eyes (when he told me his strategy afterward). So essentially, he can read people very well. He won fair and square, though, and when he did, I literally gaped and remarked, “Wow!! You got it right! That’s really impressive!” and I smiled a lot and he smiled. After that game, he got up out of his chair and walked a few steps closer to me and gave me a hug (not too much, just like a side hug) and said “Thanks for the game” and I replied while patting his back, “Oh, yeah, you’re welcome” and smiled. And then during the next round, this other kid came along with his group and he was close to winning (he had a few hints here and there) and eventually just went over to Tyler (names, I know) and asked for his help. Within moments, he, too, had won! Man, was that a turn of events – and a fun one, too! Anyways, thereafter, Tyler came over to me after class (when my teacher stated that we had one minute to pack up because he had to go to a meeting directly after school and wanted to lock the door, meanwhile my game and stuff was all splayed across the table) and he offered to help me. He said, “Do you need help?” and I replied, “Yes, please.” And one of my friends comes over to me and says quietly but loud enough for him to hear, “Ooh, Angelina, look who you’ve got helping you.” and I was just like ‘Shut up’ mouthing it to her in a playful way. And out the door we went, Tyler carrying my stuff as we walked and talked (the first time we’ve ever done so) and it just felt so casual and carefree, like there wasn’t a worry in the world. I asked him about his game and the ideas he had for that, as well as just some small talk as we went back and forth answering questions. I kind of went a bit too serious/Idk how to describe when he said “What are you doing over the weekend?” and I replied, “Well, my parents are divorced so I’m going back to my mom’s.” I’m not sure if that was too dark or whatever but the tone of my voice wasn’t sorrowful/regretful it was kind of just a normal tone as if I had said something else, probably because it’s kind of something that’s normal for me, as they’ve been apart for the vast majority of my life. Anyways, though, he was mostly quiet at that but kind of like “Hm.” And then I said, “Well, I have to go now; thank you for carrying my stuff.” And he said, “You’re welcome.” And I said, “Okay, bye” and smiled and he said “See you Tuesday.” and so we will see one another again, as Tuesday is tomorrow. I get hit on A LOT by guys; I suppose it’s a more favorable problem to have (haha), but I’ve never really had an experience like this. He seemed really comfortable talking to me, though, and not as nervous as you’d think if he liked me, so I’m not really sure if he just wants to be friends, or if he’s actually into me. I’m not sure; can you please help me? I’m not sure what experience you have but any insight would be appreciated. Thank you very much 🙂 And I don’t mean to be prideful, either, just stating these details for the background. 🙂 Thks again 😉
Kate says
Seems like he likes you since he’s enjoying talking and helping you. However, I think you need to look for more signs to be sure if he likes you more than a friend.
Carmen Covey says
Well, a few months back I dated a really close friend of mine. We had just known one another for nearly 3 to 4 months. We were like best friends. And then we soon started to date which only lasted for about a month because things got complicated and I kind of lied to him about sth related to me..so ya I broke his trust…and then one day he comes and tells me he doesn’t have feelings for me anymore, and that for one week he hasn’t felt anything. So we break up. after that we don’t speak for 2 and a half months even though I see him at school every day, we used to just ignore and avoid. then one day I came to know from a very reliable and external source that he was talking to him/her about how I lied to him. so it took me one week to muster up the courage and go apologies. From next day onwards his behaviour changed; he would pick on me during classes, have friendly arguments, pull my leg and all.
This lasted for about a month because I started feeling like an object of entertainment for him and I thought we would never be able to be friends again and I did not want to confront him cuz if the teasing stopped then there would have been no other way in which he would have interacted plus I really missed him. And one day all of this hit me so hard, I cried, I missed him. I wrote a letter with all the letter things I wanted to say to him but could not. And a few days after writing the letter he even ended up seeing it which is a different story altogether.
In that letter i had written,”I know I have been replaced. And even though we don’t talk, i still care for you a lot. i never stopped loving you as a friend” that kind of a thing. it was a long letter and a very emotional one. then we sit together the same to sort things out, but i was so tensed out i denied that i had written the letter but later, we became friends again. we became “normal” with one another. i knew it would take time before we became friends like the way we were before.
this lasts for about two weeks then one day i come to know that i have been paired up with his brother for some couple dance which i had already told him twice the day he read the letter and we sorted things. the brother was behaving very weirdly anyway and was keen on changing partners, he even gave me a hint that it was related to him(the guy i hv been talking about since the beginning, the one i dated…), so at tht time i didnt think anything serious, i just thought that he was feeling weird. cuz he was dancing with his brother’s ex. well, he was bound to fell weird right? but i dont know if theres anything more to it. he didnt tell me and i also didnt ask him. then the next say all of us are sitting together and somedond says that i am dancing with “xyz” so, he ( the guy i dated) looks up and says “when did this happen”. i say nothing. then after a couple of days we are just chatting normally about sth and he asks me suddenly “so hows the dance practise going”. and i dont know what came over me, i tried to make him jealous. i went all like “oh its so much fun. “xyz” is so funny, he makes me laugh and i was talking about the steps where he holds me”…you know that kind of stuff…
thena couple days later….this guy from his gang only but they arent that close, comes and tells me he loves me. i take it as a joke. the next day i am around, and the whole gang is there too including him. they all are trying to convince me that their friend likes me and all and that this is not a joke. And throughout this he doesnt say anything, he just continues to look down and walk back and forth. his friends even say “hey, why dont u tell her its true” but he doesnt say anything at all. then there was this another guy around too, with whom i am obssessed and it is just fun and he is extremely innocent and all and people have been pairing since before i dated my best friend so…recently or rather 2 months back i got to know that he liked me. So when his friends were talking to me and he was pacing back and forth. i heard the guy that im obssessed with’s name. so my ears perked up and i asked what about him…so they all go like oooooh and in that instance he quits walking back and forth and comes straight to me and says in a “not-normal” tone that he has never used with ne. he goes all like “oh he likes you, doesnt he.” honestly it felt a little harsh, the tone i mean, and taunting too. i quitely say,”i dont know” then he says “oh no no, he likes you. i got it confirmed from my sources, he likes you he likes you. i tell him to lower his volume or just shut up cuz tht guy was sitting very close and i didnt want to ut him in an akward place. then he goes all like, he likes you so whats there to be ashamed of huh?”
and then i tell him to shut up!! the same day when it was just us talking alone, we shared a really weird high five in which our hands were still in the air entwined and then he holds my hand and puts it down to a side, and we are just looking at one another, no expressions. then i quickly pull away. whats this supposed to mean hoenstly? from my end it felt exactly like the time when we were dating and would hold hands and all. i bet he felt sth too!
then 2 more days pass by and honestly i dont remember what happened cuz its been quite some time but the day of the dance in the afternoon i am just sitting in a class with hardly any people and he comes and we talk for a few seconds then he tells me lets go sit at the back. but i being smart sit opposite to him and not next to him. we are talking he doesnt look away even once and i look away a lot of times, even the day we had tht weird high five or held hands or call it whatever. well he did look away just once when i wasnt talking and i was looking here and there. and while we were talking he says ,” you and xyz look damn cute while dancing” so me being a kid, “i go all like”oh thanks” with a beaming smile and all. but i soon realize i shouldnt have said that he is my ex after all so i quickly say in a neutral tone “its fine, its okay”
and then we were just talking….. and during the dance….there was dj so i dragged the guy im obssessed with to the dance floor and he decided to join the group where he was dancing. so he immediately goes all like, “oh your crush, dance with her n, oh look your crush, why dont you dance with her”, hinestly it was a taunt. i snapped at him then and after a while joined another group. Then for dinner i was sitting next to the guy im obssessed with and everyone was teasing us. i even gave hima rose and all. and he was sitting on the table behind. the whole evening i waited for him to come and tell me i looked nice but he didnt and especially after that taunt i didnt even feel like approaching him. then the next thing i know after some time when i am the only one sitting at the table cuz i was tired while all of them were dancing, theres a chair that comes flinging at me. can you believe it! a chair. he kicked a chair at me. i lost my mind then. i look back. he is looking here and there and i aks him what was all that about, demanding an explanation. he just says very plainly “oh i dont know, must have slipped” then i get up and go join my friends but after a few secs i go to him since he was alone at the table and ask him what the hell was that? he says “i dont know what you r talking about. so i say very angrily ” honestly i dont know why you behave this way, i jst wish you would stop” and i walked away.
Carmen Covey says
the next day i was going to go to him and ask but instead he came to me and apologised and said that he had had too much to drink last night, so i left it at that and then i told him those taunts are getting very irritating now, he said he would stop. then there is awkward silence and he asks me what im thinking about. so i go all like why does everyone think i like the guy im-obsessed with. the he goes all like, its your doing, even before we started dating or when we were dating….you were so… and then i cut him and tell him ya…i know….i messed up big time. then we are just talking and then we talk about how first experiences teach you a lot and that you are not bound to make the same mistakes again in the second time. we were having a general discussion then he goes all like “im glad i had my first time with you” in a very smooth and slow voice, know what i mean? and i say me too in the same tone. then he goes all like “sometimes people are forced into it for the second time” i say ” why would people force themselves into the same thing to get the same horrific outcome and who would force them honestly” the he says “it happens, people do it” and i give himt tht look that this is impossible then he shrugs his shoulders and says “oh, i was just giving a situation”
Kate says
Seems like he still has some feelings for you.
michelle says
there’s this guy i’ve liked for a really long time but he’s always been dating someone while we’ve kinda had a thing going. it’s just that we always look for each other in a crowd and always lock eyes with each other. one of us is always staring at each other and he kinda just smiles at me and pays attention to me when i’m talking to someone whether it’s him i’m talking to or not. we initiate a crazy amount of eye contact, it’s hard to explain, but no matter what our attention is always drawn to each other and even if we’re with our friends separately focusing on something completely different, we always look at each other. i’m not sure if this even means that he likes me too but does it?
Kate says
Does he look for you in the crowd when he’s with his girlfriend? If he does, then he’s probably not really serious with his girlfriend. I don’t know for sure but he might be somewhat interested in you.
michelle says
his relationship with her is kinda iffy and we talk more than they do. but regardless, he always finds a way to look at me even when he’s with her.
Kate says
Well, if they’re not even talking much, you could start giving him some more hints that you like him, and see where it goes.
erica says
so there’s this guy i like and i’ve kinda been flirting with him for awhile now but he’s always been unavailable. we always make eye contact with each other and somehow we always find ourselves looking at one another. we’ve talked a bit more now and he’s funny but i don’t know what to do. i feel like he likes me but i’m not sure. we’re always interacting in one way or another, he’s always looking at me and i’m always looking at him and we always have a smile on our faces. thoughts?
Kate says
Perhaps wait when he becomes available and then talk and flirt with him more to show him you are interested.
Anna says
Hi Kate,
During the very beginning of class the teacher is taking attendance I’m sipping my Gatorade. From clear across the room he says that’s the best flavor looking right at me loud enough for me to hear. Does that mean something or am I reading way to much into it?
Kate says
I think you are reading too much into it. However, keep looking if you can see any other signs he might like you.
Lisa Fleischmann says
So there is this boy in my class and we share pretty much glances but don’t talk much. Everytime I try to talk to him he backs up. He says he’s got a girlfriend what nobody believes in class. He’s that kinda guy who likes to be the loudest and get the most attention. He teases about every person in class but never actually teased me. We recently got into a group of three and suddenly he was the quietest one. Even the other group member recognized it. I told him that he seems pretty quiet than usually and he just smiled at me as a respond and looked away. Once he accidentally tripped me up while I was walking past him, I turned away and he looked at me as if I just broke my leg because of him. I like him and at these times I think he might like me back but then there are times when he talks to other girls in my class and teases them, I think he doesn’t.
Kate says
It’s hard to tell if he likes you but get nervous around you or he’s not really interested. Boys are usually not as mature as girls are and are harder to read.
Kelly says
Once a week, I go to this Saturday school of languages and there’s this guy i am interested in in my class. We haven’t even talked before tho… Whenever he giggles with his friend, I would feel that they are talking about me because I have always felt that he was watching me from the other side of the room. I didn’t confirm whether he was actually watching me or not until when he sat closer because of a group presentation. I kept feeling that he was staring at me and kinda saw him looking in the corner of my eye so this time I actually looked up and he was actually staring. When our eyes met, he immediately turned around. Ever since then, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I feel like he might like me but…does he really?
These days, I get so conscious around him. Whenever I present to the class, he would look at me but I think that’s normal because I am having a presentation. But he would watch me and then giggle with his friend and that makes me feel scared that he was laughing at me because I look too dumb or ugly. I don’t really know what to do or how to stop feeling so conscious around him.
Kate says
It’s hard to tell if he likes you or not since you guys haven’t even talked yet. However, if he keeps staring at you or smiling at you, then this would show he might have some interest in you.
Dayana says
Hi Kate,
I’m in class as I’m sipping my Gatorade he says that’s the best flavor.He’s clear across the room from me.He literally says this as I take my first sip.He then continues to say there more diffrent variations of it,but blue is the best flavor.Hes looking straight in my eyes meanwhile this is in the very beginning of class.Am I reading to much into this?or it’s possible he likes me?
Kate says
Hi, you are probably reading too much into it. However, if you notice any other signs, then he might like you.
Jenifer says
There is this guy I know. He smiles at me widely whenever he sees me and shares that he sees me to his friends also. He has this smile on his face every time when he sees me. Can I consider this as a good sign? Reply please.
Kate says
It’s definitely a positive sign.
Nicole says
Firstly, I really like the post!
Secondly, I have a crush on this guy, he always looks me in the eyes when we talk and his eyes are always bright and sparkling! He laughs at mostly everything I say and uses the same jokes that I laughed at. He knows me quite well, he knows that I’m a shy person so he asked if I wanted someone to give me a ride home and he could go with me and ask them (he didn’t have a car back then); I told him I was reading this book in the library and the next day we met, he brought me that same book! Well, so far his behaviors have only matched 2 signs above, I don’t know if by any chances he likes me or not, or he’s just a nice person.
Kate says
Seems like he likes you. Usually, when guys are not interested, they don’t do these kinds of little things for girls.
Jenifer says
There is this guy I know. He smiles at me previously when he sees me. And I don’t see him for about three weeks. And again I saw him. Now he is not smiling at me. But he is just starting at me. He also searches for me in the usual place we see each other. What happens to him? Is he interested or not?
Kate says
Are you giving him signals back? If he smiles at you, smile back. If he stares at you, stare back and smile. Perhaps, he wasn’t sure if you liked him too and stopped smiling.
Christy says
Every one is telling me that my crush likes me back, but I kind of have a hard time believing it. I tend to notice he wants to hang out with me and if I’m groups won’t go unless I go, his attitude changes and is a lot more positive around me. But I’ve seen lately he’s been going to talk to my best friend more often ( not to mention she won’t tell me what’s going on between them). I also find him very shocked/ disappointed whenever I say something about a boy ( Especially his brother). And I also find that when we hang out he always is so hey and awkward and the entire time is asking me what we can do, but at the same time very slightly and quietly complaining about not doing something I wasn’t able to do ( for example I went to his house for the first time and didn’t know he had a pool so I didn’t bring my bathing suit. I noticed he keeped eye balling the pool and saying oh I wish I could go in). What do you think, does he?
Kate says
Yeah, seems like he likes you. I doubt he would invite a girl to come over to his house if he wasn’t interested in her. If he would take you as a friend, then he wouldn’t be shy and awkward around you.
Kaitlynn says
A guy I have a crush on attended my school for a year and a half, then transferred to a different school. While he went to my school, we flirted back and forth. He called me beautiful sometimes and told me he liked me once, but I always denied it. The friends we shared at my school always told me that he likes me, but I never believed them. I sent him a text earlier this week and asked f he really likes me. He said he does, but he has a girlfriend. Should I keep him in mind or move on?
Kate says
I would move on if she has a girlfriend already.
Meeee says
I’m 20 years and I’ve never ever been in a relationship. I believe relationships are sacred and I shouldn’t get into one cause everyone else is in it.
I met a guy a few months ago (I’m an intern,he is working) and I’ve noticed some of these signs. He is really cute,like 100% cute. So There was a day I saw him hugging some girl ( a pretty one by the the way) and he also saw me. Few minutes later he enters into the room I was in and only greeted me by touching my arm but we were like 4 people in the room.
Another day, I walk into the room and walk out without greeting him. He follows me into the room I’m in and stands like an arm length from me. He gets out his phones and starts using it,I don’t even see him try to move from where he is at.
Another day,we are standing pretty close to each other and I hear him ask if I want to use his headphones. I ask,pardon, and he tells me to place them at a table next to me. I have never been sure if I heard him right.
Another day,he hears some guy talking to me and he starts staring at me and licking his lips. Because he leaves the room before me, I hear him mimicking something I told the guy who was questioning me.
Another day,we sitting close to each other and I greet him. He starts singing that the room is suddenly hot and he leans close to me,like really close.
The day after he heard me talking to another guy,he ignored me when he say me and acted as if I was not in the room.
I thinking I’m reading to much into this, maybe I’m desperate for affection. And also there is no way he would date me,I’m not like so pretty and the way he is cute I’m sure there are many girls chasing him.
I also heard some guys telling him that he has a lot of girls DMing him but he did not answer them.
Please reply.
Kate says
He either likes you or he wants attention and just likes to flirt.
juliet says
Hi Kate, i have colleague transfer to our office. first time question he asked me was whether i’m single or married. after we become quite close went for lunch & going for hiking..he very protected to me..we even cooked dish for each other..but now seems he met an girl thru business relation..the girl is quite young and pretty..he being going out with girl even bring her to our office gathering..i m confused that whether we still go the relation btw us as i still caught him staring at him..but whenever he going out with the girl after office hour…he will not called me out for lunch..now i felt confused whether i need to keep office relation only…i m ashamed to be more bold in our relationship due to he is my superior
Kate says
Seems like she’s becoming interested in that other girl. Perhaps, keep your relationship strictly work-related for now.
Roro says
Hi Kate,
I’d like you opinion on the following: since a few years I frequently see a man outside or inside the supermarket in the village next mine, and ever since the first time he saw me, he says ‘ hi’ when I happen to meet his stare. Because he always gives me a long stare, not caring if I ‘ catch’ him doing so… A few times, it seemed as if he was going to approach me, but I didn’ t feel at my best at those times and I may not have sent out the greatest ‘ come near me’ vibe. I am wondering one thing: as this has been going for maybe a year or three, even four perhaps and he stares unashamedly at me ( meaning that he clearly knows that I know he is) and he is not a teenager, but a man in his late 40’s, why doesn’t he make more of an effort to come into contact with me. Regardless of whether I’ d be open to it or not.
I saw him again last Saturday. I was laughing at myself as a I had accidentely loaded my groceries in someone else’s ‘ bicycle bag’. When I looked up he was just riding in front of me on his bicycle and as I was still smiling about my blunder, he smiled back at me. And this was the first time I saw him smile and I was following him with my eyes and still smiling, as I was thinking that he is actually quite attractive. And then he turned around, also still smiling and now the tables were turned: i was caught looking at him! As this seems like some kind of ‘ break-through’ I would say that the next time we meet, he’d approach me to say something more than just ‘ hi’. What do you think? Is it just a for the ‘ kicks’ or could he be interested in really knowing me?
Kate says
Perhaps he’ll come to talk to you if you start giving him some clues. You can also start a conversation with him the next time he comes to say hi.
Lisha Dionne says
Hi, there’s a guy that comes to my job every week. He states and I catch him every time, he broadens his shoulders , act all tough etc around me. But one thing I’ve noticed is that when he comes around he pulls his phone out and leaves it on the table next to me almost every time that I see him. A friend told me that he wants my number but shy to ask that’s why he fiddled with his phone around me. Is that a true sign?
Kate says
Does he leave his phone only next to you and not next to other people? It might be a sign if he’s doing it with you only.
Alex says
Dear Author,
Okay so, there’s this guy (My best friends brother) and we have known each for about 1 year. I sort of have a really big crush on him and I don’t know what to do. He does show some sort of “affection” but I feel like he’s just trying to be nice because I’m his sisters friend. I do constantly catch him staring at me, but then he turns away like nothing happens. He offers me things, and he likes to show off his athletic abilities, when we basketball he plays pretty rough with me. He has such a beautiful smile that he loves to share with people (especially me.) I relax on the lawn chairs sometimes and he follows me then just stares at me relaxing like I don’t realize. I notice that he’s starting to sit with his legs pretty wide, I just don’t know what to do. He’s moving to Paris pretty soon and I just really wanna figure out what he’s thinking/feeling about me before he leaves. Please help ASAP! 🙁
Kate says
Does your best friend know you like her brother? You could ask her to ask him if he likes you? This way, if you are too shy or unsure about the signs, she could help you.
Isabella says
So basically there’s this boy who his friend told me that he liked me, them friends always tell my sister at school like “he likes your me, and then no no he likes me and bla bla bla. I don’t really know which one is true. But there’s this 2 guys that actually stares at me everyday but not a lot, when i walk by and getting closer to him they were like laughing, whispering and stuff, they don’t ever tease, really talk and stuff. So do you really think they or him like me?
Kate says
Yes, they might like you. If you keep talking to them, you might see more signs.
Aileen says
hi! there is this guy who is 14 years younger than me. we see each other everyday because of business. He thought I was just only the same age as he, 19. While knowing me more, he didn’t expect that I have already a son even more that he is already a teenager.
On the third day we met, he asked me for some water before we started talking. He was very straightforward asking me to be his friend. I honestly saw his deep breath afterwards.
An instance that he moved so closed to me. But I was shocked, so I moved backward.
He compliments everything new and really good looking about me.
He smiles me a lot.
I have the guts too the he likes me.
But it is too long. We’ve known each other for almost two years and nothing happened. I am still waiting. Does he likes me?
Beth's says
There are 2 guys in my class I am not sure if they like me or not. One of them kept on saying compliments to me. e.g You are so smart! He also talks to me often and does jokes to me. He also kind of flirts. (He touches me and gets a bit close). The other guy talks to me a lot and he jokes around a lot too. He also touches me on my shoulders and my back. Also the first one stares at me, but it doesn’t really seem that he likes me. Does any of them like me?
Bethany says
Hi. There are 3 guys I am not sure if they like me. One of them hugged me 2 times. It was a dare to hug anyone in the room of 28 and out of lots of people he chose me. Also, he acts really weird aroud me. The second guy looks at me a lot in class at school. He also says some compliments to me. e.g ” You are really smart!” He also kind of flirts but I don’t know. He does a little tease punch on my shoulders and he laughs with me a lot. The third person talks to me a lot as well. He also teases me a bit. As well as that, he touches me on the arms, shoulders and my back while he also leans a bit close to me. Do any of them like me?
Kate says
Seems like all of these 3 guys like you.
pink panther says
Hello. There’s this dude who’s in a few of my classes. This all started last year when I would catch him looking/ staring at me. There was this one particular time when the whole school had been called for a meeting and when we were being dismissed, it was like I could sense someone staring at me. When I looked up I swear it was him staring right at me. Unfortunately for him he did not have enough time to divert his eyes. There was also this time when me and my friend used to walk around and he was right behind us at the distance of about 30cm. There was also this time where I think he followed me to a sports meeting a couple of times. He would sign up for events but never actually show up. I think he recognised that I was being freaked out a little because I didn’t know what was happening. This year it’s a whole lot better. He’s being very subtle – ish. There was this one time where we had to swap our assignments with someone else’s so we could mark. One of his friends (who is very bold) gave me the dudes assignments then he took mine to give it to him. I could vaguely hear the friend saying that he was trying to help him create a connection when he was giving him my assignment . The dude stood up and he came to me asking me if i’ve got his assignment. Then he and his friend were talking. The friend seemed to be smiling. We rarely talk unless we have to or are in a small group of friends. Oh! There was this one time after sports training when we were outside the school with 2 other people, the other person kept calling him shaggy/shagster(you know the one from Scooby doo because he kinda looked like him. Then after that person called him that he kept asking me if he really looks like shaggy .For as long as I can remember whenever we enter an empty class with no seating arrangements, he always sits near me. Preferably next to or behind me. Now in class I catch him glancing at me. He’s always been very gentlemanly towards me. He would let me enter before he did or maybe open the door for me. I remember there was this period where he would fetch my workbook for me at the front of the class for a whole semester but that stopped. Whenever I talk to his friend and he’s near his friend exaggerates my name really loudly. Whenever he talks to me he always maintains eye contact. Oh yeah and since the beginning of the year he’s been sitting next to this girl in one of our classes and they’re very loud. Get this! He even let her wear his rugby jacket and in class they talk as if they’re close then sometimes the teacher has to make them keep quiet. They’re so close that sometimes I wonder if they’re together. That same day I also asked him if I could wear the jacket and he let me. So that was cool. By the way i’m not sure if it matters but i’m black and he’s white (he’s super chill) and that girl is also black like me. What do you think? Please reply in detail.
Kate says
According to these signs, it seems he likes you. However, it also seems like he is getting close with the other girl. I would suggest you try talking to him to get a better feeling if he’s interested in you. Also, you might want to start giving him some signals back to show him you like him.
Eve says
So theres this guy i like and were like bestfriends and people were telling me that he likes me. He does potray some of the signs in the article: sitting with the legs open, staring, touching, licking the lips, and smiling with teeth. But hes friends with most of the girls in the school and he kinda does the same to them, Does he truly like me?
Kate says
It’s hard to tell if he does this to other girls too.
Jade says
Hi, I took your article into consideration. I see this guy I like every day, we have a band class together. One time, he was talking to this one kid that sits next to me, and I would look at him and catch him looking at me, but then we would both quickly look away. This happened once or twice in this conversation. Also, when he is talking to someone that I am close to, he looks at me, then glances away. According to your article this is a sign that he likes me, but he doesn’t show any other signs that he truly does. The closest I have gotten to another sign is when we are walking, he will walk next to me, but not say a word, then walk away. He also is very well liked by everyone else around him, and I can’t quite tell if he might like me or not. I really need help, uncoding what he thinks of me. Please reply, and Thanks!
Kate says
Is he the same way with other girls? If yes, then you need to look for deeper signs.
Hi anonymous says
I have a gut feeling that my coworker likes me, he always looks at me with a glaze in his eyes, has the biggest smile whenever he sees me, is chivalrous, always finds opportunities to talk to me, comes around were I would be at the same time, stuff like that.
I have a major crush on him as well. Over a matter of two months I added him on facebook and he added me on instagram (if it makes a difference he likes all my instagram posts), finding out after looking over his social media that he has a fiance who works with us for the summer.
At one point he came up to me to tell me that he was applying to go back to school, and I feel it was to see how I would react (I’m pretty good at hiding my feelings) But whenever I see him with his fiance I am not so good at it. I want to tell him but I know I should not, so I avoided him instead which completely backfired because he still comes around me when he can and even though I rolled my eyes at him and avoided talking to him a few times he always comes around me and smiles genuinely. I do not know what to do, I do indeed have a crush on him but I know if I were his fiance I would not want the same to happen to me.
Kate says
I would stay away from this guy if he has a fiance already.
Jenny says
The guy that I have a crush on is my coworker. We both work at a grocery store, and during my first 2 weeks of working there, he was a total jerk towards me. But after a week later, we started talking about my favorite music and we started to get along. Later on, he even picked a few songs from my favorite band for me to listen to while working. He’s famous around my coworkers for being an asshole, but when it comes to me, he treats me differently. I even caught him stealing glances at me while I’m not looking directly at him. He even smiles and laughs so brightly too. His facial expression always makes him look mad, so I always jokingly ask him if he’s mad, and that joke always makes him laugh. But he can be extremely difficult to deal with since he’s so emotionally fickle! One day he’s super talkative and approaches me easily, the next day he avoids me, and it is confusing. Sometimes I feel like I am overanalyzing these “signals” he’s giving off and maybe he doesn’t like me at all. One time he even called me cute since my ponytail looked like a puppy’s tail (at work it’s required to have long hair tied up). He even held his hand out once asking me if I wanted to touch him. But I just don’t know if he’s into me OR if I’m overreacting. What should I do? Please give me some advice!
Kate says
Yes, he might like you. It’s always harder to analyze the signs with people you work with. Additionally, it’s quite risky to have a relationship with a coworker. Things can get sour pretty fast. If he’s emotionally unstable already, then imagine if things would not work out. I doubt he would be nice to you after that, especially if the breakup would be your idea.
Girl15 says
Hi! I think i might like this guy i met on summercamp and i am planning to tell him soon, just have to ask u guys If u think he’s into me cuz i’m like rlly bad notising this signs and stuff sooooo.. storytime! Enjoy😉 The first days he was like rlly shy and i didn’t actually talk to him But i caught him looking at me from time to time. Anyway he kinda got more chatty the last few days and like his glansces became more common But he only talked to me when we were sitting in a group and he commented my eyes once just like «look at THOSE eyes!» then when it was time to ride the bus back home i was looking for a seat and then he spotted me looking for a place to sit he was just like « yeeeeey now i dont have to sit alone!» and the busride was like 5hrs and we talked about EVERYTHING! But to stay on track here he Asked If i was single and If i had a lot of guts after me n stuff like that and that he liked to look at romantic Movies But he often had to do it alone (Idk If that’s a hint or What) and the whole time we talked he looked at me and smiled ( like with his teeth) and after a while i noticed he had like gotten closer to me (in the beginnig we didn’t even touch and now we were shoulder to shoulder and out feet were toutching and i swear i didn’t move a quart inch) and he actually was manspreading the whole time. But after a while we ran out of Things to talk about so i tryed to Get a little sleep and i Leaned against the Window But i didn’t actually sleep i was just avoiding the acward situation and pretending to, and then Suddenly he got WERY close and like leaned his head on my shoulder AND IK HE DIDN’T SLEEP bc he told me like a thousand times how he NEVEREVER could Even sleep for a second on a bus! And when IT was his stop he just poked me and said he had to go following up with Bye. Now we are like texting all the time and he Asked me If there were ant boys i liked and i was like tom cruise bc i didn’t have the courage to tell him and after i was like Idk Maybe and when i Asked him he was like Idk Maybe.. ahhhhhh so typical!!! Sooo u think he likes me?? And What is the chanses he would repond with i like u too If I tell him? Love Girl15 (Sorry If my english is bad😬i’m from sweeden)
Kate says
Seems like he likes you. I doubt he would like to text with someone all the time if he didn’t like them. He was also interested in finding out if you are single or not. However, the only way to find out for sure is by telling him.
Sophia says
So I basically like this guy and one of my friends ask my crush if he likes me back and he said no. The next day he kept on looking at me and turns around and do his homework, then he starts looking at me again. So in my mine why he is looking at me even tho he doesn’t like me. Then today I was in the front to get out of class and I saw him coming behind back then he move up to stand next to me. Why? Also when I told him that I like him he said he likes my laugh, what does that mean?
Kate says
Perhaps, he’s too shy to admit he likes you.
Lydia says
I work at a coffee shop inside an office building
I started noticing a guy who turned his head to glance at me whenever he walked by (always went to the coffee shop beside ours that has better price & sells breakfast)
I ran into him a few times when I was at other places in the building and caught him starring (I was with other co workers too but only seemed to recognize me)
he came 2~3 times to our store but I was busy talking to other customers or doing something that I barely got to even look at him (plus in the event that I may be wrong about his interest, I didn’t want to make him feel uncomfortable)
He still walks by, but always extremely fast as if he wants to get out of my sight as soon as he can and I never seen him at our store since. There were also one or two instances where I subconsciously stared at him as he was walking towards me when I was sitting/standing with friends – to which he glanced with the corner of his eyes a couple times but never fully starred.
Was I wrong about his interest?
Kate says
It’s hard to tell for sure. Perhaps, he thought you weren’t interested and now he speeds up when walking by your store. Or he started dating someone.
Blozzy says
I am 19 and i work in a retail store. I have never had a relationship before, all other boys i had crushes on rejected me, the last guy i had a crush on who seems to return my feelings but he never asked me out told me to stop texting/calling him and i recently found out he has/had a girlfriend. I was miserable and broken but somehow i felt relieved. In a way i did not believe in these sigms or love in general until now
There is this guy at work whom i have a crush on its been developing for a while, i don’t know much about apart from hos name, we rarely talked because we both focused on work (workers are not allowed to socialise with each other) so most timea am basically on my own (i do not know if that is a good thing)
So when i first met him, he mistakenly hurt me he was so worried and he kept on apologizing all time, me being soft spoken did not take an offence to it after all i was fine. I was working on the day the store opened, he was working with me giving me tips and making sure i was ok (i was nervous and overwhelmed). Keep in the mind i already had a crush on him before i talked to him. 3 weeks after i was focused on my work then i saw him, we both stared at each other but since i was staring longly he thought i had a question, he came up to me before i could say no i told him ” sorry i do not have a question i just wanted to say i haven’t seen you for a while” i smiled. He smiled back saying “oh” then i walked away because we can’t talk for so long. To me after i said it seems to have sparked something, our eyes met several times and he would always smile at me ( i will always smile back since it is like a form of greeting in our workplace). After my shift i was doing a bit of shoping and he asked me “oh you are shopping” and i smiled and said yes.
Things changed since then.
Especially these few days he something which could be seen as similar
On the first day i was done with my shift and i was in the process of leaving when i saw him coming (probably starting his shift) he was already smiling from afar while looking at me, i smiled back when i was about to either wave or say hi a customer at the side called for me and asked a question regarding one of the products now i thought he was gonna pass by me but instead he stood beside me and answered the women questions efficiently and proffesionally. The woman thanked him and me and she left, he did the same thing. I kind of felt sad that he didn’t say hi 🙁
The second day, i was working of some clothes close to cash, he was also there i was staring at him but immediately he turned and returned my stare. As expected i was shocked so i immediately turn back and went away
Later on i went to cash to meet my superior as there was a problem regarding my schedule. When i got there my superior greeted me and i greeted back, my superior was attending to my crush in the cashier, (my crush doesn’t seems to smiled as he usually does when i came is this jealously?) My superior asked what is my schedule today i told him twice but he doesn’t get what am saying, after the second time i looked up to see my crush staring at me again he wasn’t smiled nor does he seems annoyed My superior asked again and this way my crush answered “she said 4:00-10:00” I was suprised that he could hear me when my superior couldn’t, i am a very soft spoken person so unless i raise my voice people can’t hear me sometimes. I told my friends about this they nicknamed him my knight in shining armor. One of them said he may be interested but she is not really sure. She is suprised about that fact that he was listening but not only listening but hearing. I have only noticed when he talks to me he gives me full attention and the way he talks to me seems to be gentle. I have seen him converse with other girls at work so i do not know if he speak to them the same as he does to me.
I just want to do what is your opinion on this. What you think am glad to hear it
Kate says
He might like you but it’s hard to tell for sure based on the signs you listed. I would suggest you to try to talk to him more to get a better feeling if he’s interested or not.
Carrot Cake says
You probably won’t reply to this even though I have seen you reply to ALOT and maybe everyone who commented. But I got this guy I like, and sometimes I like to see his face(lol im so weird) and i looked at him and he was staring at me, he didn’t look away, because i pretended to look over to see the clock. I’ve caught him staring at me without him noticing 3 times already, including the one i just told you about. And he teased me only 1 time. And we were grouped together with my friends and his friends, and his friend took his hand and tried to hold my hand. I WAS FREAKING SHOCKED LIKE WAT?? But i’m pretty sure its nothing, because it was his friend not him. I’m also pretty sure he doesn’t like me because he has a crush on someone else. So yeah.
Kate says
How do you know he has a crush on someone else? Give it time, perhaps you see more signs. If not, then don’t worry either, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
Aryana says
Im seeing this guy for 4x but our 3rd meeting after going to hotel he bring me to his condo where he work and staying, and i stayed there for 3days. And that days that im with him we made some memories like i help him clean his place, he cooks for me we went outside riding his big bike. He always ask me what i want to eat,but he clearly told me that we not only in sexual desire and i know it on how he take care of me everytime we see each other. I know its crazy but as time passes after telling me about not being ready to have commitment i answered him that im not expecting anything bcoz before we start to see each we already chatting for a month and he already told me of what he wants to achieved in his life and that is his priority for now to become a succesful bussiness man. So as time going i started to become scared to lose him even though were in not that kind of love relation. He always the one who start our convo when we talks and its all about hes experience and his family. So i used to listen. Now I started to falling and i don’t want to lose him bcoz of my feelings what should i do? I really don’t know what he feels for me and i don’t know also what really i am to him?and the last time we meet he told me that maybe 2wees or 1month were gonna seeing wach other bcoz his partner in his bussiness which is his friend from highschool.
Aryana says
First I start seeing this guys for 4 times like but before i decide to hang out with him we are already have months of chatting each other. First time i met him was bcoz of my friend. The first time we chat was casual until he told me that he likes me and he want to see me. but that time i always say im not available because i think that maybe he just want to bed me. Few times i rejected him for wanting to see me and he say he wanna really Want to know more about me. The way of our exchanging messages became Open and flirty. After telling me at first he want me to his girlfriend but he change and told me that he don’t want me to get hurt bcoz he can’t be with me and he don’t want me to be alone bcoz of his dream he wants to achieved. Until i decided to meet up with him and we went back to hotel till morning and he take me for lunch b4 we separate ways. And days follows he ask me out again and i said im with my friends and he say i can bring them with me so we went for singing and after we again spend our time until he ask me to go to his place where he stay and work at the same time. So b4 going back we went for groceries and bought 1 pair of my undies after eating lunch. In advance he told me his place was messy and yes it was. So he want me to just sit and he going to clean but i told him im bored so i will help him clean. Staying at his place and being with him made me feel like princess the way he take care of me like he is alaways asking me what i want to eat and he cooks for me and he let me do nothing but to lay down. Thats how he treated me and he told me that we are not just for s..x and yes we did many things already in a short of time. But i know very clear that were both not committed to each other and no pressure for us. To ask you my problem is that i start to have feelings for him and i don’t know What i should do bcoz last time i stay with him he told me we are not going to see each other for a period of time bcoz his friend is coming which his also a bussiness partner and highschool friend. Now we started to chat each other less.
Kate says
If you both agreed to have a casual relationship only, then you need to keep your feelings separate. If that’s not possible and you are starting to fall for him, then perhaps it’s best that you don’t see him anymore. You can tell him that you are developing feelings for him and you can’t continue the relationship anymore unless you both are committed to each other.
Lula says
Hi, got this one guy he shows all the sign to me. His body language and i always caught him stares at me for long. When we’re together, he smiles and laugh a lot. We are actually bestfriend but most of times he treat me more than a friend. Idk if he really into me or nope. How can i sure that he is really into me or am i in friendzone bcs sometimes he accidentally call me sis?
Kate says
It’s hard to say because if he keeps calling you sis then you might be in the friend zone.
AaleiahGrace says
So there’s this guy that I like, and I’ve liked him for about a year now. He was new at the start of 7th grade (we’re both in 8th grade now), and he was in my Science class. For the whole year we never really talked much because we were (and still are) both shy, but one day we were in a group together (doing a project), and he kept looking over at me and kept smiling (which made me smile). Later, on that same day, I asked him for the notes (because I missed them) and he didn’t say a word to me, but he gave them to me and waited patiently for me to finish copying them. Also, in about the middle to end of the year in 7th grade, there was this time where I was really stressed and had to carry a bunch of textbooks and stuff to Math, and had dropped my calculator in the middle of the hall. As I was beginning to pick it up, I saw him (my crush) there-calculator already in hand-as he handed it to me. What do you think this could mean??
And now this year in 8th grade, (we have no classes together, but he sits really close to my table at lunch) during the two days of school we’ve had thus far, I catch him staring at me and when he sees me staring at him, sometimes he quickly looks away and other times he holds his gaze for a few seconds. Lastly, the thing is, since we’re both shy, I don’t know how to have a conversation with him (without it being awkward).
Sorry for my run-on sentences and possibly being confusing.
Your article was great!!
Please answer back when you have the time,
Kate says
Boys mature much later so you may need to start a conversation first. So next time at lunch time, try to talk to him. You can ask how are his classes going or if there’s a teacher he likes the best or doesn’t like etc.
It’s meee says
Hi I have this crush that I liked for about a year like it all started last year he started complimenting me like every single day he used to say that he liked my smile and when I smiled it was impossible for somebody to not smile back. Now this is the second year and he is in one of my classes and he sits behind me I still catch him staring at me sometimes but when I look he still stares and there was like one time he was sitting right at the table behind me and I hear him and his friend talking about me like when him and his friend are together to always hear them talk about me. And like he always smiles at me when he is talking and like sometimes when he smiles I sense like I have a very strong feeling that he likes me too. But like their is this girl he hangs out with that is his friend but sometimes flirts with her does he like me or not ?????
confusedperson says
I like this one guy, and I always catch him staring at me, but when it happens he just smiles and we just stare. He’s always holding the door open for me and trying to catch up to me. He used to walk me to class then go literally the opposite way to get to his class (About a year till I started avoiding this tradition), but recently i’ve been avoiding him, because I don’t want to get to close, due to the fear of a requited love. I avoid eye contact sometimes when I see him in the halls, but every time we see each other he has a big smile, (that his friends say he doesn’t have around anyone else). But he’s been giving me mixed signals, because he takes long to answer messages and sometimes will leave certain things on read, and honestly seems like he’s been annoyed by my messages when he does this. Theres obviously more to it than what i’ve said rn, but based on this what do you think? Thank You Kate
Kate says
Seems like he’s giving you signals he likes you. Do you talk in person too or just texting? Perhaps, he doesn’t know what to answer. Are those question type messages he doesn’t answer?
confusedperson says
we speak in real life too, and the conversations usually go well. Sometimes they’re question or most times a funny joke, i’m just confused whether he’s leaving me on read because its annoying, but then in person, he doesn’t act like thats the case?
Sarah says
Dear Author,
Im not so experienced with boys and this one is making me feel really confused, i met him this year at school and soon we became friends (we have a lot of friends in common, so we are always hanging out together). I started to like him and he did show a few signs he liked me too, so i just told him i liked him more than a friend, he said he didnt feel the same about me, it was okay though, i thought it was nice of him to be honest about his feelings and dont play me (it happened a day before school break) However, after school break, i was feeling very embarassed because of the whole situation and avoided him for a couple days, while he tried to talk to me, starting conversations, soon it felt normal again to talk to him. Its just weird that he keeps showing signs that he is interessed, even more after all that, like asking me personal questions, laughing at everything i say, paying extra attention to me if we are hanging out in group, teasing me playfully, smiling a lot, saying he missed me when i ditch school, hes even more touchy than before. We were never so close as friends, there wasnt a reason for him to try so hard to talk to me again and become closer, i dont know if he changed his mind about me or if i am overeacting again.
Kate says
It’s hard to read boys since they mature slower than girls. Perhaps, he was too shy to admit he liked you too or it came out suddenly out of the blue and he wasn’t sure how he really felt about you. You have nothing to feel embarrassed about, it takes guts to tell someone you like them. He might have changed his mind or he had time to think about how he feels about you. However, since he told you no at first, take him as a friend for now. If he wants to be more than friends, it’s his time to show you that.
Stella says
Plz there is this boy that keep looking at me but whenever i look at him he look away,one day i heard his friend shouting for for him to approach me but he said he’s not sure i will like him and he’s a shy boy
Kitsnow says
I like this guy at school, and I think he may like me back, but I’m a bit of a worryer. Here are the signs:
-Copies movements
-‘preens’ touches hair, nose, throat.
-we lock eyes almost every day at least twice.
-eyebrows slightly raise, looks alert, acts self conscious
-He’s a little shy, but when nobody’s looking, he’ll smile.
-Because he’s shy, and this hasn’t been going on for very long, he hasn’t touched me yet, but I feel that it may come sooner or later.
-I once told him that i liked him(straightforward, nobody around, to his face) but he just walked away, I think he did what he did from embarrasment because he looked somewhat confused and very embarrased. My worrysome personality keeps telling me that he’s probably being polite after that encounter, but the body language… it says otherwise?
Kate says
Boys are usually not as mature as girls and often don’t know how to answer or act after someone has told them they liked them.
Mirela says
Okay, so he’s an introvert type of guy. Alot of the signs you mention are present on the rare occasions when we meet each other in our close group of friends. Last time when we heard each other on the phone, he told me to not hesitate to call him for whatever reason. The thing that bothers me (the reason why I haven’t called him for a week) is that it doesn’t go the same way for the chat. No matter what I write him, he always responds with a “thumbs up”. Last but not least, I used to date one of our mutual friends, so I guess that can be one of the reasons for him not to approach me.
Please, reply soon.
Kate says
Perhaps try to ask questions so he couldn’t respond with a “thumbs up” icon and see if you can get the conversation going.
Ola says
I know this is still in the early stages buttt, recent I started college and everyone was new to each other apart from two or three guys who established friendship.
As we entered this new class, I immediately took this seat at the corner of the table (the tables formed a large square, I sat at the end of the table) another girl sat to my left and this one boy sat on the side of my table. (Me sitting on the corner, he sat on the small end of the table fairly close to me) This got me puzzled because just one seat across from him were two guys who he would have easily sat next to. He is not the arrogant type nor did his ego seem too large. As we were moving classes I noticed that he was walking somewhat next to me & when we arrived he stood next to me during a short lecture. Afterwards we came back to our class, all good, I would glance occasionally but I never made eye contact because I am a very shy and anxious individual. I was only glancing over at his art book once or twice, BUTTttt I do think he glanced over at me or my work butttttt I never really noticed.
This is very strange? I have not even analysed his face fully but every time I think about them I get this weird feeling and I get giddy and start daydreaming. Helelelp
Angel says
Hi Kate!
I have a crush and we were colleague. I used to work with him for past 9 months and I stopped working last month. While we were working, he will offer his help to me and we talked and we worked together as partners. There were times when he just stare at me and smile for a far. 2 months ago, he started to get a bit touchy, he would just grab my hand when he speaks and on my last day of work he told me to stay for one more day before he goes on his holiday. He told that “I need to see him for another day”, but I didn’t stay for another day.
Recently, we went for a wedding of a mutual friend and he told me, I was pretty, my dress was pretty and I took photographs of me and fixed my hair while taking photos. We sat next to each other and there was guy sitting beside me, he most of the time put his hands over my chair.
So, please advise me if he like me or if he is just comfortable with me?
Kate says
These seem to be all the signs that he likes you.
????????? says
Hi Kate
i have a crush on this boy in my class i have been told he likes me but he got really deffensive when they said that does he like me ?
Tara says
I’m in a long distance relationship, we have yet to meet, so I was just wondering whether these signs still occur during a relationship?
Sarah says
So I’ve recently been interested in this guy .. I see him every afternoon at work, just because I hang out with his coworker. I noticed that most of your signs are present, except the touching, always on his phone .. anyways. I do catch him staring at me ALOT, especially when he makes mean jokes and always has to check to see if I’m laughing, he does does tend to raise his voice when he mentions his one night stands, or mentioning his failed relationships, what he sees in a girl.. etc. Would you say that is a sign he’s interested in me?
I do remember one time when he walked into our colleagues room and bought two cookies from Tim Hortons (Canadian here) one for him and for our colleague. I joked “Oh did you get me one?” he said he only got two.. told him I was kidding, but he did let me have his cookie that he bought for himself. We recently had a new colleague, which he’s trying to get her number.. asked if I knew her name, and she was actually suppose to come talk to me on the same day I got the cookie and if she had, he told me that I wouldn’t have gotten the cookie, meaning he would have given it to the new pretty colleague. I’m thinking, is he trying to make me jealous? Or .. I’m not quick to assume but is it woth trying?
Thank you!
Kate says
It’s hard to tell if he wants to make you jealous or is more interested in the new colleague. Most guys keep their options open, especially if they don’t really date anyone. He may start pursuing you both.
Soleil says
umm…soo.. I’M CONFUSED
At first, I always caught him staring at me (welp.. we were practicing for a dance sooo 0.0)
and then some time later, when my class was called (there was an announcement and we just finsihed our morning assembly) he kept on playing on my hair and then I felt his head resting on my back ( I have my bag on.. sad TT.TT)
okay timeskip
TODAY HE JUST HOLD MY HAND (we were playing a game -w-) AND WELL WE KEPT ON LAUGHING AT HIM BECAUSE HE KEPT ON MAKING MISTAKES (soorrry for bad english :(( ) AND EVERYTIME HE LAUGHS HE LET GO OF HIS HAND WITH MY FRIEND BUT NOT WITH MINE (he kept on gripping it omaygawd) AND THEN ONE TIME HE KEPT ON CARESSING MY HAND (he have already let go of hand with my friend) HE IS STILL GRIPPING ON IT TOO (not just accidental brush stuff) SO I DON’T KNOW DOES HE LIKE MEE
AND ONE TIME WHILE I WAS PERFORMING HE JUST KEPT ON STARING AT ME (well.. I did pretty well I guess?..) (this is based on the obversation of my bestfriend lol xd)
I need an answer TT.TT
(really sorry for bad english :(( )
Kate says
These are signs he likes you.
Lola says
I met a guy like a month ago hes been nice to me we didnt talk much but he offered to help me out with what i needed.Now i called him back late evening but he couldnt make it ,he came the following day n fixed what i wanted then we spoke for a while about ourselves then he discovered am not engaged so he told hes been fearing that i might be having someone .So when he was about to step out he asked if he could hug me n i did hug him then said hes looking forward to having dinner at my house soon.Does it mean he likes me?
Someone who needs help says
There is this guy who I liked for a really long time. We didn’t have any classes one school year but I would walk up to him in the hallway by his locker and start conversations with him. I realized the thing we had going on wasn’t going anywhere so my friends convinced me to just tell him what I felt about him. After the schools basketball game one night I walked up to him and said I had something to tell him but I couldn’t bring myself to do it, so I walked away. Later that night I texted him and told him I liked him and he responded with, “ ok?” . The next day I saw him looking at me from my locker. And I hadn’t talked to him since. After summer the school year started again and I realized I had a class with him. On the first day back he was staring at me. I kinda rolled my eyes at it. He glances and stares at me almost everyday. Even when I look at him while he’s staring he just keeps staring with a blank face. But I’ll look away after 2-3 seconds. Most days after class when everyone is waiting for the bell to ring he Stand directly behind me very close. But he won’t talk to me. Sometimes he fidgets around as if he’s nervous. One morning I was in the schools library with my friends and he was sitting a couple tables behind us. My back was facing towards him and my friends were sitting in front of me. I told one of my friends to write yes every time he looks at me and there were about 30 yes within the past 15 minutes. This has been going on all school year. It’s been a almost two years since I told him I liked him. He isn’t the type to talk to girls. He’s kinda a introvert. He only talks to people if the start the conversation with him first. I still like him but I don’t know how to talk to him. And I don’t know if he likes me or not. It’s a new school year and I have no classes with him but I’ll catch him glancing at me. He smirked at me in the hallway one day.
megan says
hi kate, so I like this boy in my class and his friends sit near me, so when I come into the class to sit down he’s near his friends and me talking to them but he doesn’t pay attention when I walk in. we only talked twice, the first time he was joking about how I was waiting for my bus to get to school and we both laughed .the second time was when I was doing classwork and he just came up to my desk and stared down on me, it was funny but it was just very random, I don’t know i thought he maybe wanted to know what i was doing but he didn’t really talk to me. him and i never really had a real conversation before but i think he has a girlfreind but at my school,l people don’t really know what love is they just say it like a bestfreind thing. only like 3 or 4 things on here are what signs he shows towards me
Kateri says
My name is Kateri. I have one class with a friend of mine who I kinda like. Every day we sit next to each because over the corse of the day my iPad percentage goes down really low. Every time we sit together he’s always teasing or “bullying” me and taking my stuff (unplugging my iPad while it’s changing). He’s also always trying to beat me at games especially 2048. Sometimes I can see him glancing over at me then looks away when I look up… I’m so confused as to if he likes me as a friend or more
speed says
There is a guy that when our class gets over, he always wait for me, even though I am the last one that gets out the our classroom, he walks slowly in the corner of the room and wait for me and smile and kind of welcoming me when I get close to him and we walked the same time going out the classroom.
2. When I arrive in the classroom, he looks at me and give me a smile.
3.on occasion, he locked his eye on me.
4. he look eye to eye on me.
4. one time, he walked with me outside campus and admitted , he just want to talk to me.
5. He dress nicely.
6. he looked at me head to toe, only once, but most often he look at me whenever he has chance.
7. he treated me differently compared to any other women in class
8. One time were in a study group, the group members were sharing solutions on a problem and I commented that my solution might be wrong — and this guy that I like commented, that my solution looks pretty good and said that if I get i trouble, he would get in trouble as well (I feel like he is making me feel better and he said it in the presence of our classmates)
9. Whenever he sees me, he makes our interaction feel beautiful.
Because of the things he did, I end up liking him. What he did felt so obvious to me that he might like me, so, I confronted and asked him, why he waits for me after class…I told him it bothers me, it bother’s me that he waits for me and I do not know the reason why he is doing it, (because of what he did I keep thinking about him –I didnt told him this) but I told him, I end up liking him and asked him, what was the reason that he waits for me. He just told me . he just want friends nothing else (sad )….
Thoughts why is he like this???
Izzi says
Alright, so I’ll just say that I think I have really bad luck with guys considering that I haven’t even had my first kiss yet and I’m in the 10th grade. I don’t think any guy has ever had a crush on me, and frankly I think I interpret things a little too much. I’ve only had one boyfriend and that lasted a week and four days due to some stuff. I’m just not sure I’ll ever end up having more than just one boyfriend in high school(and I don’t mean a bunch of guys just.. hopefully you know what I mean). I know this isn’t much info, but I need some advice on just.. yeah. Help Kate?
Kate says
It’s not a bad luck, you just haven’t found the right guy yet. May take time, there’s no need to rush things. I got my first kiss when I was in 12th grade.
Steph says
This guy was looking at me in some way before. One time I was walking by with my friends and his entire friend group turned around to look at me. And his friends are always laughing at my jokes in class. Once I talked to him and he was talking to me but he kept backing up like he was in a hurry to get somewhere, but then when we finished talking he left, came back outside where I was, sat down for a minute, then left again. He did this walking-back-while-talking thing to me again when we talked one other time after that. Once, I came up to my friends who were in a group next to his small group of friends and I asked a question. Then his group of friends got all quiet and kind of merged in with my group and he ended up answering the questions I was asking to my friend. He used to look at me a lot back when I didn’t care much about him but now not so much and I’m lucky if I catch him looking at me once. I feel like I’m going mad trying to find these signs and I just wanna know if I’m crazy obsessed or if there’s actually something going on here.
Laylay says
He probably does like you but he didn’t see any signs that you liked him back so he’s testing the waters of where you two stand.
Mia says
There is this guy I like and I’m not sure if he likes me back. We hangout a lot and he shows a lot of singals but I not sure what it means if he is comfortable to tell me ANYTHING.
Mey says
Sometimes he looks at me … when our eyes meet he looks away almost immediately or he remains staring at me for a few seconds…..he’s my ex….does he still like me?
Katie says
Hi! I have a crush on my guy friend and we’re very close. He even lives just around the corner from me. I’ve liked him for 3 years now and he’s known this whole time. But despite him knowing we still have sleep overs together (we sleep in his bed together too)and we do things couples do even though we’re just friends(we hangout a lot and go on dates, hold hands, we cuddle on the couch, we kiss each other on the cheek and we’ve kissed each other on the mouth a few times too), but here’s the thing: he says he likes me more than a friend and other times he says he see’s me like a sister and he can’t decide if he wants me to be his girlfriend because of those reasons. He and I have even seen my therapist together to try and figure things out and she said not to force things and let it come naturally and my friend said: “that’s what I’ve been trying to tell Katie(me)!” So he and I agreed to keep things the way they are to see what happens. We still continue to do, ‘coupley’ things and I can tell he still goes back and forth on his feelings. During our therapy appointment he said he could like me someday but time will tell. It’s a very complicated situation and we both get confused sometimes. I realize every guy and situation is different but, do you think it’s possible he’ll make up his mind someday because of how we’re close and how we do things couples do and given the fact that he already likes me sometimes? *he and I also have Autism so dating/relationships; that topic scares him a little bit*
-Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Carol says
Hi Kate!
There’s guy that I’ve liked for a long time.
When we were younger we had “a thing” that I’m sure he remembers.
So, we don’t live near each other but every time we see ourself a again(in scouts activities) I feel that he feels the same way I feel.
I catch him looking at me, I think he tried to talk to me but he wasn’t able, his voice was louder and deeper, and he was always checking where I was… does this mean anything?
Kelsey says
I like this guy and he does all of these things to me that are listed. He’s an f boy i’ll admit,and he flirts with ebery girl but me. I’m pretty sure he has a “girlfriend” but he always looks at me. I’m not sure,am I just ugly or is he into me?
Mary says
He has probably already kissy in her but good luck
Mary says
This man I like ( Eric) 😍 let’s are knees touch under the table and sits beside me when he can sit any were at the table but I e time I did not like him and I played a jock on him that I liked him I only did it for my x friend (ann) who liked him and I bib not tell him I put it on paper and he made it to were he could read it and he sad to me I DO NOT LIKE YOU this is before I liked him but when I did not he did not sit with me or any of the thing he does now what should I do I told my friend ( will ) and he is setting us up but only if he agree
Mary says
Pls help me
Hj says
Hj says
Pls Dont respond to me 2 years old on phon
Laylay says
Hi, there’s this married guy I work with and I can’t tell if he likes me as a friend or more. He’s 6 years older than me and has already cheated on his wife with a girl 1 year older than me. He’s always touching my mid back, shoulders and hands. He always makes eye contact and smiles A Lot when we work together. He also says that he loves me but I think he says it in a friendly way, I catch him staring sometimes. He threw gloves at me and I said he was bullying me he said it was flirting then said he was just joking I have no idea what he thinks of me. He also knew my name before he talked to me and says I look good sometimes.
Yumna says
I have a crush on a teacher, whom i use to hate when i 1st saw him, its my 1st crush ever as far as i know! I mean idk know i just want to see him atleast once a day, he is a very strict kinda teacher insults every girl who tries to flirt with him you know! But he is always nice to me. Sometimes i find him staring at me!smiles at me! Praise me too. In our class he would take my pens and pencils whenever he needs any! I know that’s not a sign but I wish it was! And the problem is that I think he has a gf who is very pretty and I am not. Which hurts! I just want to know if he really.feels sth about me or I am just that stupid. Idk! I wish I could ask him how he feels about me. But I probably know the answer
Megan says
My crush is a guy on the app TikTok and I’ve been so nice to him and giving him gifts in his live streams and he reacts to my videos. When he pays me attention for being so nice to him, his entire face changes. He smiles so big, his eyes get baggy under them, and he raises his eyebrows a little bit and his forehead wrinkles. Does he like me??? If you want to see him actually smile, I have a screen recording I can send you on Instagram! My username is @meganmariebanda! Thanks! 🙂
bigbooty says
i have a question.im a sixth grader.i flirt with my crush and he kicked my butt and denied it ot my friends.does he like me?
Lynn says
I have this guy I’m friends with and I’ve liked him for a little and I’ve been noticing things recently but I feel like I’m exaggerating them. I sometimes catch him stare at me he’s always worried about if I’m eating or getting a ride him. He touches my sides a lot to lol remove me or he stands really close behind me. He always smiles when he is talking to me and I can get away with a lot when he’s around. I get goosebumps when I’m near him and I don’t know if he feels the same Way and even though it may never really happen I need to know if he does or not.
Anonymous says
So there is this guy, that i had a crush on, and well me and him have been talking and gotten to know each other. But recently ive been catching him looking at me, and he is always interested in what i have to say and wants to keep talking to me until it gets awkward (which im usually good at not making it like that). Im not entirely sure if he does like me, and I hope he does… also i dont know know how to tell him i like him… I have social awkwardness and it’s difficult for me to talk… I truly need help!
Mary says
I’ve been having to see this doctor on a regular basis. I caught him watching me and when he saw he looked away, but when I looked again he was staring again. This was a pattern. So I decided to look him in the eyes instead of looking away. So we started this whole thing of staring into each others eyes whenever we see each other. Also, when he walks me to the front desk to schedule my next appointment he always stops and looks back at me before working away. We talk about our lives and what we like to do. The last time I saw him he held my hand and caressed it with his thumb as we looked deep into each others eyes. I thought things were getting serious between us, although he is married. I would never want to break up a marriage but figured there must be something wrong there. Anyway, my next appointment he told me he was releasing me. He didn’t talk about what had went on between us and neither did I. I felt a lot of love for him and my friends are telling me I should have told him, but I was thinking of the wife. Others have told him he just took advantage of me. They said stoking his ego, or touching on me because he thought I was attractive. So, what would your opinion be? Did he have real feelings or lustful feeling? Should I tell him straight out how I feel?
Neha says
I have a crush on a boy I saw him in a temple for me is a love at first sight ☺ and I saw him every Sunday in a temple I storked him and he noticed so what can i do can I go and try to talk him? Can you suggest me the better way that helps me to became us good friends and if I go and try to talk him so he talk to me Or not If he not interested to talk to me so what can i do!!
Please help me and suggest the best way🙏
Kathy says
Hi Kate,
Thanks for a good sharing with us.
We know each other because of business, and he is our supplier. We have been working in 8 years, and I found that I’ve crushed on him after 3 year from the date we’ve met (Thats mean has been 5 years I been crushing on him). With many signals from him made me and some of my friends thought that he liked me. Therefore, at the 4th year, I told him via text that I liked him, but he just kept silence.
And from that day, we still keep working together as a supplier and customer. And we just have 3 or 4 meeting per year together (He comes from the other country). Of course , my feeling for him still haven’t change yet.
He always make me laugh every time we meet. He’s polite, he notice, compliment on me when I have something changes. He remember all the things that we’d spent together even the first day we’ve met. He always walked beside me when we walking together. Some times, His eyes brow raise up when he sees me, then smiles. He look at me, and he doesn’t try to look away me, he keep eyes contact with me then smiles. He tries to be strong and manly when around me…. etc….
But he never says to me that he likes me.
It makes me so confused.
Do you think he likes me, and should I tell him again my feeling for him?
Thank you and waiting your message.
Chantel says
Ok. So I like this guy… He’s older than me. We’re good friends and all… We chat alot. But I don’t know if he’s also interested… He claims he’s not dating at the moment. So I want to know if he likes me too or maybe he’s not just interested.
Aliyana says
Hello, my name is Aliyana and I am in second last year of high school. After finishing our classes my best friend and I go in School Ground because we all students stay some time in ground before going to home . Actually my best friend knows a guy of another section, When we are at ground my best friend talk to him and I don’t know so much about him but when my best friend talks to him , He looked at me . Many time I see him that He looked at me but I can’t say nothing and I started seeing in another direction . Actually I also don’t talk so much to him because I don’t know him perfectly and he is also not my friend , classmate. I don’t talk so much because of this he always says “Why She didn’t talk and stand silently?”(Sorry If I get mistake in English because this time my grammar is going on and i am not so perfect in english so sorry, I am from India)
Kaya Stevenson says
I was starting in a new school and this boy was in a grade above me when I walked out of school he said he likes me it was only the first day of school so I was confused. Over the months he never said anything else ,not that we ever talked. I saw him so many times that year. Then we both moved up grades. We didn’t talk but he constantly looks at me a few times I saw him lick his lips and look at me. Another day I was walking with my friend to school and he was walking alone when we got to the crosswalk he walked across to. When I turned around he was far behind,the next time I turned around he was right behind us. He knows I like him but does he like me back?
paola says
so I like this guy, but i don’t know if he likes me back. he always staring at me in lunch, hallways, and after school. he always touching his neck and smiling when i araund, his voice change when i’m around.he always he always looks back when we leaving and he gets annoyed when i talk to my guys friends
J. C says
So im rlly confused abt this one guy who ive seen a few times outside of school but in gym class he makes eye contact for a lo;ng time but we never talk. A few days later i caught him looking at me then smiling and looks away as well; yesterday he was dropped his ball and rolled over close to me then me made eye contact for a long time ; then today he was talking wit another girl in front of me then i felt sad idk what that means??????
J. C says
he also kept touching his hair and looking at his camera on his phone and also looked for me when he about to leave
Lucy says
Hi, so there is a guy on my sports team who is the same age as I am. We also are in the same profession, we’re both teachers, we just teach at different schools that are in different cities.
When we first met, it was very chill and easy only saying hi to each other at practice.
We played at a tournament and he was my team captain. He was excited to see me the morning of the tournament and during the break time came up to me for the first time and started talking to me. He got to know a little bit more about me a little of my background. I also got to hear a little bit about him and his family. So after that we would see each other at practice, we would smile at each other and do a lot of eye contact. Almost every time we turn we’re both looking at each other and it’s prolonged eye contact. The problem is he don’t touch me but he does check me out and I check him doing it, he acts like nothing happened and we continue with the eye contact. It just he won’t take the first move to talk to me outside of field but when we’re on the field he’s the first one to talk to me and he does try to catch up when we’re playing but not outside of the field. What do I do about this? Does he like me or is he being friendly or should I just forget about it and stick to just being friends?
Lola says
I am lola there is a boy in my class he is my best friend he is always talking to me smiling at me and sometimes notices the minutest thing . He is my crush and he is always looking at my body . He always touches my hair my ears and his friends say that we look like a couple and he likes me but I don’t know this for sure
Pls help
Lex says
My crush found out that I like him earlier today and when I walked into Spanish class after he looked directly at me then smiled and then walked next to me to the bus…. I don’t know if he likes me too orrrrrrr
Soumya says
i just want to know about if he likes me or not…
So I just met a guy in the office picnic of my Dad’s. He was older than me and moreover he was the elder brother of a girl who was a good friend once upon a time. Actually what happend is when we boarded the bus he was staring at me with blank expression. After some while we reached a place for breakfast. When I was done eating… we both got up at the same time and he was walking right behind me (like a 5cms gap between us with my back facing towards him). After that we reached a British palace and in the first room he was around me watching his mobile (while I was shooting videos on my phone).He went ahead. When I was entering the second room with my dad calling me, he saw me(though I was bust filming) and when I saw him he turned towards is phone screen.Outside his mother was taking his picture while he was posing, I accidentally turned my camera towards him for like 5 seconds. I hadn’t realized that I was shooting him too! Next moment he again gave me a blank stare, along with him his mom and his sister were staring at me.(I thought he was mad at me for shooting him!!!). Next thing we went inside a shed where all the British Victorian carriages were kept and he was standing right beside a beautiful carriage taking a selfie, while I was clicking some pics…(again! but not him,the carriage). When he was done he turned back and looked at me. My blood froze. Next at night we were in our final picnic spot. I was walking and finding my brother while he was sitting on a bench watching his mobile. When I was walking towards him he saw me again. He did this every time I passed by him…looked at me (more kinda stared at me) and then continued with his mobile. He was on his mobile all day. He never talked to me though. His expression was always blank. Once I was very near to and as usual he was on his mobile. He looked up saw right into my eyes. He always looked into y eyes. But the last thing just mixed me up….. we were waiting for the bus to arrive and he was sitting across me. I was sitting with me dad laughing. While I saw him staring at me yes, STARING at ME while his younger sister who happend to be my ex-friend was whispering something in his ear…..
I would highly appreciate if someone tells me why he did so.
Hoping for replies!!!
Thank you!
Eliza says
I know that he might not like me,but still I feel as though he does. It happens a lot to share eye contact,he would often smile. And even when he speaks to someone else he looks at me,when I look at him. He does small kind gestures like comforting me when I was super nervous in one of our lectures,he brought my coffee once and even suggested to pay for it(I had money). He repaired my pen once. But still he does not text me which makes me question my notions. He also never mentions in front of me other girls he find attractive,but he does mention them in front of the other girls from the group.
Tiffany says
i have a crush on this one kid and i cech him stering at me and his frends act wired around me to we joke around and he laghts at all of my jokes but he say we are just good frends dose he like more than a frend and ps we have all the same class together
Nancy says
I think my boss shows 35/46 signs mensioned. But hes married and his age difference is 20 to me.
I cant stand his presence when hes around my table,what should I do,I’m freak out mostly when he comes around.. I just want him to say something so we can communicate and come to an understanding but hes not.
Please help advice so we can express our feelings atleast .After all,hes my boss…