Does the angel number 114 keep popping up? Is it on your mind? Do you see it at unexpected times in unexpected places? If this number is speaking to you, it is a special message from your guardian angel.
Number 114 is a blend of the energies of the number 1 and 4.
Number 1 signifies taking initiative, moving forward, success, leadership, new projects, new beginnings. The double 1s relate to Karmic Master 11, whose message is to connect and live your life’s purpose and soul mission. Pay attention to what comes into your mind, as it is telling you how to live.
Number 4 is about working diligently towards your goals, truth, having integrity, ethics, being practical, order, strong foundation, determination, and enthusiasm.
Your Life Purpose and Soul Mission
Each soul has a path or purpose on this earth. This is known as the Divine Plan. You find your soul mission by looking at what you love.
Look at your passions and what makes you happy. This might not be what you do for a living, it might be a hobby or something you have always wanted to pursue. It’s about who you are as a person.
Look at your talents and what makes you happy. Here you will find your soul mission and your purpose in life.
Keep Focus
Angel number 114 is pushing you towards spiritual enlightenment. The goal of each and every human on earth is to find spiritual enlightenment.
To be one with the Divine Realm and to know and achieve your mission here on earth. Some people spend a lifetime searching for this, but your angel is telling you how to accomplish this goal right now!
Keep your focus on your thoughts and actions and you will have success in all matters of life. This includes business, money matters, friendships, and relationships.
The angels will assist you in making your dreams come true. All you have to do is listen to the message and ask for guidance along the way!
Fill up your Life with Joy
If you keep seeing the number 114, the angels want you to fill up your life with joy so as to be fulfilled. The number 114 has energies of happiness and fulfillment. You must work to have things and people that make you happy.
114 is also about progressive change, renewal, and growth. You must trust that this change will not happen overnight. It takes time. In the meantime, share your talents and knowledge with others, then sit back and reap the rewards of your hard work.
Take Action
Your dreams are not going to come true by sitting back and waiting for good things to happen to you. You must be proactive in your success.
Don’t wait for opportunity to come to you, go out and get it. Keep positive and uplifting people in your life. Surround yourself with others who make things happen for themselves. Their energy will rub off on you.
Do not listen to naysayers. There will always be people who will tell you reasons why you can’t follow your dreams. Ignore them or remove them from your life. You and only you can make your dreams a reality.
Don’t wish and dream about what you want, take action to make it happen. Take the necessary steps to make your thoughts a reality. Remember to be focused and patient as these things take time. Remain enthusiastic and optimistic. Be patient.
Be Prepared for Obstacles
When obstacles present themselves, stay focused on the ultimate goal. Success is not going to happen overnight. When things go wrong, find a different way.
Stop repeating actions that do not work. Find a way to make it happen. Listen to the advice of others, and put yourself back out there.
Life has its ups and downs. When you encounter an obstacle, don’t allow it to keep you down for long; get right back up and try again.
A Season of Renewal
Your spiritual journey will have a lot of changes in it. Change can be good and bad. You must be able to roll with the punches as they come.
Nobody has ever said it was easy to find spiritual enlightenment. Sometimes you need to experience something really scary and painful so as to get a better perspective on life.
You must experience the bad in order to appreciate and enjoy the good. Trust that your angel will lead you through the turmoil. Better days are ahead.
Focus on What is Important
Your spiritual journey is not about acquiring material things. Do not focus on material things as they will not bring you true happiness. Angel Number 114 is about the need to connect to your soul. Each choice that you make impacts your spiritual journey.
Make decisions based on how it will enrich you spiritually. Do activities that make you happy and feed your soul. Remember your goal is enlightenment!
Angel Number 114 and Your Love Life
If you are in a relationship, make sure that your partner understands and appreciates your need to search for your soul mission and spiritual enlightenment.
Have a talk with your partner about why it is important for you. Ask them to be supportive of your journey. Remember to make time for them so that they do not feel left out while you are on your quest for happiness.
Perhaps you have just ended a relationship and are still in pain and heartbroken. This will allow you to take the steps to find TRUE happiness and joy.
Your past experiences will allow you to appreciate and enjoy your new and healthy love. Don’t be afraid to get up and try again.
Heartbreak teaches us what we can and cannot tolerate in a relationship. You will find love again, and it will be better and stronger!
Corollary Number 6
The corollary number for 114 is the number 6. This number is about unconditional love, balance, harmony, domestication, matters of the home, empathy, self-sacrifice, problem-solving, and helping others.
This number represents a need to find balance and stability between the material world and the spiritual world. Remember to show gratitude for all that you have.
Lean on Your Angels
Remember that your angels are here to provide you with spiritual strength. When you have to make difficult decisions, be assured that your angels have your back. Ask them for help along the way. That is their soul mission and purpose!