So you have your sights set on the funny, attractive, and smart guy who knows how to win over a crowd. You find out that he’s a Sagittarius and realize that you don’t know what that zodiac sign really means. It doesn’t get as much attention as Leo, Virgo, or Cancer, so you’re scratching your head on how to attract a Sagittarius man.
Fear not, we have the guide for you.
Know the Sagittarius Traits
Before we teach you how to win over a Sagittarius man, you have to know what it means to be a Sagittarius. Once you know the traits, you know how to approach this kind of guy better.
Perhaps the most notable trait about Sagittarius is that they’re honest. Very honest. They don’t hesitate to tell you that you have spinach in your teeth or that when they tell you that they’re mad, they mean it. Sagittarius isn’t the kind of sign to hide their emotions. They’ll tell you upfront when they have a problem — either with the world or with you.
Some people don’t know how to handle such candid expressions of someone’s internal world. We’re used to hiding behind masks instead of telling others how we really feel. Not the Sagittarius, though. If you ask him out on the date, his response will be authentic and 100% what he feels.
He could respond with, “Sure, I’d be happy to go out with you,” or “Actually, I don’t think you’re my type. Sorry.” While the second one stings more, at least he’s not stringing you along or making you believe a reality that’s not true. Therefore, take Sagittarius’ honesty with gratefulness rather than annoyance.
That quick, witty response or perfect pun? You bet it came from Sagittarius. He’s clever and doesn’t fail to hide how smart he is. Whether it’s finding the best course of action to utilize your time most effectively or telling you about some obscure yet interesting fact he knows, Sagittarius is naturally observant and easily connects the dots.
He doesn’t use his intelligence pretentiously, though. He’s not the kind of guy to ask you what the most recent albums from your favorite band are when you tell him. He won’t ask you to quote from a book you just told him you liked. He’s not a jerk with his intelligence, though he won’t play dumb either.
You can trust that the Sagittarius man thought about the choices before he makes them. While he’s human and thus prone to impulsive actions or comments, he generally thinks before he speaks and makes the right decision.
And since he has a flair for showing off, you can trust that he’ll wow you with all the stuff he knows and experiences he has accumulated in the first few times you talk to him.
Because Sagittarius is philosophically bent, he tries to get into the deeper meanings of things. He loves books for this reason; he’s always sussing out the expanding web of themes, motifs, and symbols that come with good literature. He doesn’t shy away from talking about deep issues or getting to the heart of pressing topics.
Like talking about your feelings with a guy? He’s the kind who will actually know how to do that. He’s introspective and always worries about whether he left a bad impression on someone. Worse, he wonders if he accidentally did or said something to hurt someone else.
He doesn’t want to be that kind of guy, so he works to improve who he is. Getting to the root of deeper issues in his own psyche helps him do that.
If you want a man who isn’t afraid of talking about serious stuff, Sagittarius is your guy. In fact, he craves learning more about himself and the people around him — even the vulnerable and uncouth stuff.
While a Sagittarius might say something that can be too honest to hear, he has a heart of gold. He always wants to help the people around him, whether it’s his family, friends, or strangers. He’s the guy to call if you need help with a project or anything else in your life. He’s willing to help you even if you call him in the dead of night.
You can see traces of his heart of gold in everything he does. It’s in the way he talks to servers and waitstaff at restaurants, in the way he talks to his parents over the phone, in the way he treats his pets and the pets of others. He always wants to do the right thing and is prone to beating himself up if he doesn’t.
The first guy to strike up a conversation in a group of strangers will be a Sagittarius (or Leo, but Leo’s probably doing it to capitalize on making the best first impression).
Sagittarius sees strangers as friends he hasn’t met yet, so he’s always talking to new people and trying to vibe with others.
Sagittarius loves adventures and accumulating new experiences. He can be found at bass-bumping concerts, joining a new club in his city, or planning a next travel adventure. Sagittarius loves traveling, so he’s often found on a plane heading to a new and exciting location.
Though they can be kind, Sagittarius wants to have a steady stream of stimulation. They don’t do well with having to wait. As a result, Sagittarius tends to rush through preparations so that they can get to the good stuff. This can be cooking a meal, and the insides are still raw or watching him drive too fast because he wants to get to his destination as fast as he can safely do.
Brutally Honest
Smart and honest is a perfect combination for a boyfriend, but it means that fights with him can get especially nasty. He can say things that are not only true but true in a way that hurts because it’s your weak spot, kind of like how a surgeon knows all the sensitive spots in the body.
Sagittarius won’t hurt you on purpose. If he thinks he said something he shouldn’t have, he’ll start apologizing profusely and tell you that he didn’t mean it — which he probably didn’t. But that doesn’t mean that a Sagittarius men can’t tell the blunt truth about you in ways that hurt to be reminded.
While there’s no malicious intent behind it, it takes thick skin to withstand the honest truths about themselves and their situations that an observant person says.
Attention Seeking
Sagittarius men are funny, smart, outgoing, kind, and an overall catch. You know it, and he definitely knows it.
While Sagittarius may act all humble and embarrassed to be in the spotlight, they secretly love it and do things to get more attention. This could explain his diligence in posting on social media. His Instagram may be littered with pictures of his travels to fun places, but it could also be that he wants to show off how good he looks on a beach or after climbing a mountain.
Again, he’s smart, so he knows what he’s doing. While he doesn’t act two-faced and lies about his attention-seeking intent on social media and other places, he definitely downplays how much he enjoys the limelight.
Now that you know a bit more about Sagittarius, here’s how to attract a Sagittarius man.
Just Ask Him Out
Just do it. Be honest that you think he’s cute, and you want to get a coffee with him on a date. Call it a date. Don’t be vague or try to hide what it really is.
A Sagittarius man will appreciate the bluntness and honesty. He doesn’t do well with vague messages and body language subtext — he would prefer if your intent is spelled out clearly. He’ll appreciate the clarity tremendously, especially when other people would prefer to play games and cover up their true feelings.
If you met him on a dating app and have been messaging him for a while, one of the best things you can say is that you’ve enjoyed your conversation with him (if true) and would love to continue it in person. Then ask him if he’s free on a certain night for whatever you think is right — coffee, drinks, a movie, etc.
Be clear with your intent, and you’ll be golden. He’ll know that the ball is in his court and has to make a move. Don’t be vague and squirrelly. Otherwise, he won’t know there’s a ball to play with at all.
Be Comfortable Diving Into the Deep End
Some signs, like Gemini, prefer to keep their relationships in the shallow end of the pool. This is because Gemini often springs from friendship to friendship, relationship to relationship. Having shallower connections with someone makes it easier to leave, so talking about feelings with someone can feel like a commitment Gemini isn’t sure they’re reading to have.
Sagittarius doesn’t feel that way. If a Sagittarius man likes you and thinks you’re a cool person, they don’t mind becoming your friends — even if you just met this guy. He might start talking about deep concerns, feelings, or issues soon after meeting him, which can be unnerving if you prefer to keep people at arms distance.
Talking about feelings and forming a deeper bond with someone is the hallmark of a long-lasting relationship, so you might as well practice with a Sagittarius man. He won’t utterly bare his soul to you on the first date, but he’s comfortable getting vulnerable quicker than other signs.
If you want to attract a Sagittarius man, be comfortable getting real with people. He’ll be able to tell if you can’t, and so he’ll look to someone else as a romantic partner.
Be Kind to Him and Others
Nothing turns off a Sagittarius man more than someone who is rude and selfish. We all have our moments, but if you’re regularly rude to waitstaff, friends, family, or coworkers, then a Sagittarius man will want nothing to do with you.
Instead, one of the best things you can do is to be kind and generous with a Sagittarius man. Regularly ask him how he’s doing and genuinely listen to what he says. If he seems down, ask him if he’d like for you to bring him a coffee or other drink. Don’t fake it if you aren’t normally so attentive to others, but play it up if you are — he’ll appreciate it.
Be Adventurous
Do you like to hop on a plane and travel the world whenever you have adventure time? Sagittarius men do too, so be sure to bring up your travels as naturally as you can in conversations with him. He likes people with a sense of adventure and a love of traveling, so he’ll like that you can be his travel partner.
A sense of adventure not only pertains to travel but to the relationship as well. Those who are open-minded and willing to try new things will do well with a Sagittarius man. He likes new experiences and putting himself out there, whether it’s food, hobbies, athletics, and more.
If you prefer to eat the same thing at the same restaurant every time you go out, for example, you two might not be the most compatible.
Learn to Give Each Other Space
Sagittarius men can be the cuddly romantic partners we all dream of, but he feels claustrophobic when he’s dating someone who’s clingy. He’s not the type who will want to spend all day, every day with you. He needs time apart from his partner to get in touch with himself and re-energize.
If you can’t give him that space, then it’s unlikely that you two will last long. He wants to be an attentive and present partner, but expecting too much from his time isn’t going to make him stay. Give him space, and he’ll be much happier for it.
Those are the best way to attract — and keep — a Sagittarius man. Feel free to use these tips the next time you have your eye on Sagittarius.