Opportunities may sometimes come unpredictably. Although it may present itself at times, you cannot always grab it if you can’t recognize it. The question now is, how are you going to recognize an opportunity when it arises? The first thing you need to do is learn how to be quick in decision making. People who think slow tend to let opportunities pass by. Secondly, you need to be flexible and know how to adapt to changes. Opportunities may come unexpectedly so if they arrive, you must be able to have yourself ready for dealing with new situations. A person who wants to be successful must not only think but should be able to act as well. Once you get yourself ready to welcome greater opportunities, you’ll have a higher chance of success.
Let’s use a newly promoted employee working in a company as an example. Since he is being promoted, he might be assigned to a different location far from his family or friends. One thing everyone should know is that sometimes opportunity requires sacrifice. If that employee wants to grab the opportunity presented to him, he may need to sacrifice a little of his time away from home. Sacrifices are always rewarded in the end, you just have to believe that. Successful people definitely have made sacrifices to reach their goals and if they have survived after all the hardships they went through, there is no doubt you can do it too.
These opportunity quotes we prepared are great examples of how people became successful in life by grabbing the right opportunities presented to them. We hope you don’t let opportunities pass you by and may it encourage you to work hard in achieving your own goals in life!
Opportunity Quotes
1. All of us might wish at times that we lived in a more tranquil world, but we don’t. And if our times are difficult and perplexing, so are they challenging and filled with opportunity. – Robert F. Kennedy
2. Opportunities will come and go, but if you do nothing about them, so will you. – Richie Norton
3. With each opportunity before me, God presented me with a choice. I could accept His offerings, His wisdom, His grace. Or I could choose to hold onto the pain, the anger and the resentment a little longer. – Sharon E. Rainey
4. If you have to ask if you’ve done enough, you haven’t. Each day brings with it the opportunity to do more than you did yesterday. – Steve Maraboli
5. Opportunists seek for a chance. Entrepreneurs make new chances. – Toba Beta
6. Time is limited and some opportunities never repeat themselves. – Belle de Jour
7. There comes a moment in every life when the Universe presents you with an opportunity to rise to your potential. An open door that only requires the heart to walk through, seize it and hang on. The choice is never simple. It’s never easy. It’s not supposed to be. But those who travel this path have always looked back and realized that the test was always about the heart. The rest is just practice. – Jaime Buckley
8. Every day, you get the opportunity to change your life. Change what you do not want. Change what makes you unhappy. – Rodolfo Costa
9. Opportunity doesn’t make appointments, you have to be ready when it arrives. – Tim Fargo
10. During their lifetimes, every man and woman will stumble across a great opportunity. Sadly, most of them will simply pick themselves up, dust themselves down and carry on as if nothing ever happened. – Winston S. Churchill
11. One who swims with the tide and not the other side will benefit from the opportunity that flows. – Stephen Richards
12. Every mistake committed is a learning opportunity. – Santosh Kalwar
13. I would rather be an opportunist and float than go to the bottom with my principles around my neck. – Stanley Baldwin
14. Every new day is an opportunity to grow your love. – Debasish Mridha
15. The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word ‘crisis.’ One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger–but recognize the opportunity. – John F. Kennedy
16. Always find opportunities to make someone smile, and to offer random acts of kindness in everyday life. – Roy T. Bennett
17. A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. – Francis Bacon
18. We often miss opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work. – Thomas A. Edison
19. If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. – Milton Berle
20. Turn your obstacles into opportunities and your problems into possibilities. – Roy T. Bennett
21. Failure is only the opportunity more intelligently to begin again. – Henry Ford
22. When things do not go your way, remember that every challenge — every adversity — contains within it the seeds of opportunity and growth. – Roy T. Bennett
23. One opportunity leads directly to another, just as risk leads to more risk, life to more life, and death to more death. – Markus Zusak
24. We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day. – Edith Lovejoy Pierce
25. I believe that every single event in life happens in an opportunity to choose love over fear. – Oprah Winfrey
26. When one door closes another door opens; but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us. – Alexander Graham Bell
27. “Single” is an opportunity to live life on your own terms and not apologize. – Mandy Hale
28. When a great moment knocks on the door of your life, it is often no louder than the beating of your heart, and it is very easy to miss it. – Boris Pasternak
29. Our most significant opportunities will be found in times of greatest difficulty. – Thomas S. Monson
30. If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later. – Richard Branson
31. Sometimes maybe you need an experience. The experience can be a person or it can be a drug. The experience opens a door that was there all the time but you never saw it. Or maybe it blasts you into outer space. All that negative stuff. All the pain. It just floated away from me, I just floated away from it. Up and away. – Melvin Burgess
32. How would your life be different if you didn’t allow yourself to be defined by your past? Let today be the day, you stop letting your history interfere with your destiny and awaken to the opportunity to release your greatest self. – Steve Maraboli
33. Remember that things are not always as they appear to be. Curiosity creates possibilities and opportunities. – Roy T. Bennett
34. Every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities. – Patti Roberts
35. It is not often that a man can make opportunities for himself. But he can put himself in such shape that when or if the opportunities come he is ready. – Theodore Roosevelt
36. Unfortunately, there seems to be far more opportunity out there than ability. We should remember that good fortune often happens when opportunity meets with preparation. – Thomas A. Edison
37. Learn to adapt. Things change, circumstances change. Adjust yourself and your efforts to what it is presented to you so you can respond accordingly. Never see change as a threat, because it can be an opportunity to learn, to grow, evolve and become a better person. – Rodolfo Costa
38. Sometimes opportunities float right past your nose. Work hard, apply yourself, and be ready. When an opportunity comes you can grab it. – Julie Andrews Edwards
39. When you open your mind, you open new doors to new possibilities for yourself and new opportunities to help others. – Roy T. Bennett
40. Strength comes from struggle. When you learn to see your struggles as opportunities to become stronger, better, wiser, then your thinking shifts from “I can’t do this” to “I must do this. – Toni Sorenson
41. I believe luck is preparation meeting opportunity. If you hadn’t been prepared when the opportunity came along, you wouldn’t have been lucky. – Oprah Winfrey
42. You have been given a second chance to start your life over. You can’t throw this opportunity away. If you do you will be a colossal fool. If you get the chance to do something and don’t do it then you’ll simply live with regret. That’s a worse situation than trying something daring and maybe not succeeding. At least you tried. Isn’t that what you want to show your kids? – Lorena Bathey
43. Today I will take the opportunity to do unanticipated good. – Steve Maraboli
44. No great man ever complains of want of opportunity. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
45. I will not be a common man. I will stir the smooth sands of monotony. I do not crave security. I wish to hazard my soul to opportunity. – Peter O’Toole
46. It still holds true that man is most uniquely human when he turns obstacles into opportunities. – Eric Hoffer
47. Coincidences give you opportunities to look more deeply into your existence. – Doug Dillon
48. Opportunity is a haughty goddess who wastes no time with those who are unprepared. – George S. Clason
49. Today, you have the opportunity to transcend from a disempowered mindset of existence to an empowered reality of purpose-driven living. Today is a new day that has been handed to you for shaping. You have the tools, now get out there and create a masterpiece. – Steve Maraboli
50. It’s when ordinary people rise above the expectations and seize the opportunity that milestones truly are reached. – Mike Huckabee
51. Our youth deserve the opportunity to complete their high school and college education, free of early parenthood. Their future children deserve the opportunity to grow up in financially and emotionally stable homes. Our communities benefit from healthy, productive, well-prepared young people. – Jane Fonda
52. Fishing provides that connection with the whole living world. It gives you the opportunity of being totally immersed, turning back into yourself in a good way. A form of meditation, some form of communion with levels of yourself that are deeper than the ordinary self. – Ted Hughes
53. Nearly every moment of every day, we have the opportunity to give something to someone else – our time, our love, our resources. – S. Truett Cathy
54. How soon will we accept this opportunity to be fully alive before we die? – Stephen Levine
55. Nothing is so often and so irrevocably missed as the opportunity which crops up daily. – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
56. Opportunity never knocks. It hangs thick in the air all around you. You breathe it unthinking, and dissipate it with your sighs. – Roy H. Williams
57. Having beef with someone is unnecessary and avoidable. Whatever the issue, if not positive, it is an opportunity to cut the excess fat from an unhealthy dietary network. Simply excuse yourself from the table of negativity and lean forward in peace. – T.F. Hodge
58. The excitement of opportunity and challenge inspires us to push for greatness.
– Lorii Myers
59. I take the opportunity each day offers. – Andy Goldsworthy
60. Every new day is an opportunity for me to stop embracing the status quo. I just want to break the conformity and make a difference. – Ifeoluwa Egbetade
61. Someday an opportunity will come. Think about Harry Potter. His life is terrible, but then a letter arrives, he gets on a train, and everything is different for him afterward. Better. Magical. That’s just a story. So are we- we’re stories too. – Matthew Quick
62. Possible is more a matter of attitude. A matter of decision, to choose among the impossible possibilities. When one sound opportunity becomes a possible solution. – Dejan Stojanovic
63. Any human anywhere will blossom in a hundred unexpected talents and capacities simply by being given the opportunity to do so. – Doris Lessing
64. Stay open to opportunity, you never know where your next important connection will be made. – Nicholas Boothman
65. When the door of opportunity of your storehouse opens for you, let faith and hope enter first. When your faith leads the way, you will locate the source of your hidden treasures. – Israelmore Ayivor
66. The opportunity to do what is right is available at all times. – Jim George
67. As soon as you open your mind to doing things differently, the doors of opportunity practically fly off their hinges. – Jay Abraham
68. Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, ‘What’s in it for me?’ – Brian Tracy
69. Opportunities multiply as they are seized. – Sun Tzu
70. The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy. – Sun Tzu
71. In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity. – Sun Tzu
72. Opportunities increase as they are taken. – Sun Tzu
73. The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat, but cannot make certain of defeating the enemy. – Sun Tzu
74. Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems. – Sun Tzu
75. Without an opportunity, their abilities would have been wasted, and without their abilities, the opportunity would have arisen in vain. – Niccolò Machiavelli
76. Everything negative, pressure, challenges, is all an opportunity for me to rise. – Kobe Bryant
77. Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity. -Hippocrates
78. I’m most proud of the blessings that God has bestowed upon me, in my life. He’s given me the vision to truly see that you can fall down, but you can still get back up. Hopefully, I’ll learn from my mistakes and have the opportunity to strengthen and improve the next thing I do. – Martin Lawrence
79. Do you know what my favorite part of the game is? The opportunity to play. – Mike Singletary
80. If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment. a lot of people don’t appreciate the moment until it’s passed. – Kanye West
81. If a window of opportunity appears, don’t pull down the shade. – Tom Peters
82. Every project is an opportunity to learn, to figure out problems and challenges, to invent and reinvent. – David Rockwell
83. The highest levels of performance come to people who are centered, intuitive, creative, and reflective people who know to see a problem as an opportunity. – Deepak Chopra
84. Some of our important choices have a timeline. If we delay a decision, the opportunity is gone forever. Sometimes our doubts keep us from making a choice that involves change. Thus an opportunity may be missed. – James E. Faust
85. There is a huge need and a huge opportunity to get everyone in the world connected, to give everyone a voice and to help transform society for the future. The scale of the technology and infrastructure that must be built is unprecedented, and we believe this is the most important problem we can focus on. – Mark Zuckerberg
86. Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat. – Napoleon Hill
87. The delicate balance of mentoring someone is not creating them in your own image, but giving them the opportunity to create themselves. – Steven Spielberg
88. The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity. – Ayn Rand
89. God can cause opportunity to find you. He has unexpected blessings where you suddenly meet the right person, or suddenly your health improves, or suddenly you’re able to pay off your house. That’s God shifting things in your favor. – Joel Osteen
90. The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity. – Peter Drucker
91. Women should never go without earrings. Passing on them is an opportunity missed. – Jennifer Lopez
92. One only dies once, and if one does not die well, a good opportunity is lost and will not present itself again. – Jose Rizal
93. If you have an opportunity to use your voice you should use it. – Samuel L. Jackson
94. Ability is nothing without opportunity. – Napoleon Bonaparte
95. Times of transition are strenuous, but I love them. They are an opportunity to purge, rethink priorities, and be intentional about new habits. We can make our new normal anyway we want. – Kristin Armstrong
96. So never lose an opportunity of urging a practical beginning, however small, for it is wonderful how often in such matters the mustard seed germinates and roots itself. – Florence Nightingale
97. It is possible to become discouraged about the injustice we see everywhere. But God did not promise us that the world would be humane and just. He gives us the gift of life and allows us to choose the way we will use our limited time on earth. It is an awesome opportunity. – Cesar Chavez
98. Be ever watchful for the opportunity to shelter little children with the umbrella of your charity; be generous to their schools, their hospitals, and their places of worship. For, as they must bear the burdens of our mistakes, so are they in their innocence the repositories of our hopes for the upward progress of humanity. – Conrad Hilton
99. I portray female characters, so I have the opportunity to change the way people look at them. Even if I wasn’t consciously doing that, it would happen anyway just because of how I present as a woman, or as a person. I present in a way that’s not stereotypical, even if I’m playing a stereotypical role. – Frances McDormand
100. You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. – Rahm Emanuel
101. The secret of success is to be ready when your opportunity comes. – Benjamin Disraeli
102. Luck? I don’t know anything about luck. I’ve never banked on it and I’m afraid of people who do. Luck to me is something else: Hard work -and realizing what is opportunity and what isn’t. – Lucille Ball
103. Enjoying success requires the ability to adapt. Only by being open to change will you have a true opportunity to get the most from your talent. – Nolan Ryan
104. All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual. – Albert Einstein
105. Every time you get into a new job, new location, you have an amazing opportunity in front of you. You get to play dumb for as long as people will allow you to play dumb. You get to ask all the dumb questions, you get to ask multiple people the dumb questions, and you get to make mistakes. That’s how you stand out in the crowd. -.Gary Cohn
106. We must open the doors of opportunity. But we must also equip our people to walk through those doors. – Lyndon B. Johnson
107. Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to ‘jump at the sun.’ We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground. – Zora Neale Hurston
108. I am not an educated man. I never had an opportunity to learn anything except how to fight. – Pancho Villa
109. Women need opportunity and encouragement. If a girl can climb mountains, she can do anything positive within her field of work. – Samina Baig
110. Right now people are interested in genetic engineering to help the human race. That’s a noble cause, and that’s where we should be heading. But once we get past that – once we understand what genetic diseases we can deal with – when we start thinking about the future, there’s an opportunity to create some new life-forms. – Jack Horner
111. There is no king of golf. Never has been, never will be. Golf is the most democratic game on Earth. It punishes and exalts us all with splendid equal opportunity. – Arnold Palmer
112. Remember, the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and their stability. – Ho Chi Minh
113. I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity. -John D. Rockefeller
114. One thing that education can do is it can provide us with an opportunity to understand one another better, and so while I’ve spent a lot of my time in the world of politics, I’ve always felt that it is really not politics that will solve this for us. – Condoleezza Rice
115. For the timid, change is frightening; for the comfortable, change is threatening; but for the confident, change is opportunity. – Nido Qubein
116. So see every opportunity as golden, and keep your eyes on the prize – yours, not anybody else’s. – Roberta Flack
117. Baseball is a game based on adversity. It’s a game that’s going to test you repeatedly. It’s going to find your weaknesses and vulnerabilities and force you to adjust. That adversity, in the big picture, is a really good thing because it shows you where your weaknesses are. It gives you the opportunity to improve. – Theo Epstein
118. There is no security on this earth; there is only opportunity. – Douglas MacArthur
119. Wherever there’s opportunity, the mafia will be there. – Johnny Kelly
120. I think if I heard someone else talking about their life, describing all the problems I’ve had, they’d look like they were through. Done. But there’s something about me – I’m smiling. Those things are really not bad enough to put me in a slump. I’m smiling with the opportunity to wake up every morning. – Nas
121. To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities. – Bruce Lee
122. Too often, we miss out on opportunities in this life because we were too busy waiting for them to fall into our lap that we missed them tapping on our shoulder. – Daniel Willey
123. People regret not achieving enough success in life, they should regret missing many opportunities in life. – Amit Kalantri
124. We yearn for opportunities, we pray for opportunities and we seek for opportunities. The good news is that we meet opportunities. The bad news is that we miss the opportunities only to come to a later realization of missed opportunities. – Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
125. Turning a breakup into a break-over. We want women to know that as bad as it can be, it can also be an opportunity to reinvent yourself. – Greg Behrendt
126. Now that I have the opportunities to do a lot, I want to do less. – David Spade
127. My father wanted me to have all the educational opportunities he never had, so he sent me to a girls school. – Daniel Tosh