Astrological matches aren’t 100% accurate, but they can predict a lot of the compatibility between two people. Some signs match well with a wide variety of other signs, while some can be a bit more exclusive.
Ahead, we’ll take a look at the match between an Aries man and a Capricorn woman. We’ll look at some of the common personality traits as well as how the two will interact with one another in a relationship.
Male Aries Personality Traits
The overall theme you’ll see in male Aries personality traits is a tendency towards aggressive behavior. Some have described a typical Aries man as a “man’s man.” He will typically get along with other men and won’t shrink away from a challenge.
An Aries male will be competitive and aggressive. It’s common for these men to engage in sports, enjoy watching such activities, and find ways to compete in everyday life. This is the true “alpha male” characteristic as we define it today. An Aries will find a way to make something a competition, even if it’s not an inherently competitive field.
When there are no competitors to be found, an Aries will often compete against himself. He will set goals and try to get better at something – especially when the subject interests him. This can even translate to the dating world, where he will constantly seek the best companion.
Seeking Praise
The tendency to seek praise is another common characteristic of an Aries. He will want to hear that he’s doing a good job and becoming a better man. Those who find it hard to give genuine praise probably won’t last long with an Aries man.
The typical Aries is always seeking the romanticism in a relationship. Once the spark has faded, he will likely start to become distant unless you can attract him to you again. While companionship and friendship are important in a relationship, an Aries is always seeking a romantic attraction first and foremost.
Female Capricorn Personality Traits
A Capricorn tends to be independent, goal oriented, and career driven. They have some similar characteristics as an Aries but are very different in some other ways. Here are some of the most common tendencies you’ll find in a Capricorn woman.
Organized and Goal-Oriented
Organization and an eye toward the future are two of the primary characteristics of a Capricorn. They want to have a plan for everything and are always looking to what’s next on their list of goals.
These traits manifest themselves throughout the entire life of a Capricorn. Work, relationships, and even some friendships will be structured around organization and planning. They will want to have a plan for everything and don’t often have the “winging it” mentality.
Capricorns are some of the more career-driven people out there, and a Capricorn woman will almost always put her career goals first. They want to excel at their job, advance and make money. This is also one of the astrological signs most closely related to entrepreneurial characteristics.
Since Capricorns are avid planners and always looking toward the future, they will want to be well-compensated for their work. She will always be shooting for the next level of her career, and may even neglect some other areas of her life.
A Capricorn woman usually cares about how others perceive her, so she’s always putting on her best face. This can even be in times of trouble or sorrow – which we’ll cover a bit more below.
This tendency often manifests itself in a Capricorn’s physical appearance. They will dress to impress and make sure that they take care of themselves. A Capricorn woman will take pride in how she looks and presents herself accordingly.
Capricorns often care a lot about outward appearances. They will make sure they’ve always dressed appropriately and will command attention in most situations.
Can Be Moody
One of the negative traits often associated with Capricorns is their tendency to be a bit moody. They can get down out of nowhere, even when everything seems to be going great for them. It’s common for them to be cold and distant to their partner, then warm and inviting shortly after.
Capricorns tend to neglect themselves in favor of serving others. They can focus on their career quite heavily, which means a lot of other things get pushed to the wayside. Despite all of this, it’s sometimes hard to tell that something’s wrong. They’ll smile through their problems and make sure everyone else thinks that everything alright with them.
Aries Man and Capricorn Woman Compatibility
At face value, the match of an Aries man and Capricorn woman can seem like a bad one. Both signs are independent but manifest this in different ways. The Aries will be far more extroverted and outgoing than the Capricorn in most social interactions, and the two can often be at odds with one another over a disagreement.
Ahead, we’ll take a look at some of the key aspects of a relationship and tell you how the two signs relate to one another. After that, you should have a better idea of the compatibility between the two.
Social Interactions
While a Capricorn will put on an extroverted exterior, they are far more reserved than an Aries in a social setting. An Aries is often friends with everyone and likes to chat it up with everyone he comes across.
A Capricorn, on the other hand, is much more selective about who they surround themselves with. They’re picky about relationships and friends and won’t stay with someone if they don’t feel as though they have the same goals and morals.
This area doesn’t usually create too much of an issue between the two signs; they’re just different. An Aries will be working the room while a Capricorn stays in the corner, talking to one or two people. There shouldn’t be a problem here as long as you understand the other person’s natural predisposition.
Sexual Relationship
The sexual relationship between an Aries man and Capricorn woman might be one of the best parts of the match. Both signs highly value sexual attraction and romanticism, meaning they’ll strive to make sure their partner is happy.
Both signs often have rather vehement sex drives as well, which can be a problem when they try to match with some other signs. As far as Capricorns and Aries go, though, this is a place where both will be happy.
An Aries and Capricorn both tend to end relationships if the sex isn’t up to their standards, which is a double-edged sword. This isn’t the only element of a healthy relationship, but it’s a big one. Most of the time, this ending happens before either party gets too emotionally attached.
Still, the sexuality of Aries men and Capricorn women match quite well, although there will be some natural variations between individuals.
The emotional connection between an Aries man and Capricorn woman can be the tricky part of a relationship. A Capricorn tends to seem distant and uninterested in a relationship – even if everything is going well. They are far more independent than some other signs, which means it can be difficult to understand them.
An Aries man isn’t emotionally disconnected at all, and his tendency to need praise can spell trouble on the emotional understanding front. He might feel a bit needy when dating a Capricorn woman, as she won’t respond to him the way some other signs will.
An Aries will value independence as well, but only to a point. He wants a spark of romance in his relationship, and a Capricorn woman might not always be there to deliver on this craving.
Cooperation is a massive part of any relationship – especially one that’s going to last. Unfortunately, the cooperation between an Aries and a Capricorn might not be the best out of the astrological signs.
Both signs tend to be natural leaders. They don’t like being told what to do and find it hard to relinquish control of a situation. This is fine when both people are working together, but can cause some problems when the two have different outlooks on something.
Since this is the case, the two signs will often butt-heads at some point in the relationship. They won’t be in agreement about everything, and neither will want to waiver from their position. This element of the match can lead to some volatile moments.
Is It a Match?
On the surface level, an Aries man and a Capricorn woman aren’t the best matches out there. They are too different in key areas of the relationship to get along for a long time, even if they have some things in common.
The sexual side of the relationship is probably the best compatibility between the two signs. Apart from that, it’s likely a Capricorn woman and an Aries man will be at odds with one another. This can lead to some volatile relationships, especially if they hang on for too long.
Of course, there is a fair amount of variance with every astrological sign. These traits are tendencies rather than rules, and it’s entirely possible that you find a match within these two signs.
As long as you understand the natural differences between an Aries man and a Capricorn woman, you can have a loving and long-lasting relationship. Volatility can happen, though, so try not to force what isn’t there.