Dating a Sagittarius man isn’t always easy. This guy is fun to be around and not too serious. He’s a happy-go-lucky guy who will make you smile. But he can send mixed signals and be difficult to pin down.
Sagittarius men are fairly simple when it comes to relationships. They want to enjoy themselves. They appreciate affection and intimacy, but they need to start out by just learning whether you get along. As the relationship progresses, you’ll get to know each other better, and you’ll begin to learn more about the nuances that go along with dating a Sagittarius man.
Does He Want You to Be With Him?
The Sagittarius is a busy guy. He has lots of interests and often has to juggle work, hobbies, dates, and other activities. He is happy to do all of these things on his own. He’s not afraid of being alone, and if he’s interested in something, he doesn’t need someone else to push him to pursue it.
Therefore, he might not beg you to join him. But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want you to.
The Sagittarius man can seem to send out mixed signals in this respect. You see him following his dreams without waiting for you, and you might figure that he wants to be on his own.
He doesn’t. What he wants more than anything is to have a partner who is on his side. He doesn’t want to have to explain to you how much he wants you to be with him. He needs you to want to join him.
When you express that you’re interested in his passions, you show him that you can think for yourself. You don’t wait for him to invite you to explore. You’re ready to jump on board. That’s the kind of partner that the Sagittarius man wants to date.
Some ways to show him that you’re into him include:
- Traveling with him
- Sharing in his hobbies
- Reading the same books as him
- Meeting his friends and introducing him to yours
But be careful with the “if you can’t beat them, join them” mentality. The Sagittarius man wants to be with a partner who thinks for themselves. You don’t have to have the same interests to make a relationship with this guy work.
If he notices that you’re losing yourself in the relationship and molding yourself to be more like him, he’ll wonder what happened to that unique person he fell in love with. Maintain your own interests and passions. Share them with your guy. He’ll likely join you in some of your pursuits.
Don’t Get Overly Attached
The Sagittarius is one of the least attached people in the zodiac. He is a social creature and enjoys being around people. But he doesn’t have to commit to one person to feel fulfilled.
He has plenty of meaningful projects to keep him busy. He likely has a wide social circle and can hang out with just about anyone. He doesn’t need one person to be his everything.
Therefore, he doesn’t get clingy. His lack of attachment may seem like a lack of devotion. But it’s not. This guy is just so busy doing his own thing that he doesn’t rely on other people to make him happy.
But if you’re dating him, you can certainly make him happy. He just shouldn’t be your sole source of fulfillment. If you become dependent on him or insecure, you might push him away.
The Sagittarius man is rarely codependent. He doesn’t mind being alone, and he won’t enter into a relationship just because he is lonely. He won’t often commit or enter into a serious relationship unless he is totally into you.
He doesn’t want to be pushed into something that he doesn’t want. The Sagittarius man likes to take the lead.
This guy does want someone to share his life with. He needs someone who is as adventurous and spontaneous as he is. If you add to his life, he’s happy to have you there. But if you suck his energy, demand too much from him, or bring him down, he probably won’t want to spend time with you.
If you want to date a Sagittarius man, make sure that you can handle him. You need to be ok with his distracted nature. He might be there one minute and disappear the next.
It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you. He just has a lot of other things keeping him busy. You should do the same. He will be inspired by a partner who lives their life to the fullest.
What Does He Expect From a Relationship?
The Sagittarius man lives on the fly. He doesn’t subscribe to a particular way of being, and he is certainly not conventional. Routine and monotony are his enemies. Therefore, his expectations may strike you as being unpredictable.
He’s always ready to give something new a try. That means that he may enter into casual relationships easily. Keeping him around is the hard part.
When he’s with a partner, the Sagittarius man expects his mate to be up for anything. He also wants his partners to be proactive about finding fun things to do and coming up with exciting date ideas. If you become lazy or complacent, the Sagittarius man will itch to find something else.
The Sagittarius man expects a relationship to evolve in its own time. He is not the kind of person who has always had a dream of settling down in a house with a white picket fence. If you start talking about getting married and having kids, you might scare him off.
Live in the moment when you’re dating a Sagittarius. Appreciate what you have when you have it. If it develops into something more, it will in its own time. Don’t force anything in your relationship with the Sagittarius man.
Although it might seem as though the Sagittarius man just wants a casual relationship, that’s not true. He enjoys working on his personal development, whether he does so alone or with a partner. He is always seeking out new opportunities.
As he moves through life, he becomes more responsible, mature, and committed. He just takes some time to do this, and he needs to do it in his own way and on his own timeline.
The Sagittarius man is one of the zodiac signs that’s most likely to be in an open relationship. Until he settles down, this guy can be a little promiscuous. That characteristic makes him an excellent lover, though. He knows what his partners want. He has experience.
He won’t lie about his escapades. Practice having clear communication with him so that you know what he expects. Doing this will also help you maintain realistic expectations for your potential future together.
Is He Romantic?
Sagittarius men aren’t conventional romantics. They may not be the perfect gentlemen. But they’re sincere, direct, and honest. They like to make their partners laugh. But they might not hold doors open for you because they want a partner who is capable of doing that themselves.
You might find his pursuit romantic. He isn’t afraid to go after what he wants. If that’s you, he’ll surprise you with fun dates and keep you guessing. He’ll let you know when he is into you, and he’s such a charmer that he is hard to resist.
When you’re just hanging out casually, you might feel as though you’re in the friend zone. The Sagittarius man will ask about your interests. He’ll want to have deep discussions with you. You’ll do exciting and enjoyable activities together.
You’ll really get to see the Sagittarius man’s romantic side in the bedroom. He is sensual and adventurous, and he loves to please his partner. He’ll learn what it takes to satisfy you, and he will deliver.
The Sagittarius man has many sides to him. He wants variety in the bedroom. Therefore, he may scatter rose petals on the bed one day, but don’t expect gentle, romantic gestures all the time. This guy likes to spice things up, and he wants you to go along for the ride.
The Sagittarius man loves to help. If he can step up for a cause, he will. When you catch a glimpse of his big heart, you might be overcome by romantic feelings. Being helpful is one way that he shows his love.
When Should You Introduce Him to Your Parents?
If you’ve been hanging out with a Sagittarius man in group settings, he has probably met your friends. If he hasn’t, don’t make a big deal about it when he does. Remember that a Sagittarius man doesn’t want to get serious too quickly.
Introducing him to your family shouldn’t be high on your list of priorities. You’ll know when the time is right, and things are becoming more serious.
If you invite a Sagittarius guy to be your plus-one at a wedding, he might get a little nervous. Does this mean that things are getting serious? Will your family have high expectations for him? These are important details to discuss. If you’re just looking to have a good time, letting him know will help him relax.
A casual relationship can turn into something more with a Sagittarius guy. Don’t assume that he doesn’t want to get serious just because he wants to keep things easygoing right now. Stick with him, and continue to work on yourself as you do. If you keep him interested, you’ll grow together.
Should You Move in With a Sagittarius Man?
If you’re looking to live with a partner in the near future, you might want to look elsewhere. The Sagittarius guy will commit and settle down, but it will take him longer than any other zodiac sign.
The Sagittarius man needs to be excited about the prospect of moving in with his partner. He will get there, and if it happens, it happens.
You’ll know that he’s ready to make that type of commitment if he can’t hide his excitement. When he’s looking forward to this new stage in his life, he’ll take the reins and start planning it.
If you do move in together, you’ll need to let him make some decisions about home décor. He loves filling his home with exotic treasures from his travels. He probably has many sentimental items that mean a lot to him. Your house will probably be eclectic.
You’ll also need plenty of space. A studio apartment won’t do if the Sagittarius man has to share it with someone. He might want a studio in which to make art or a man cave in the basement to escape to when he needs alone time.
If you move in with him, you’ll need to keep him on his toes. Don’t make dinner at the same time every night. Surprise him with new recipes periodically. Go out with your friends so that he can have the house to himself.
He thrives on unpredictability. Keep the spark alive by venturing outside of your comfort zone.
What Do Arguments With a Sagittarius Man Look Like?
The Sagittarius man can argue like anyone. He’s feisty and not afraid to share his opinions. He can turn to anger quickly. But he’ll probably argue with a smile on his face.
This guy loves a good debate. What some people consider an argument is simply a well-rounded discussion in the Sagittarius man’s view.
He might dish it out from time to time, but he can also take it. Friendly disputes are part of the way that your relationship grows. He wants to learn about you, and he might test you by pushing your buttons and seeing what you’re made of.
The Sagittarius man feels strongly that people should have their own opinions. Arguments with him will certainly allow you to develop a unique outlook on life.
Just make sure that you stay open-minded. The Sagittarius man doesn’t hold a grudge. If you do, he might get confused. He’s optimistic and sees arguments as a chance to learn something new.