When you are trying to get a guy’s attention, texting might not do the trick. So, stop texting him to get his attention.
Many women want the attention of a particular guy, so they will text away, hoping that will do the trick. Newsflash! Just texting a man won’t make him interested in you the way you want. In time, he’s going to get annoyed with the chase game, and eventually, he’s going to ignore you.
At this point, you can kiss your potential for a romantic relationship good-bye.
Stop Texting Him To Get His Attention
If you really want his undivided attention, you need to cease with the texting completely. Give it a shot because it’s definitely not going to hurt. At least you’re showing him you’re willing to put a little more effort into the equation, and that goes a heck of a long way when all is said and done.
Here are a few pointers to grab the attention of the man you want.
Pointer One – The No-Brainer: Stop Texting Him Relentlessly
According to the experts, when you constantly text a guy, his mind is eventually going to wander elsewhere. This guy will start avoiding you because you are smothering him with your text messages.
You do know what happens when you corner a cat, right?
Fact-If you text him too much, you will scare him away. It just shows you are needy and likely have issues with confidence or self-esteem.
Of course, you want to make sure you are on his mind, but trust me, texting him every 15 minutes is not the solution. Stop the non-stop texting and try shooting him a casual text on occasion. Make him wonder what you are up to and give him the impression you’ve got more going on in your life than just texting him.
It doesn’t matter whether or not that’s true. You’ve just got to convince him of this.
Surprise him with your text messages and get him excited when you take the time to message him. Leave him wanting more and never shoot him more than a message or two at a time.
It won’t take him long to start chasing you. Try to wait until he text messages you before you message him back. Bottom line is you need to give him a break from your texts, so he has a chance to miss you and think about you. Often, he’s going to want to talk to you more, and he will take the lead on contacting you. That’s when you know you’ve got his undivided attention.
This takes time and patience, so make sure you keep your cool, so in the end, you get exactly what you want for all the right reasons!
Pointer Two – Give Him The Cold Shoulder…Just For A Bit
If you really want to build a relationship with a guy, or at least get his attention, you should try ignoring him for a bit. Not in a nasty way, but don’t be so available.
Stop texting him and hanging out with him every second of every day. Don’t show up at his place unexpectedly and don’t suddenly appear in the hangout spots where you know he’ll be.
Make sure he knows you aren’t a crazy, clingy, girl. Give him some distance, and he will respect you more for it, triggering him naturally to want to start chasing you. Sure, it’s a game, but it can be a productive one if you pay your cards right.
Just make sure you don’t give him the cold shoulder too long. If you do, he will lose interest and set his sight on some other girl. Keep your distance for about a week or so.
Pointer Three – Try Playing Hard To Get
If you are serious about getting the undivided attention of a guy, you can try playing hard to get. This doesn’t mean you still can’t text him on occasion, just don’t make this your main form of communication if you are looking to get his undivided attention.
When a man gives you a little of his time, you should ignore it initially. Be vague when you communicate with him and only reply to some of his texts.
When this guy asks you what you are doing and if you’d like to go out some time, you need to tell him no the first time.
Make sure this isn’t an in-your-face outright no. Just sway him to the side a little and tell him you are busy or you just can’t get free that night.
Of course, you can’t do this forever, but you want to establish that you aren’t sitting around waiting for him to ask you out. Even if that’s true, make sure he never figures that out!
He needs to understand he’s got to work for you, and when he realizes this, he’s most definitely going to want to chase after you.
The truth is, men love to give attention to the women who aren’t falling all over them. Show him he’s got to do some of the chasing, and this will draw him closer.
After you have his attention, you can stop playing hard to get and start making yourself available for a relationship. It’s important you don’t do a 180 here because that’s little too sneaky, and he might figure it out. Just start accepting the odd date and hang around with him on occasion, just not every hour of every day.
There’s no doubt playing hard to get is one of the most effective ways to capture a man’s attention.
Pointer Four – Give Him The Lead Role
There’s nothing wrong with giving the girl the lead in a relationship, even if she’s the one asking the guy out. But, if you really want his attention, you should let him slip into the lead role. Don’t be the one starting all the conversations and reaching out to him. Don’t show up in all the places he hangs out and don’t text him first.
For the first part, let him lead the way and take control. Men like to be the strength in a relationship and they often like to have control. When you learn to step back and let him drive the boat, you are going to hook him in faster, and if you take your time you might even land him!
Reply to him positively for the things he does. When he asks you if you want to hang out, you can say yes, but don’t suggest it. If this guy texts you, make sure you reply but don’t initiate it. This will show him you want him to take the lead, and you are directing him to work a little for your attention. This makes him want you more and will push his interest in you right to the top.
Pointer Five – The Hot And Cold Switch
There’s a big difference between playing tough to get and being hot and cold. A girl is consistent when she’s playing hard to get. It’s all about putting him off and ignoring his text messages immediately when you receive them. If you choose to play hot and cold, you are blending or mixing up your replies, so he’s not sure what to expect.
Think of this as intermittent reinforcement. You are training him to want a positive reward that sometimes comes and sometimes doesn’t.
With this scenario, you can answer some of his text messages immediately, and other times, make sure you’ve got some sort of a delay. Sometimes, when he asks you out, you can make sure it happens, and other times, you need to make sure you’re busy.
Just make sure you don’t overdo your hot and cold responses because, if you do, he might just get bored, and that’s never a good thing. Keep the chase moving along but make sure he never catches you. This is the sort of thing most guys thrive for.
When you give a man some hot and cold, he will have no choice but to give you his attention because he’s truly interested in what’s going to happen next.
Pointer Six – Make Time For Him
It goes without saying, if you want the attention of a guy, you’ve got to be in his line of fire. If you want this to happen, you need to spend quality time with him. The direct approach to getting his attention is to stop the games and just start being around him. This will give him the opportunity to notice you, and when he figures out how amazing you are, he’s not going to want to stop being with you.
There are many ways to spend time with the man you really like. The first route is to make it all about the group thing. This works great when you start hanging around because it’s much more comfortable than one-on-one immediately. Make the time to introduce your friends to his buddies casually and mix it up so you all have fun hanging around together.
Figure out some exciting events where you can all hang out, even if it’s just catching a movie and grabbing a pizza. Ultimately, this gives you a no-pressure route to getting a little closer to him without the nerves and expectations that come with the one-on-one.
You can also suggest hanging out together but make sure you are comfy with this first. The last thing you want to do is put yourself or him in an awkward situation. Start slow and work your way up to the solo missions.
After spending quality time with him, he will never want to let you go!
Pointer Seven – Never Ever Stop Being You!
One of the worst things you can do is try to change yourself for any man. Pinky swear promise you will never do that! If this guy is right for you, he should love you for you, just as you are.
If he does not like you as you are, the good, bad and ugly, then he isn’t the man you should be with. Trust me, there is no man on this planet that is worth losing yourself over. No matter how much you want to impress him and want him to notice you, I can guarantee you will end up with a broken heart if you break free from who you are.
Let’s just say this man likes the fake you. If you wind up staying together, the resentment from what he has done to you will eat you alive. Just don’t do it, please.
Men love women who are confident in themselves and know their worth. Sure, men will challenge this from time to time, but you need to stand your ground and know who you are.
When you stick with being yourself, your man will respect and love you more. You are going to nab his attention if you stay true to who you are. A guy worth dating is a man with an open mind that’s drawn to you just when you are being you. I can’t hit this point hard enough.
Be true to yourself, or you are seriously going to wind up with the wrong man on your arm.
Pointer Eight – Don’t Be Afraid To Flirt Some With Other Men
This is an indirect route to capturing the undivided attention of other men. Be sure you understand there’s a difference between flirting and leading men on for no reason. The best move is to flirt with a few handsome men when you know your man, or at least the one you have your eyes on, is watching you.
Why does this strategy work to get his attention?
When you show him there are other men potentially in the picture, he will do his best to make sure you pick him. If he is sitting on the fence and hasn’t made a move yet for you, this will be the move that will push him to take action and make sure you know he wants to be with you.
Also, make sure you are flirty in the face of his friends, even when the guy you want isn’t in sight. His buddies will report back to him, and if he’s even remotely interested in you, he’s going to jump to make his move.
Often, an outsider is required to make a man see and understand just how fantabulous you are. Give it a shot!
Next Up…Here Are A Few Surefire Ways To Kill A Relationship-Texting And All
Trying to capture the attention of a man and starting a fresh relationship is super exciting. It’s all about the unknown and the newness. Sure, you might be thinking about texting this guy the way you always have; however, you might want to think twice. It didn’t work in the past, so why would it work now?
You need to get creative, take a look at your new communication skills, and learn what you need to do in the texting department to get the man you want.
Here are a few common mess-ups that will wreck any relationship.
Mistake One – You Failing To Treat It Like A Normal Talk
Of course, there is no rulebook when it comes to texting, but continuity is important. When it comes to a flirty texting relationship, it should work like a conversation. These text messages should go back and forth; that means one for one!
If you start sending double text messages, you are trying too hard, and that’s going to come across as needy. Don’t do that, please.
Mistake Two – Make Sure You Respect Their Schedule
When you know he’s got a crazy busy schedule ahead for the next week, make sure you aren’t drowning him in texts. Send him a message once and leave it at that. I understand how difficult it is, but you’ve got to stick with this or you are making a huge mistake.
When it comes to late night messaging, just don’t do it. You know what he’s expecting, and you are better than that.
Mistake Three – Dishing Much Too Fast
Make note there are certain conversations that should never happen via text messaging. Particularly when you are in the beginning of a new relationship, you should never have any negativity. Never tell him how pissed you are at your boss or how much it ticks you off that your girlfriend hasn’t gone out with you in a few weeks.
Truth be told, negative thoughts will seriously kill a relationship.
Don’t tell him about it, even if you’ve had the worst day of your life. If you really want to capture his attention, you can’t let him see you as a gal with oodles of issues.
Mistake Four – Don’t Ignore The Two Most Important Texts
If you are interested in a man, you need to let him know the best you can, and one surefire way is to give him a “good morning” and a “good night” message always.
This isn’t about the content of the text but more about the thought in the message.
Mistake Five – Blindly Following Big Bad Advice
Bottom line…experts report it’s a smart move to play hard to get from time to time. What you need to understand is that it’s ok to wait a few hours to reply to a message. Don’t do that every time, but when you are actually busy, you should not worry about replying.
Also note, if you wait 2-3 days to reply, you will get pushed to the curb because guys think of this as ghosting…never a good thing.
Here are a few more alternative methods to get a man’s attention without texting
Step One – Give Him A Reason To Notice Only You
We’ve touched on this before but if’s worth revisiting. You can never have enough pointers on simple steps to make him remember you and only you.
First, he needs to know you exist. How you dress, talk, and interact with people is crucial. Make sure he knows you’re alive and you stand a chance.
Step Two – Take Action With Your Eyes
The best flirting tool you have is your eyes. Use them to communicate what you are thinking and feeling, and you will grab his attention.
Step Three – Be Sure To Smile
You need eye contact, but you also need a genuine smile. When you genuinely smile at a man, you will melt him inside out. Need I say more?
Step Four – Have Fun With Positive Energy
When you show him you are a fun girl with positive energy, you will grab his attention.
When you are acting positively, you are showing him who you are, something truly magical.
Step Five – Tell Him Straight Up What You Are Thinking
It never hurts to tell the truth, right? When you open up to a man without being sappy, you are showing him you are open to an emotional connection, and you aren’t afraid of the weird things you are feeling. That is pretty freaking magical.
Final Words
When you are trying to figure out whether you should stop texting to get his attention, you’re shouting to the world you are serious about getting into a real union. Use these tips, tricks, and proven pointers to figure how you can grab his attention and keep it forever.
Steven Smith says
Who writes this crap? This advice is a Surefire way to lose a man. Is this geared towards millennials? Men do not like to play games. If you’re interested in man show it and stay with it. I can’t believe the advice this article gave. This is what’s wrong with the sexes is that people read and follow the advice of crap articles like this. Follow your heart if you’re interested in somebody Xpress it. Don’t play games that is the quickest Surefire way to lose a real man.
hector says
Yeah, do all this to your guy and you sure as hell end up spinning with 7 cats in your lonely, empty home.
Jon says
I’d definitely notice a girl that was doing this to me. Most of the tactics would make me think that either she has low interest or that she’s playing games. So I would stop initiating conversations. Assuming that I was interested, if she got in touch, I would ask her out. If she said no, without offering an alternative, then I would just tell her that I’m busy and have to get off the phone and she can get in touch if she figures out when she’s available to meet up in person.
Doesn’t sound to me like this article has very good advice at all. It will work very well on exactly the type of guy that you don’t want to date.