Guardian Angel Poyel is the Angel of Fortune and Support, the name of this angel meaning ‘God who sustains everything’. As a God sustaining the world and all within it, the angel must have the ability to support greatly and lead to fortune. In all forms, fortune is needed for support. Whether fortune is monetary, physical, emotional, or in regards to fruit, vegetation and wellness, all areas of good fortune are needed to sustain the universe and its people.
To sustain all things, one must be open minded, modest, simple, altruistic, kind, and positive in the areas of challenge. Poyel brings about an ambiance of positivity and light that brings one to find their own fortune and where it lies. Finding one’s own fortune will bring the support needed for any challenge as problems arise.
In the Jewish religion, Angel Poyel is an Elohim under Archangel Raphael. In the Christian religion, Poyel is a Principality under the rule of Haniel. Both religions highlight the importance of this angel’s ability to provide positive air and good will upon his followers.
Guardian Poyel brings about hope, positive thought, self-expression, and health. With these factors, Poyel also brings humor! Not many angels can focus on their ability to find and offer humor to others. Without good humor, one may not be able to find the positive aspects of many situations and remedy their life in a positive way.
Angel Poyel – The Angel of Fortune and Support
As a God who sustains everything, the Angel of fortune and support must bring the atmosphere of change and luck to those around him. Many find the sense of humor and ability to find positive aspects in situations to be a link towards good health. Overcoming sickness and disease is a medical process, but support during the time of recovering is also mental and spiritual.
Overcoming odds and becoming fortunate once again is often dependent upon one’s outlook on life. Having a positive demeanor and helping others will bring the support of Poyel through prayer and example.
When born between the days of December 27 and December 31, one is born under the rule of Angel Poyel. He protects those under his rule and serves as their Guardian Angel, guiding and lifting his followers to their full potential of fortune. With his support, one is the benefactor of a great many gifts. For example, under the rule of Poyel one may see themselves as continual learners, developing new skill sets that further financial gain.
Followers of Poyel tend to have the ability of self-expression without fear or anxiety. This personality trait can also lead to a successful future. Dreams come true for those under Poyel, in large part to their ability to live a life without limit, a life without fear, and a life with faith in their God.
Influencing your life under the rule of Poyel is largely humor, optimism, altruism, and a love of life. These personality traits lead others to believe in you, offer support, and help you reach your goals. Bringing out the good in others, and shining one’s spiritual light brings you to have followers who continue to encourage you as you follow your goals. Praying to this Angel for guidance and trust adds another layer of fortune and support to your already blessed life.
Followers of Angel Poyel do not need to be born upon a certain time frame to feel the benefit of fortune from him. As a Guardian Angel, he protects all who pray to him and requests his guidance. Meditating in his name and serving in his name will bring the blessing of fortune and support.