When you are drawn to a guy and you aren’t sure how you feel about it, that makes it crazy difficult. It’s tough to know whether you should be more than friends with this guy or not.
Here are a few telltale indicators the guy you have your eyes on wants to be more than friends. Take a look and see whether or not you think this man is totally into you.
Signs He Wants To Be More Than Friends
Here are numerous indicators a man wants to be much more than friends with you. Doesn’t mean he is right. Just means the door of opportunity is wide open.
He’s Always Giving You Priority Attention
If a man isn’t totally interested in a girl, he’s not going to give her the time of day. If you are getting quality attention from a man, then he is totally into you. He’s going to listen intensively about what you have to say and he’s not going to interrupt you.
Even if you are saying something totally silly and not important, he is going to make sure all eyes are on you.
Continuously Looking For The Glance
If a guy is interested in you, he’s going to make sure he’s in the perfect spot to admire you. You might catch his glance and that’s exactly what he wants.
Perhaps you are in the same class and he’s going to spend the majority of his time making sure you know he’s watching you.
This is a solid signal, he wants to get to know you on a level much higher than just friends.
The Nerves Are In Your Face
If a man has a serious crush on you, he’s going to be nervous at some point. It might be obvious or nonchalant but it will be there.
Sure, he might be totally normal around his friends, but when you come into view, he could very well start sweating and changing his normal behaviors with way too much obviousness…is that even a word?
He’s Up For Complimenting Everything That Comes Out Of Your Mouth
No matter what, if a man is into you, he is going to make you feel like everything you say is golden.
What does this mean?
He’s simply trying to tell you that you are his perfect match.
Even when you make a small comment, he will make you feel like you deserve a compliment.
Super sweet if you ask me.
All he’s trying to accomplish is to show you that you are a match for him and he’s willing to prove that to you.
He Is Happy To Ring You Just To Say Hello
Does it get much better than this?
More often than not a man is going to ring you for a specific reason. However, when he calls you for no “real” reason at all, that means everything.
He’s telling you straight up that he just wants to connect and talk with you and that’s magical.
This Guy Is Happy To Laugh At All Your Jokes
Now there’s a difference between a man laughing at your jokes and laughing at everything to try and get you to smile. The second is fake and definitely overdoing it.
When a man laughs at your lame jokes, he just wants you to feel comfortable and open up to him; be comfortable when he’s around.
This means, he is going to support you when life gets tough and that’s invaluable. He doesn’t care if he’s the only one laughing because he wants you to know he is there for you.
The Jealous Card Is Always There
If a man wants to be more than just friends with you, he’s certainly not going to be okay if you are seeing other guys. Heck, he probably won’t even be good with men checking you out and that’s not a bad thing.
Guys are territorial and they want to know they have the undivided attention of the girl they are interested in and they do not like competition or sharing.
A man that wants to be more than friends with you can’t picture you with anyone but him and that’s what makes him freaky jealous.
The gentleman that wants you is going to instinctively want to prove to you beyond the shadow of a doubt he is oodles better than any other man around you. He’s not going to like you being close to guys because in the primitive world that means they are a threat.
Try and understand this one please.
The Man Lets You Know He Knows What You Want, Like And Detest
This is the guy that knows your favorite dress, color, and what sort of movies you like to see. In fact, he will provably do his time and play private investigator for a while to figure out all your likes and dislikes so he can accommodate.
Newsflash – If he’s doing this, he is totally into you!
He’s going to buy you little gifts he can’t resist because he knows they are going to put a smile on your face and they will suit you perfectly.
The boy just wants you to feel special and he’s willing to show you just how special he knows you are.
Body Contact Is Priority One
This doesn’t mean you are hopping in the sac with him. What it means is that he is always looking for opportunities to brush your hand, give you a hug, or make any sort of body contact he can as casually and safely as possible.
If he is making a point of touching you, he is trying to tell you he would be delighted if you would be more than friends with him.
How you respond back will dictate your path.
He’s Pro At Imitating
When a guy likes a gal more than causally, he is going to try hard to change his behaviors to match you, the damsel in distress! Perhaps he will suddenly start listening to the music you listen to or get caught up with a television series you are hooked on.
This guy is just trying to show you that he is open and versatile and cares about what you want and like. That says wonders don’t you think?
This Man Teases You Nicely
When a boy teases you romantically or in a nice and friendly manner, he is showing you that all eyes are on you and he just wants to get to know you better. He will tend to crack jokes that are lame but make you laugh.
He’s going to do is best to make you feel sexy and secure in your skin so he can slip in and start making a connection.
Bottom Line…If a guy is teasing you in a fun way, he wants to be more than friends with you.
This Man Is The First One To Notice Physical Changes
When a guy likes a girl, he is on full red alert to comment on any subtle change he sees in you that is new. If you cut your hair, he will notice. If you got your eyebrows waxed, he will notice too.
It really doesn’t matter how subtle the change, because a guy that is interested in you will notice and makes sure you know that.
The Social Media Connection
When a guy likes a girl, he’s going to do his best to crack into her social media scene and make his presence noticed. He might just post to say hi or comment on a selfie you took. It really doesn’t matter what it is.
What’s important is that he is watching your moves and making sure you know this.
The Eye Contact Is Straight Up
When a man makes eye contact with you when you are talking, he is showing you that he is fully concentrating on you. Looking in your eyes shows you that he admires you and if he puts his phone down to give you the undivided attention you want, need and deserve, that’s proof he wants to hook up with you.
When You Give Him Something, He Lights Up
When a guy likes you more than a friend, he will go out of his way to make sure you know he appreciates anything and everything you do for him. It really doesn’t matter how petty they seem, because he treasures each one of them.
He’s going to remind you of the cute gifts you gave him and let you know they are absolutely perfect. Men that show you they appreciate the little things are worth a little attention.
His General Tone Flips When He Talks With You
Men that really like a girl are going to use a special tone when they talk to her. It’s not the one they use talking with family or friends, so pay close attention.
Does his voice get softer when he talks to you?
Sure, he’s trying to sound cool and collected but often trying a tad too hard. All he’s trying to do is show you the best way he can that you are appreciated and special to him.
There’s No Stopping When It Comes To Buying You Things
Men are programmed as providers and naturally want to give the girl they have their eye on all the attention they can. Gifts are one way a man can show you that he really likes you.
It doesn’t matter the money part or how small the gift because it’s the gesture that matters. Maybe he will surprise you with something or secretly hide a gift for you to find.
This guy knows what you like and will buy accordingly, because he’s paying attention to the details. All he wants to do is make you smile inside out.
The Manners Are Always Impeccable Around You
When a boy likes a girl, he’s going to make sure his manners are in check. If you happen to drop something, he will scoop it up for you. He will be first to open the door and maybe even pull out your chair at dinner.
This man wants you to feel at ease around him and is trying to show you that he’s worth your time and attention. Best to give him a chance don’t you think?
He’s Continuously Scrolling Through Your Profile
If a guy really likes you, he’s likely got a photo of your or two that he looks at over and over again. He’s likely thinking about how beautiful you are. Guys buy and connect first with their eyes.
No worries, it’s really not creepy if he can’t get enough of your picture. It’s actually rather sweet.
This Man Is Totally Interested In What Others Say About You
When a guy wants to be more than friends with you, he’s going to show an innate interest in what the people around you are saying about you.
This is all done in a positive light, he wants to hear the good stuff.
No doubt, when observing from the outside, this also puts him in poll position to figure out whether anyone else has their radar set on you. He’s always going to check in with his family and friends and see what they think of you, so beware.
If he really does want to be more than friends with you, he’s going to want to know both the good and the bad. Things that make you smile and the things that irritate the crap out of you. Just so he’s got a heads up on what to avoid.
It’s also imperative that you recognize the red hot signals that a man is using you because love truly is blind. Sometimes when you want so badly for a man to like you this will make you overlook the danger signs when someone is using you.
Important Signals He Is Using You
The Talko relationship experts uncover telltale signs you need to watch out for if you think the guy you are into is using you. That last thing you need is to get hurt.
Commitment Isn’t In His Vocabulary
If you have been hanging out with a man quite a bit, you are fairly wondering if he is thinking about a future with you or not.
At this point, there should be zero issues in asking him about where you both are in your dating relationship.
BEWARE – If this guy does everything in his power to avoid admitting any sort of commitment with you, then you need to be extremely cautious.
There are reasons why men don’t want to commit. Some are valid and others not so much. You just need to make sure you understand why and that you get a straight up answer, because that is what you deserve.
Your Family And Friends Call Him Out
If your friends and family think he is just using you, then you better at least take it into consideration, no matter how hunky-cute he is. Trust me, they are only looking out for your best interest.
When your best friend is telling you that this guy is a creep or he’s just not “the one” for you, then you sure as heck better listen.
The last thing your loved ones want is to see you in another failed relationship.
It’s All About Him In The Bedroom
When a man cares only about himself, he is going to make sure he’s satisfied in bed and it’s hit or miss with you. If it doesn’t happen, he’s really not going to care too much. In other words, he just wants to have his needs met and he needs you to do that.
That’s just plain nasty.
Nip this one in the bud because a healthy relationship is a two way street.
He Never Makes A Point Of Introducing You To His Family Or Friends
When a guy isn’t excited to take you to meet his family at some point, you’ve got to question his motives. Sure, sometimes his excuses are legit, like if he suffers from anxiety issues. But most of the time when a man is “hiding” you from his friends and family, it’s because he doesn’t want them to know about you.
Now it’s up to you to question him why.
Don’t you think you deserve to get to know the people he loves if he really does love you?
You Are The One With The Wallet
This is so wrong. When a guy is mooching off a girl, that’s pretty lame. Historically men are supposed to be the providers. They should want to impress the girl showing her they have manners and want to take care of the bill.
It’s sweet and endearing and shows they are being real and have substance.
So if you are the one paying when you go out and helping with his bills etc., you better give your head a shake and consider the cold hard fact that he is totally using you.
This Guy Wants Favors From You Consistently
It’s give and take in any healthy relationship. You should both want to do favors for each other, no strings attached. However, when a guy is always asking you for favors and never doing anything in return, there’s definitely trouble in your future.
Any man with class is going to be the one wanting to “do” for you, not the other way around.
Your Feelings Come In Last Place
A selfish man looks out for himself and nobody else. This means, he really doesn’t care if he’s always hurting your feelings because he thinks his feelings are priority. Lack of compassion from a man is a bad thing in a relationship.
He should be there for you heart and soul and ultimately if this man is worth your time, it’s your feelings that should come first.
Think about it for a second or two and take action.
Affection Is Non-Existent
You deserve love and affection, actually you need it. If the guy you are with isn’t making you feel special by holding your hand and sneaking the odd kiss, you’ve got to look seriously into the fact he might just be using you.
You see, if he likes you, he should theoretically be all over you.
He should want to get close to you and show the world how much he adores you inside-out.
Plays The Vanishing Card
When a man pays attention to you at certain times and totally ignores you when he feels like it, this is a telltale sign he’s simply using you. What’s important for you to understand is, you deserve a guy that loves and wants you through thick and thin, not just when it’s convenient. That’s just plain yucky!
Suddenly He Appears
If this guy suddenly appears, particularly at night, this is a clear signal he’s just using you when he feels the need. When a man is into a woman, he has a pattern of connection, when he calls or texts or meets up with you.
However, when it’s random and vague, it likely means you are nothing more than a tool for him and that’s not what you deserve.
You Never Really Go Out With Him
If a man is using you, he’s likely never going to take you out to be seen in public with him. And in a healthy relationship, couples go out all the time and do all sorts of different things to get to know each other better and create that amazing connection.
You deserve to go out and have fun with the man you want to build a life with, and if that’s not happening you need to move on fast.
Final Words
The more information, the better when it comes to figuring out whether or not the man you have your radar set on is interested in being more than just friends.
Keep your mind open and look for the good but also be aware of the signals this man is just not who your deserve.