An affair between an Aries man and Scorpio woman is not likely to be forgotten. These two come together with steaminess and intensity, creating a passionate relationship that sweeps them off of their feet. However, the problems can be just as powerful as the happy times, causing this bond to implode.
This relationship is characterized by the alpha male coming together with the quintessential feminine goddess. Both of these signs were ruled by Mars before Pluto was discovered. Therefore, they share the same strength of personality.
The Aries man and Scorpio woman are comfortable with themselves and don’t believe that they need a partner of the opposite sex to bring balance to their lives. However, if they can let go and see things from the other’s point of view, they can draw energy from their partner’s femininity or masculinity.
The Aries Man And Scorpio Woman Are In The Quincunx Aspect
The ruling planets of these sun signs are about 150 degrees apart. This usually bodes poorly for compatibility. These signs are unlikely to understand one another. They may feel left out of their partner’s life.
What often happens with two people involved in a quincunx aspect is that they have trouble combining certain areas of their lives. They may feel strongly about a certain philosophy or way of living and don’t budge when someone with a different viewpoint comes into their lives.
This doesn’t mean that they will never be compatible. It does, however, indicate that the relationship often involves tension from the beginning. That friction will make sparks fly. But it can be destructive if the couple doesn’t find creative ways to deal with it.
These two have irreconcilable differences. They’ll have to make big jumps to find understanding, but harmonious companionship is not impossible.
Both Of These Signs Are Bold
The Aries man and Scorpio woman are powerful, bold people. You might think that this would help them understand one another better.
The Scorpio is one of the most intense women in the zodiac. She moves in blacks and whites with little in between. She’s usually not warm; she is either burning hot or ice cold.
The Aries is a fiery sign whose symbol is the Ram. He prefers to do things his own way. He is a leader who takes action to make things happen.
Both of these signs aren’t afraid to pursue what they want. When the Scorpio woman has a desire, she makes plans to achieve it. She often throws herself into her pursuits and crashes ahead without waiting for anything.
The Aries man is more likely to push away what he doesn’t want. Therefore, if the Scorpio woman comes on too strongly for him, he might reject her before they have a chance to get started.
However, neither of these individuals is likely to be turned off by their initial impression of the other. They’ll be magnetized by the other’s ferociousness. It’s only when that force leads to discord that they discover that neither partner is willing to back down.
They Need Their Alone Time
Both of these signs have a strong need to be alone. They’re independent, and they have interests that don’t involve other people.
For example, the Scorpio woman can get witchy. She might enjoy following certain rituals or reading tarot cards.
The Aries man is cool and calm. He enjoys his free time and doesn’t need to be with his partner 24/7. When he is with her, he enjoys it when things get sensual.
Although the Scorpio woman has a deep need to follow her own path, she is possessive of her lovers. She doesn’t need her man to have the same interests as her or be her best friend, but she needs to know that he will never leave her.
The Aries man enjoys his freedom too much to make that commitment. It’s not that he’ll never commit, but he needs to know that he won’t be chained down if he does.
They’ll Be Dedicated To Their Sex Life
The Scorpio woman is one of the most sexual beings in the zodiac. She exudes passion and eroticism. She is often called a seductress.
The Aries man is captivated by her mysterious charm. She takes the Aries man’s breath away.
This guy is always ready to make his love physical. The Aries man has a strong sex drive, but he keeps emotions and intimacy out of the bedroom.
He’ll bring plenty of sensuality, though. He wants to feel good and make his partner feel amazing. In fact, the Aries man strives to be the best sexual partner that his Scorpio woman has ever had. However, he doesn’t know what to do when feelings are involved.
On the other hand, the Scorpio woman is focused on the deeper meaning behind anything that she does. She doesn’t linger on the surface. Instead, she wants to move deeply into her partner’s heart and psyche.
For her, sex is a way to bond themselves together for life. The Scorpio woman can get borderline obsessive about her partner, especially if she consummates the relationship. Therefore, the Aries man should be ready for a committed relationship if he decides to take her home with him. This woman doesn’t typically have one night stands because she becomes irreversibly bonded with anyone she is intimate with.
The Aries man and Scorpio woman have great makeup sex. Their frequent arguments serve as foreplay. The female Scorpio sees disagreements as access to her partner’s vulnerability and emotional center. The Aries views conflict as passion that can bring about sensual consequences.
The Aries Man And Scorpio Woman Can Get Jealous
The Scorpio woman wants to be her Aries man’s one true love. She hates hearing about his ex-lovers. If he even looks at another female, the Scorpio might bring her claws out.
This woman is much more manipulative than the Aries man prefers. He’s a straightforward type of guy. He isn’t used to seduction and mystery, although he is magnetized by it.
However, if the Scorpio woman is too shady in the relationship, the Aries man may start questioning her motives. This doesn’t bode well for a confident bond. Doubting the relationship can lead to suspicion, which could be the undoing of this connection.
The Aries man isn’t above envy. When he sees men throwing themselves at the Scorpio woman’s feet, he might become apprehensive, wondering if she is doing something to lead them on. This is just a normal occurrence for the Scorpio woman, though. She is a femme fatale who exudes sexuality even when she’s at the coffee shop in her pajamas after a late night.
This pair’s tendency to become jealous also makes them somewhat competitive. They both want to do things a certain way. If their partner doesn’t agree, conversations can quickly escalate into screaming matches.
Although these tumultuous sessions are easy to repair with equally passionate positivity, the Scorpio woman can hold a grudge. The Aries man should know that if he makes a misstep, he might have to spend the rest of his life hearing about it.
The Scorpio woman also believes strongly in revenge. Therefore, the Aries man should be careful not to cross her. If this relationship ends, it probably won’t fade slowly. These two will go out in a blaze of glory.
They Would Make A Great Long-Distance Pair
One way to ensure that this pair doesn’t fall victim to their incompatibility is to put distance between them. As long as the Scorpio woman doesn’t become paranoid when her man isn’t around, living apart can do this couple some good.
It allows them to follow their passions and live out their desires. When they do text each other or talk on the phone, they’ll have plenty of impassioned words for one another. Conflicts won’t happen as often if this couple spends plenty of time apart.
The Aries man likes to be the boss. In relationships, he is somewhat commanding. This is not a trait that the Scorpio woman handles well. She enjoys having a partner, but she needs to do her own thing. She doesn’t back down for anyone.
Therefore, this relationship might work best if the pair isn’t in close quarters. The excitement that happens when the Aries man and Scorpio woman get together after spending time apart might be enough to mitigate the destructive patterns that can befall them.
Living in different cities, states or countries allows these individuals to have the independence that they need. The Scorpio woman can sink her claws into her Aries man when he spends too much time with his friends and family. However, if they don’t live together, the Aries man can tend to his social life separately from his romantic love. When the two meet up, they only have eyes for each other.
Starting the relationship slowly will also give the Aries man time to understand the Scorpio woman’s depth of passion and emotion. The love letters that they write will be steamy. The Aries guy will have time to understand his woman from afar before he decides that they’re fated to be together.