Guardian Angel Manakel is the Angel of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the name in which meaning “The God who Nurtures Everything”. As a God who nurtures everything, Manakel must be able to be kind and good in all circumstances. He must see the good in all and the potential in all. He brings morality and kindness to the world while bringing one’s true potential to light. He allows us to remain unafraid when our fears get the best of us and brings us faith in our spirit when feeling scared.
Angel Manakel is a Cherubim in the Jewish religion, and ruled by Gabriel. In the Jewish religion, he is the Angel who is with all knowledge of good and evil and the ability to discern the two. He is able to bring good to evil, restore hope and stability and bring harmony where instability lingers. Those who feel their confidence waning may find a resurgence of motivation and self-esteem when following the guidance of their Guardian Manakel.
Angel Manakel – The Angel of Knowledge of Good and Evil
Manakel is the Angel to pray towards and learn from when feeling overwhelmed with fear. Those who have a fearful disposition or an anxious temperament may find solace in their prayers towards this Angel. He is able to understand our fear and give us the ability to see our fear in a new light. Those who find their light when meditating in his name are able to control their fears, compartmentalize their worry, and transform their life to one that is balanced and unafraid.
Manakel is believed to bring a self-understanding to those in doubt of their strength and perseverance. He is able to bring one to see their potential and live up to the standard their faith puts into them. Those doubting their spirituality may find he guides their thoughts and faith towards a higher being and unleashes answers to the questions surrounding the mystery of their purpose.
Those who have recurring dreams or a strong intuitive ability find the power form this Guardian Angel to be strong and insightful. Manakel is the Angel ruling over dreaming and intuitive ability. He aids those with this skill to understand and interpret dreams and follow their intuition for the betterment of the world.
A prayer to the Manakel reads:
“Angel Manakel who owns the Force which changes the pure darkness to light, helps me out of the darkness of mediocrity. Allows that I can escape stationary situations, routine, and frees me as practical considerations. Help me to discover, Angel Manakel what is divine in my inside. Show yourself to your benevolent godson; heal my pain physical and moral. Help me to always be kind and nice. Stirs my intuition so I understand the messages that you give me in my dreams, and helps me too, to get rid of my bad qualities physical and moral, so that you, I can fully realize my life projects”.
This prayer may help guide those seeking to pray to Angel Manakel and mediate in his name. Those under this prayer may find the Angel is able to consider their requests and honor their intuitive ambitions.
Angel Manakel rules over those born between February 15 and February 19 by protecting and serving them as their Guardian Angel. He is responsible for guiding his followers to be thoughtful and good, express kindness and care and face challenges without complaint or sorrow. He leads people to be mindful of all situations, remain of good manners and be respectful.
Those born under the rule of this Angel are of his blessings, however, one may simply pray to him, follow his teachings and mediate in his name to receive blessings and guidance.