Some say that the Aries man and Libra woman are too different to get along. Because the Aries man is 180 degrees apart from the Libra woman, he is her exact opposite. These two are like yin and yang.
This type of relationship makes the Libra feel complete. The Aries man can add to what she lacks and vice versa.
But life can feel overwhelming if this relationship takes a turn for the worse. When they’re not in harmony with one another, these partners can form a tangled knot.
Men Are From Mars, And Women Are From Venus
This might be the quintessential love match. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, and Libra is ruled by Venus. Therefore, these two comprise many of the stereotypes that depict women and men in love relationships, such as:
- The Aries man is masculine and brash; the Libra woman is feminine and stylish.
- The Aries man is decisive; the Libra woman has a tough time making decisions.
- The Aries man enjoys passion; the Libra woman is all about romance.
- The Aries man is impulsive; the Libra woman is balanced.
- The Aries man is mildly cynical; the Libra woman is mildly optimistic
- The Aries man is a fighter; the Libra woman is a lover.
They Do Have Some Things In Common
You can see that this couple embodies many polarities. But they also have a lot in common. They’re both the most charming people in the zodiac. That’s why they find it easy to come together. They create a winning combination.
This pair is irresistible to other people. The Libra woman may have an infectious laugh, and the Aries man has a smoldering look in his eyes that magnetizes the masses. They’re both highly social and have a lot of friends. It’s important that their lover gets along with their tribe.
The Aries man has confidence that borders on arrogant. He’s so self-involved that he doesn’t often take other people’s feelings into account. He may not notice if he’s done something to hurt the more sensitive Libra.
The Libra woman also has a high opinion of herself. She is a people person who appreciates the finer things in life. But she is a grounded being who doesn’t need diamonds or fancy objects to feel good. She appreciates sitting home listening to her favorite music as much as she enjoys a juicy steak at the best restaurant in town.
They’ve Got To Be Starting Something
It’s easy to see how these two come together. As cardinal signs, they are both great initiators. It’s the follow through that can drag them down.
The Aries man is headstrong. He chooses a path easily and moves swiftly until he reaches his destination, which may be a place or goal.
He enjoys starting new projects or going on exciting adventures. He plods forward with confidence and doesn’t always look around to see how others are faring as he forges ahead. He thinks that he knows best and assumes that people will follow him as he leads them toward his idea of bliss.
The Libra also flies into new projects easily. However, she’s constantly looking around her. She wants to make sure that she’s not stepping on any toes, and she enjoys being surrounded by her followers. She aims to give back to them as they support her on her journey.
Their Sex Life May Be The Best Thing About The Relationship
This pair is likely to fall in love at first sight. They’re not too shy about taking things to the bedroom when the passion hits them. The Aries man has a strong libido, and it’s important for the Libra woman to involve all of her senses in her love. Therefore, it’s a given that these two will try to make a heady romance physical.
They could be passive-aggressive in their physical relationship. This could serve to fuel their passion, or it could smother it. The best way to take this relationship to the next level is for each partner to express their desire for more.
These two can get insanely flirty. They enjoy teasing one another. A hot date may be one long night of foreplay that culminates with an intimate, candlelit evening.
Sex between the Aries man and Libra woman is likely to be fairly unemotional. Neither partner brings drama into this aspect of their connection. But it can be exceptionally primal and sensual. Both are willing to experiment and cater to the other’s needs.
They’re Not Opposed To Drama
These two aren’t the most theatrical people in the zodiac, but they tend to attract drama. This may be due to their passionate inclinations. They like to immerse themselves in everything they do.
Therefore, they don’t skirt the borders, where things are comfortable. They might get hit by commotion and spectacle as they take action, make friends and make their way along life’s journey.
The Aries man will say that the hates drama, though. He prefers to hang out with people who are straightforward and grounded. However, because he has a hankering for excitement, he often finds himself in the middle of intense situations without realizing how he got there.
The Libra is intuitive and empathetic. She’s just as in tune with her emotions as she is with other people’s. If someone is upset, she may take on their feelings and shed a tear herself.
The Libra Woman Can Get Insecure
The Libra woman doesn’t have as much confidence as her Aries man. She needs constant reassurance from everyone around her to make her feel loved and accepted.
The Aries man, who borders on being conceited, can’t understand why his amazing woman needs other people to tell her how incredible she is. He can get a little suspicious of her need to spend time with other people. Because he truly can’t fathom why she needs people to boost her ego, he might believe that she’s trying to be shady when she’s really just being herself.
This can create trust issues between them. The Libra can enhance her self-esteem by focusing on herself. She should have confidence in her hobbies and interests. If she tries to shed her identity by taking on her Aries man’s passions, she can lose herself and become even more self-doubting.
How Do They Keep The Peace?
The Libra woman is much more diplomatic than the Aries guy. She’s not afraid to express her opinion or hold her own in a conversation. However, she’ll likely manipulate the dialogue to make everyone involved feel good about themselves. She doesn’t shy away from conflict, but she does her best to smooth things over before they can get out of hand.
In fact, the Libra is a leader in a very subtle way. She’s exceedingly charming and can wrap anyone around her finger. She’s a bit manipulative. Most people don’t realize that they’ve been doused with the Libra bossiness until they’re ensnared in her grasp.
The Aries man also needs to dominate. He’s not so subtle about this requirement either.
Whether he’s in charge of a conversation or a relationship, he is much more rigid than the Libra woman. She could teach him a thing or two about having the flexibility to meet other people’s needs. In the relationship, she will likely make more concessions than he will because that’s part of her personality. In doing so, however, she will often be able to call the upper hand because she uses tact and discretion instead of force and callousness.
In other words, the Libra woman makes the Aries man think that he is getting what he wants. However, she is really the one who is taking the lead. She has to make him feel wanted in the relationship and can never imply that he is in the wrong. This underhanded give-and-take helps maintain the balance in the relationship.
Testing The Boundaries Of The Relationship
Although the Aries man wants to set firm rules about how the connection will play out, the Libra woman is far too intelligent to play along. She won’t back down without weighing the pros and cons first. She has to know what she’s getting into before she gives herself wholeheartedly to her man.
This may surprise the Aries man, who is used to people succumbing to his needs. The Libra tests his boundaries with fairness, though. She doesn’t overstep without a good reason. Therefore, she’s gentle with the Aries man’s needs and brings out his softer side.
The Libra knows when to praise her Aries man and when to give him constructive criticism. Her honesty allows him to raise himself to her expectations. She makes him a better person.
The Aries guy has an open mind. Although he believes that he’s pretty perfect, he is able to see his shortcomings if they’re pointed out with grace. Being able to have open discussions while looking out for each other’s feelings allows this couple to learn what makes the relationship flourish. It also gives them hints as to what could make the connection falter.