A crab and a scorpion? While the two certainly have hard exteriors, it is what’s on the inside that matters with these two Zodiac signs. Read more to see if they’re compatible.
Traits of the Cancer Male
Cancers are sweet and cuddly people. They’re lovers, not fighters, and would rather make a new friend than try a daring sport. It’s hard for Cancers to fake an emotion, so you can always be sure that Cancers speak the genuine truth around you.
Cancers men are like German Shepherds; they can be goofy and sweet one minute, on-guard and ready to protect you the next. Cancers want their loved ones to be safe, so they’ll bear their metaphorical teeth when they think a loved one is in danger. You don’t want to scorn a Cancer’s loved one since you’re sure to get in a fight.
While Cancers are loving, protective, sensitive people, they can be clingy and pessimistic. Cancers want almost constant physical affection from someone, which can be inconvenient for another person. Due to their sensitivity, Cancers feel the world much deeper than other Zodiac signs. They may keep up a cynical guard to prevent themselves from getting hurt.
Overall, a happy Cancer is one to easily express their love for you. A hurt or angered Cancer will pull away and retreat into their shell. A Cancer’s mood changes rapidly, so it’s hard to tell what they’re going to feel in the next moment.
Traits of the Scorpio Woman
When you first meet a Scorpio, their disposition will suggest that they think they’re cooler than you. They’re probably wearing the latest fashion and holding themselves with confidence. Fear not, because a Scorpio is a kind, down to earth person.
Scorpios are real people. They don’t like being two-faced or deceptive. They like authenticity in other people and seek to be as authentic in themselves.
A Scorpio is passionate and takes control of a situation. They’re sure and decisive leaders who will work hard until a problem is solved. Scorpios always make sure they know all the facts before making a decision. Once the decision is made, Scorpios aren’t likely to turn back on it like other indecisive signs.
Scorpios don’t like passive people. They hate when people let themselves be walked on or people who are codependent on another person. They want to surround themselves with those who know themselves and are confident to be the person they were meant to be.
Scorpios also don’t like inconsiderate people. When a Scorpio confides a secret in you, you better keep it. Scorpios are secretive people in general, so if a confidant exposes a Scorpio’s secret, that person can expect to be cut out of the Scorpio’s life. Scorpios can be trusted with any secret as a result.
Trust Building Between These Zodiacs
Absolutely. Both are trustworthy people but in different ways. Scorpios are naturally secretive people in that they can be trusted to keep their own and other people’s secrets safe. They might keep an aloof disposition, but they’re generally honest folks.
This doesn’t mean that a Scorpio can’t engage in sketchy behavior. They might do something passive aggressive, mean, or even illegal and just keep it to themselves. When confronted, a Scorpio would rather come clean than come up with excuses or lies, but they’ll try to put up roadblocks to people from asking them about the dubious things they’ve done.
Cancers, on the other hand, are sensitive to other people’s emotions. They’re highly empathetic and don’t want to do anything to hurt another person. Cancers are also sensitive to the rules and laws they live in, and they don’t want to do anything that could get them in trouble. Because of their sensitivity, Cancers don’t do anything they would be ashamed to talk about.
So yes, a Cancer man and Scorpio woman could trust each other very well. Once they’ve established a connection with each other, it’s unlikely they would do anything to hurt the other. There’s no reason for them to withhold information or skirt around the truth.
Should one partake in sketchy behavior, they’ll eventually come clean than lug around their burden. A trusting relationship will effortlessly form between a Cancer man and Scorpio woman.
Romantic Outlook
Cancers are probably the most romantic sign on the Zodiac. Cancers love love, and they thus enjoy making other people feel loved. A Cancer man can woo a Scorpio woman with his sincere charm and genuine joy in making her feel cared for and listened to.
A Scorpio woman is intuitive. She can feel how a Cancer man would like to feel cherished. Perhaps he prefers written letters filled with sappy words about her affection for him. Maybe he feels the most joy in discrete acts of service, like getting him a coffee when he seems stressed. No matter what it is, a Scorpio woman can understand how to make the loving Cancer feel loved in return.
Because both enjoy making another person feel loved, they’ll foster a loving relationship. And since both people are honest and not prone to cheating, they’ll have an even stronger relationship.
Are a Cancer Man and Scorpio Woman Sexually Compatible?
Yes, but only if they have the preliminary trust and emotional bond to make sex between them enriching.
While a Cancer man and Scorpio woman are capable of having casual one-night stand’s with people, neither enjoy the shallowness of the act. They want sex to mean something to them and their partner, so by building a strong romantic connection with each other, they’ll enjoy sex much more than if they had no connection at all.
Cancers men are traditional. As with dating, he’d prefer “vanilla” sex with his partner – at least at first. It’s what he knows, and he doesn’t have to feel scared or embarrassed in front of his partner. A Scorpio woman will understand the Cancer man’s adherence to tradition, though she can take the lead and prompt him to try something new once in a while.
Scorpio women are a bit bolder when it comes to sex. She knows what she wants, she knows what she likes, and she knows how to get it. Though the Cancer man can take a while to fulfill her demands, he can come around eventually.
The most valuable asset to a Cancer man and Scorpio woman’s sexual relationship is how willing they are to listen to the other. A Cancer man is a natural listener and can take directions well. A Scorpio woman will quickly tell her partner when something is not up to her speed.
Their communication, improved by their trust and emotional connection, will make a Cancer man and Scorpio woman extremely sexually compatible.
What Are Rough Spots in a Cancer man and Scorpio Woman Relationship?
Everything sounds great so far, but every relationship has its problems.
A Cancer man and Scorpio woman are both prone to jealousy, which can quickly hound a relationship. A Cancer man is jealous because he’s easily hurt, so when a Scorpio woman expresses interest in another man or, worse, if another man expresses interest in the Scorpio woman, he’ll feel threatened and poised to fight over the woman he loves.
A Scorpio is jealous because she doesn’t want the loving relationship she has with her partner threatened by another person. She’s prone to getting possessive over her partner in a cute, endearing way (“Back off, he’s my man!”) or forbidding to let him go to certain places where she knows he might be flirted with.
The last scenario only comes from an insecure Scorpio with low self-esteem. She’s prone to act poorly in other ways, but an unevolved Scorpio’s jealousy shines through due to her sign’s nature.
Because Scorpios can easily read people and know what they want, Scorpios sometimes manipulate people to get what they want. Cancers are especially prone to manipulation since they’re sensitive, caring people-pleasers. An unevolved Scorpio could prompt a Cancer to do something he’s not comfortable with because, again, she’s insecure.
A mature Cancer man and Scorpio woman will have no problem in a relationship, as long as they learn to inhibit the negative aspects of their signs and learn to let the positives take hold.
Can a Cancer Man and Scorpio Woman Stay Together?
They can certainly stand the test of time – as long as neither does anything to make the relationship implode first.
A Cancer man and Scorpio woman are loving, trusting people. They’ll enjoy each other’s company, but they’ll have lurking bad habits that can threaten the longevity of the relationship.
The best way for a Cancer man and Scorpio woman to stay together is to acknowledge the positive parts of each other’s signs and fall in love with them. The negative parts will be apart of the package, but they’ll be overshadowed by the awesome parts of their partner.
A Cancer man and Scorpio woman, both water signs, will get each other in ways different signs can’t understand. They’re prone to hardships, but they can stay together.