Would you rather is a fun game to play at the party with friends or family or play just with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Here are some of the best would you rather questions to get to know one another. Take turns answering the questions. There aren’t any wrong or right answers but they can reveal a lot about the players.
This game usually poses a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two alternatives. The game starts with a question “would you rather”. The dilemma can be between two bad options or two allegedly good options. Generally, answering “both” or “neither” is against the rules. This leads the players to debate their rationales.[1]
If you are playing the game with your boyfriend/girlfriend, pay attention to the answers as they can help you understand who you are dating, what is important to them, and if they are shallow or enjoy people for who they are. You can also learn if they are adventurous or mild mannered, and if they would rather work or party all day.
We have put together 170 questions that can be asked over time, take your time and explore the questions. Also, think about your own answers to the questions. We have tried to make the questions a combination of fun and serious in order for you to get a clear picture of how each of you think and what you believe to be important in life.
When asking these questions, remember it isn’t a race, give them time to answer with honest meaningful answers if you wish to get to know them. Ask a few questions at a time, don’t expect to get through all the questions in one sitting.
Would You Rather Questions
1. Would you rather have own a house in the busy city or in the quiet rural area?
2. Would you rather have a hot girlfriend or an OK girl with a great personality?
3. Would you rather buy something you don’t really need or have money for food?
4. Would you rather hang out with me at a beach or movies?
5. Would you rather live one life that lasts 1,000 years or live 10 lives that last 100 years each?
6. Would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at the 5 star restaurant at the beach?
7. Given the choice, would you want to be in a relationship in which one of you eventually becomes the primary income source and the other is the primary caregiver, or would you rather be in a relationship where both of you work?
8. Would you rather go without your car or the Internet for a month?
9. Would you rather marry a nice guy or a flirty one?
10. Would you rather play tennis or ping pong?
11. Would you rather find true love or be rich?
12. Would you rather kiss me or wait for me to take initiative?
13. Would you rather see a horror or comedy movie?
14. Would you rather date someone who’s interested in a very active social life, with something going on every other night, or someone who’s more of a homebody, and prefers to stay in with you or hang out in smaller, quieter groups?
15. Would you rather find true love or 10 million dollars?
16. Would you rather date someone older or younger than you?
17. Would you rather be hatefully remembered or forgotten?
18. Would you rather vacation with your family or vacation by yourself?
19. Would you rather be romantic with me in front of your close friends or prefer privacy?
20. Would you rather be vegan or follow paleo diet?
21. Would you rather be with a night owl or an early bird?
22. Would you rather spend 2 months living in a nursing home or spend a 2 weeks eating only from Taco Bell?
23. Would you rather have an easy job working for someone else or work for yourself but work incredibly hard?
24. Would you rather own a ski lodge or a surf camp?
25. Would you rather spend time with someone who enjoys thrillers, dramas, or comedies?
26. Do you want someone who is deeply romantic or would you rather be with someone who is more mysterious, subtle, and slow to reveal their emotions, but still feels things all the same?
27. Would you rather ask for help or try to figure it out yourself?
28. Would you rather go to an amusement park or a family reunion?
29. Would you rather work behind a desk or with your hands?
30. Would you rather be a hard worker or a smart worker?
31. Would you rather sit or stand for the rest of your life?
32. Would you rather be with someone who wants to move all over the place, live in various cities, and constantly be exploring? Or would you be happier with someone who’s interested in building a life in one single place for a long period of time?
33. Would you rather be able to stop time or fly?
34. Would you rather be the first person to explore a planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?
35. Would you rather spend one year sailing around the world or one year living in the heart of London?
36. Would you rather live in a cabin in Alaska or on a tropical island?
37. Would you rather have no sense of smell, or have a sense so strong you could smell everything around you like it was in front of your face?
38. Would you rather get back with your ex or find someone new?
39. Would you rather have someone clean for you or cook for you?
40. Would you rather go for a bungee jump or hot air balloon ride?
41. Would you rather travel with a circus or a minor league baseball team?
42. Would you rather be a jack of many trades or a master of one?
43. Would you rather live for 6 months in a light house, accessible only by a 3 mile boat ride, or live for 6 months in the most crowded room of a youth hostel?
44. Would you rather be able to stop time at will or age at half the normal human rate?
45. Would you rather have unlimited respect or unlimited power?
46. Would you rather date a guy who gets along with your family or gets along with your friends?
47. Would you rather live with your parents or live with your in-laws for the rest of your life?
48. Would you rather be with someone who wants to have a big family, or someone who’d like to really think about it and maybe have one or two children?
49. Would you rather be stuck in a house with someone you can’t stand, or be stuck alone?
50. Would you rather date someone 10 years older or younger than you?
51. Would you rather have indestructible will power or be unquestionably lucky?
52. Would you rather get 1 wish granted today or 3 wishes granted in 5 years?
53. Would you rather be confined to your home for one month and only able to communicate with the outside world via fax machine or unable to go back to your home for 3 months?
54. Would you rather go swimming or shopping?
55. Would you rather give up music or television for a month?
56. Would you rather be surprised at a party for you or throw a surprise party?
57. Would you rather have a neat freak or someone more easy-going and laid back?
58. Would you rather wear comfortable clothes or make a fashion statement?
59. Would you rather want a bad boy/naughty girl or nice guy/ proper lady?
60. Would you rather be able to see the future or change the past?
61. Would you rather get even or get over it?
62. Would you rather have a horrible short term memory or a horrible long term memory?
63. Would you rather get caught checking out a stranger or caught in a lie to a friend?
64. Would you rather be a moron in a world full of geniuses or a genius in a world full of morons?
65. Would you rather read a book or watch a movie?
66. Would you rather read fiction or nonfiction?
67. Would you rather have many causal friends or one close one?
68. Would you rather caress a girl or be caressed by her?
69. Would you rather be a clown that distracts the bull or the bull rider on the bull?
70. Would you rather take your girlfriend out for a date on Valentine’s or stay indoors but make her feel extremely special and cared for?
71. Would you rather be poor or incredibly rich?
72. Would you rather change any one decision from you past or have $40,000 free and clear?
73. Would you rather be completely indifferent to what other people think of you or have a completely and uncensored understanding of what other people think of you?
74. Would you rather have the respect of your child or your boss?
75. Would you rather have a higher IQ or a photographic memory?
76. Would you rather be naughty or nice?
77. Would you rather sleep on the right side or the left side of the bed?
78. Would you rather spend every holiday with your family, her family, or at home together?
79. Would you rather go to a cook out or throw the cook out?
80. Would you rather do the grocery shopping or the laundry?
81. Would you rather cook or wash dishes?
82. Would you rather have a mansion or a cozy home that has just the right amount of room?
83. Would you rather play sports or watch sports on tv?
84. Would you rather be a race car driver or a doctor?
85. Would you rather have fame and be miserable or have just enough money to pay bills and have a few extras and be happy?
86. Would you rather be a politician or a blue collar worker?
87. Would you rather be called too cheap or an over spender?
88. Would you rather keep searching for true love or give up on the first heartbreak?
89. Would you rather be sexy or smart?
90. Would you rather be able to paint like a renaissance master or be able to put anyone at ease in a conversation?
91. Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase with two million dollars inside?
92. Would you rather get a college degree or start a successful business?
93. If you came into a large sum of money either inheritance or lottery winnings, would you rather invest 75% of it or spend it all?
94. Would you rather have an exotic meal in a five-star hotel or a delicious chocolate-cake from a local bakery?
95. Would you rather make the first move or wait for him/her to do it?
96. Would you rather save a damsel in distress or take a pot full of gold?
97. Would you rather tell that special someone you love them and risk losing them or never tell them how you feel and suffer inside?
98. Would you rather cuddle or make out?
99. Would you rather fly all over the world with your favorite celebrity or be marooned on an island with the one you love?
100. Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere or have a higher IQ?
101. Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or at 60 with many regrets?
102. If you were starving would you rather eat a dead rat or a live worm?
103. Would you rather be invisible at a party or be the life of the party?
104. Would you rather be a waiter or the manager of a department store?
105. Would you rather work 70 hours a week for someone else or be your own boss?
106. Would you rather prefer to be brutally honest or tell a lie to spare someone’s feelings?
107. Would you rather lose an arm or a leg?
108. Would you rather have someone do everything for you or do it yourself?
109. Would you rather eat a cheeseburger or a salad?
110. Would you rather drink beer or wine?
111. Would you rather be someone else’s first love or their last forever?
112. Would you rather rock climb or scuba dive?
113. Would you rather be a criminal or an officer of the law?
114. Would you rather have your dream job or one that pays four times as much?
115. Would you rather live in the boonies or the city?
116. Would you rather eat eggs for breakfast or a sub and fries?
117. Would you rather work third shift or first shift?
118. Would you rather give up your phone or your email?
119. Would you rather have a desk job or an outside job doing manual labor?
120. Would you rather be the hero or the villain?
121. Would you rather have coffee or tea?
122. Would you rather have home cooked meals or prepacked frozen meals?
123. Would you rather be comfortable financially or have multi millions and no friends or family that you could trust?
124. Would you prefer to travel by bus or train?
125. Would you prefer to use an online dating service such as match.com or allow your friends to set you up on a blind date?
126. Would you rather be physically fit or overweight and rich?
127. Would you rather have someone who is average in looks in your life that accepts you as you are or someone who is extremely beautiful but wants to change everything about you?
128. Would you rather try something new or stick to what you know?
129. Would you prefer a series of flings or a true relationship that will last?
130. Would you rather have your back massaged or massage your significant others feet?
131. Would you rather do laundry or clean the bathroom?
132. Would you rather have a fancy car or a place to live?
133. Would you rather be the practical joker or the person who can be a good listener?
134. Would you rather be the person who can keep a secret or the screw up that never gets it right?
135. Would you rather be confident or extremely good looking?
136. Would you rather have a great talent or be a jack of all trades?
137. Would you rather have hot dogs and hamburgers or exotic food like frog legs and snails?
138. Would you rather volunteer at an animal shelter or run dog fights?
139. Would you rather have your most embarrassing moment on the internet or post someone else’s most embarrassing moment?
140. Would you rather rent a bungalow and cook your own meals on vacation to save money or stay in a motel and eat out the whole vacation?
141. Would you rather relax at home on a Sunday afternoon or get together with friends for a game of baseball?
142. Would you rather attend the symphony or a political rally?
143. Would you rather sit in the front row or the back row at a movie?
144. Would you rather have one dream come true or give that chance to your significant other?
145. Would you rather save a total stranger or have a total stranger save you?
146. Would you rather have worked hard to get on top or had it given to you?
147. Would you rather sleep in the nude or pajamas?
148. Would you rather have family and friends close or be stranded alone in the mountains?
149. Would you rather have your photo taken or be the photo taker?
150. Would you rather spend the day at the park or at the mall?
151. Would you rather be able to buy anything you wanted or help out at the local homeless shelter?
152. Would you rather have a large family or small one?
153. Would you rather read books that are printed or read digital books?
154. Would you rather read a romance or a spy novel?
155. Would you rather be stuck in a small 1 room place or be in the wide open?
156. Would you rather swim in a pool or a lake?
157. Would you rather have a smart ecofriendly home or an old large Victorian?
158. Would you rather ride a horse or a motorcycle?
159. Would you rather face your worst nightmare or share your secret fantasy with a total stranger?
160. Would you rather volunteer at a children’s hospital or a third world country doing sanitation work?
161. Would you rather stick to a routine or go with the flow?
162. Would you rather play board games or computer games?
163. Would you rather go without technology like smart phones or the use of your legs?
164. Would you rather play strategy games or word games?
165. Would you rather end world hunger or cure a disease such as cancer?
166. Would you rather spend time on social media or go to the local coffee shop to network people face to face?
167. Would you rather lose your sight or hearing and why?
168. Would you rather adopt an older child or have your own children?
169. Would you rather move your mother or grandmother in with you to help the physically or place them in a nursing home?
170. Would you rather be with someone who is honest or a phony?
Need more questions? Check out our 21 Questions Game.
While some of these questions might be just for fun some are pretty deep. Either way you can learn something about your friend, family or the person you are dating and even yourself. Just be sure to have fun with the questions, they are not meant for an interrogation, it’s a get to know each other list, you are not compiling material to use for blackmail later on.
We hope you enjoyed our list of would you rather questions and that you can gain some real understanding of the other players or the person you are dating. For couples, this game can give you hints as whether you two are truly compatible.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Would_you_rather