You are outgoing, fun and energetic. Aries women are passionate about everything they do, and they pour their energy into their endeavors. The planet Mars rules this sign, and if you were born between March 21st and April 19th, you are an Aries.
Aries women need passion in their life and if they feel unenthused about something, they cannot even handle doing it anymore. The constant need for excitement makes Aries a problematic employee and partner because they can be challenging to keep up with.
You are always craving a new adventure, and not everyone has your level of energy. The sun signs tend to live on their island when it comes to power and ambition.
For more information about Aries relationships, love and careers continue reading below.
Aries Woman: Give Me the Spotlight
You love to be the center of attention, and you take it wherever you can find it. If you are at a party, you want everyone to acknowledge your presence and come over when you get there. You want to be the star of everyone’s life and the most critical person in the room at all times.
Most of the time, you can achieve this because people gravitate towards your positive energy. You always remain upbeat and enthusiastic even when things seem bleak and people like that.
You are playful and easy-going, so your friends and family find your humor amusing. When you are entertaining people and getting the attention is when you shine. When someone comes along and steals your spotlight you get angry and resentful.
Aries women are a joy to have around, and you make an excellent companion.
Independent and Self-Reliant
As an Aries woman, you do not believe that you need help from anyone. If you see someone do a job you immediately think you can do it yourself. Aries are incredibly competitive, and you want to be the best at everything you do. You believe in taking life head on and living it up every single day.
Due to your ambitious nature, you are an inspiration to other women, and you make an excellent leader. You bring people’s emotions together to create a brilliant team, and then you tackle a job with fierce energy and focus.
You do not rely on input from others, and that is sometimes your greatest downfall. People see you as close-minded because you do not open up to opinions and differing viewpoints. In your professional life, this sometimes discourages co-workers or teammates.
You are self-reliant but when things do not go your way you are known to be a poor sport. You sulk and mope around if you are losing and it’s difficult to pull back quickly.
Times like these are when it is important to remember that you do need people in your life and it is okay to rely on friends and family for some things. You do not need to accept input and opinions, but Aries need someone to root them on and pick them up when things are not going their way.
Core Values of the Aries Woman
- Adventure – You are not the type of woman to live a boring or ordinary life. You crave excitement and adventure and people who want to experience life to the fullest. You are a risk taker and a gambler, so you need to surround yourself with friends that want to move mountains and travel the globe.
- Ambition – Aries women need goals and ways to achieve them. Life is never stagnant for you, and you are always looking for your next task to take on. You never get tired of working and striving towards things and when you have the next goal in sight is when you are the happiest. Aries women base their success in life off of how many accolades they receive.
- Positivity – You try hard not to get down on yourself and even when you do you try to pull yourself back quickly. Having a strong mental focus allows you to pursue your goals whether it be professional or personally relentlessly. When you do feel sad or depressed, it is difficult to pull yourself back. You need to have a close inner circle to lean on in times of turmoil.
- Passion – Everything in your life is done based on emotion. If an Aries woman does not like doing something, she will not do it for very long. You need to feel right about your goals and objectives and that you are working towards the right things in your life. You are not the kind of person to take on a career just because someone said its right for you, and it pays well.
- Energy – Your energy comes from the sun, and that makes you one of the most energetic signs in the galaxy. You can buckle down and take on an incredibly large number of tasks at a time. Aries women do not require as much sleep as some other signs, and you can maintain a healthy level of energy throughout the day. You also bring a lot of energy into a lifeless room. When you show up to a party people, tend to gravitate towards you because of your aura.
Struggles for the Aries Woman
- Arrogance – Once you make a decision, you stick to it so firmly that some people might see you as arrogant. You do not intend to come off that way, but you are so confident. You are not worried about what other people think of you, and you think highly of yourself. Aries women are blunt and truthful when they feel a certain way, so you sometimes do not consider other people’s feelings.
- Stubborn – Similar to arrogance you merely do not shift your opinion for anyone. You stand true to who you are, and that is what makes you such a strong person. You are not afraid to challenge anyone, and even if you are wrong, you will stand by your point and fight it till the death. Aries stubbornness makes them difficult to deal with in relationships.
- Scattered – You struggle with focusing on one thing. You think so highly of yourself and your skills that you are not afraid to hop from one thing to another. In your professional life, you probably have a hard time holding down a job because you lose interest quickly. You’re easily excited by new opportunities, and you always think the grass is greener on the other side.
- Confrontational – Many of your negative traits go hand in hand. When you think something is wrong, you are not afraid to speak up. You are probably the first person to stand up and tell someone if you have a problem with them. Aries women do not care who they insult or offend if there is something they need to get off their chest. You speak your mind openly and honestly no matter who is present.
- Incompletion – Aries women start and stop many projects because they get bored. Your attention span is not your best quality, and it causes you to give up when something gets hard. You are confident and ambitious, but you do not see things through to the end. Some water signs are not afraid to stick around and ensure the job is complete; you are sometimes too likely to move on and forget about people and projects.
Ideal Career Paths for Aries Women
You are a born leader, and you perform at your best when you are in charge. Your competitive personality makes you an excellent candidate for meeting sales targets and income goals. Having an Aries woman in the workplace is an advantage for any business.
When you are on a team, you immediately take the role of the leader, and you are not afraid to assert your dominance in the group. You are so confident and demanding that people tend to listen to you without questioning your authority. Your authoritative nature makes you perfect for business leadership and management.
One of your best qualities is your ability to treat everyone equally and not to let emotion play a role in your decisions. You are genuine and believe there are winner and losers in everything. You do not beat around the bush when it comes to working.
If someone is not pulling their weight, you are not afraid to tell them how it is. Your brutal honesty sometimes hurts feelings but in the long run co-workers appreciate you telling the truth, and they respect you for it.
Best Careers for the Aries Woman
- Medicine – You are capable of making difficult decisions and working under pressure. In the medical field, you are required to think critically and on the fly. You do this quickly because Aries women are confident in their decision-making skills.
- Athletics – Aries women are strong and fiercely competitive. You love games where there are a clear-cut winner and loser. The sun is your guiding force, and that grants you a surplus of energy compared to the other signs.
- Leadership – You perform best when you are under pressure and when someone gives you authority over a team you do not take that lightly. When all the eyes are on you to make something happen is when you thrive. Aries women love being in the spotlight and being in charge of business gives you the attention you need to pad your ego.
- Entrepreneurship – Sometimes it’s best to let the independent Aries do their thing. When no one is looking you put your head down and get to work. You perform exceptionally well when you do not have to answer to anyone. Aries women are likely to have a ton of success running their own business.
- Travel – Aries women are natural born thrill seekers. You are always looking for your next exciting adventure and if you can find a way to make travel a career you should do it. Whether it be vlogging or adventure videos, you can document your journey and share it with other adventurists. You do not live a conventional lifestyle, and you have no desire to do so. Aries women are most comfortable when they step outside their comfort zone.
Your sign is one that is full of energy and passion. If you are not living a live pursuing goals and dreams, you are not living. Aries women love to dream, and they dream big.
Do not allow yourself to become trapped by the average lifestyle and always live life to the fullest. You will never be happy working a standard nine to five job and living like the rest of the world. Realize your truth early on and do not fight the rebellious and wild Aries you are.