The Virgo man was born between August 23rd and September 22nd, so what does that mean exactly? Whether you’re new to astrology or you pay great attention to the signs, you might be curious about how to attract a Virgo man.
If you’ve been eye-balling a swanky gent who’s got you feeling butterflies, you might be curious about the best ways to attract him. Based on his astrological sign, we can give you the scoop on how to have him hooked on you in no time!
But first, let’s learn a little more about this Virgo man. Is he the man of your dreams, or just another star among the sky? Only you can answer that question, but we might be able to help give you a little insight into who he is and what makes him tick.
Let’s dive right in and get to know this fellow from his birthday out!
What Does a Virgo Man Value?
Virgo men love an equal partner who’s honest and supportive. A partner who aligns with him will go far with the Virgo man. Virgo men aren’t quick to jump into a relationship or make hasty decisions, which is why he will value you for behaving in a high-value way.
Although he may like a little give and take when it comes to pursuing one another, the Virgo man prefers his partner to let him take his time when it comes to deciding on moving forward in a relationship or not. He must come to see you for your full value, and his equal before he dives in. Love it or hate it, the man likes to think through his decisions.
If you’re heading down the path of romance with a Virgo guy, your first step is simple, to catch his attention. Before you go shooting for the stars and trying to make him fall in love with you, feel him out and notice if he too is your equal.
What Are the Best Matches for a Virgo Man?
If you’re interested in keeping to astrology when it comes time to decide on whether or not you’d be an excellent fit for your Virgo guy, you’ll be happy to hear that Virgo men get along with quite a few signs. The top two compatibility signs for a Virgo are Cancer and Taurus women.
What makes a Virgo man strongly connected to a Cancer partner or a Taurus partner? Let’s take a look at each sign and get into the details.
Cancer is a water sign, and those who were born under the Cancer sign tend to be emotional. On the other hand, those born under the Virgo sign tend to be practical, showcasing their love by providing real acts of service to their partners. These unique traits lend themselves well to the Cancer-Virgo love pair.
When a Virgo man and his Cancer partner come together, they may create a loving, intimate connection that’s powerful and not easily swayed.
Taurus folks share a lot in common with those born into Virgo traits. If you’re one or the other in a pair, you just might be confused about how your partner is so similar to you yet born under an entirely different sign. With both signs coming together with mutual respect for productivity, a sense of purpose, honesty, and straightforwardness, it’s a fierce connection to beat.
When a Virgo man and his Taurus partner come together, they may create an intuitive connection that feels deeply rooted and inspiring.
Grabbing the Attention of a Virgo: Tips and Tricks
Alright, let’s get down to business. You know the ins and outs of this Virgo man that you feel a secure connection. How do you get his attention and let him see the attraction for himself? Here are our top tips and tricks.
Let Him Set the Pace
When it comes to romantic relationships, Virgos tend not to dive in. They have a plan, and they want to evaluate how a partner might fit into their lives, or how they might fit into their partner’s life.
It’s important not to rush your guy if you feel that his intentions are good. There’s no sense in rushing things, just trust him to set the pace while you lean back. Letting him be in charge of the speed won’t set you back in his book; it’ll only spring you forward.
Rather than rushing along with things like the first date, first kiss, or locking down subsequent dates, let him come to you. When he’s ready to take things to the next level, you’ll know it. As a Virgo, he’s going to take charge of the situation when he’s ready.
Most Virgo men feel strongly about the traditional manner and conventional behaviors. Call them old fashion, but they appreciate a punctual lady. These days, people rush to and from work, between appointments, and get their life done in between. So, it’s understandable that you might run late from time to time.
However, despite his best efforts at being understanding, he’ll appreciate your effort a lot more if you’re punctual from the get-go. By showing up late, especially in the early stages, you might send the wrong message, that you don’t hold a high value for his time.
There’s no quicker way to lose a Virgo’s interest than to make him think he’s not worth your time or consideration. On the flip side, he will value your attention to detail and making room in your busy schedule for him, showing him that your attraction to him is backed up by your actions.
It’s easy to want to impress a man in the early stages of getting to know one another. Sometimes, we get so into “being on our best behavior,” that we’re not our genuine selves. A strong Virgo male may be able to call your bluff early and lose respect for you if he believes you to be dishonest.
Instead, focus on highlighting your best attributes. If you’re goofy and a little blunt, try to have some tact. If you’re shy and introverted, let your introverted light shine. Your Virgo man will appreciate your honesty and genuineness.
If you’re thinking, “Well, this guy isn’t going to see my office or my apartment for quite some time,” let that thought go. When you’re not tidy and organized in your personal life, you can typically pick up that vibe from people. They might be flustered at meetings, running in late, missing important details of things you say, or appear high strung or anxiety-ridden.
Take the time to implement some organization and tidiness into your life. We’re not saying you must go all Marie Kondo to your house this weekend, but in general, take a few lessons from her book.
Lastly, watch your selfies, if you’re into sending those back and forth to the Virgo guy you’re dating. His personality won’t let him enjoy your smiling face and a cute outfit if you’ve got a mountain of dirty clothes behind you, or it looks like your desk exploded at work.
Remember that the Virgo male loves and appreciates the simple things in life. He prefers a partner with simple elegance rather than an eccentric style. You should never conform for love, but if you’re feeling in the mood, you can always jazz up your style to suit your personality best.
You might use your appearance as your outward slogan-without-words. Skip the messy buns, trendy grunge clothes, and unconventional styles.
Do go for sleek, modern, and simple looks. Remember that your best qualities come from within, but if you’re trying to attract a Virgo male, it doesn’t hurt to grab his attention at the eye.
Being High-Value
If there’s a quicker way to make a Virgo man run away quickly, we’re not aware of it. So, if you only take one lesson from this complete guide, it must be this one. Adopt a high-value way of being. You don’t want to come to your Virgo man at the end of a rough week after one too many glasses of wine with a big show of emotions.
If you need his support, it’s okay to ask for a good pep talk or ear to listen, but don’t go overboard. The Virgo male doesn’t like messy displays of emotion, and he doesn’t go for that damsel in distress act.
It’s okay to display a reasonable range of human emotions. Everyone has ups and downs and needs a shoulder now and again. But, if you’re in the early stages, you might save those rough conversations for a close friend. The Virgo male tends to strive for partners who mirror his analytical approach.
Balance and Equality
You might be in awe of this Virgo beauty before you, but don’t get lost in his dreaminess along the way. While you should take the time to listen to, acknowledge, and appreciate what he’s bringing to the table, you should also show him what you bring to the table.
A Virgo partner will value and appreciate your efforts to bring forth your value. If he genuinely feels that you aren’t throwing out an opinion for the sake of having one, but are capable of thinking things through and providing your thoughts on a matter, he’s going to hold you to high regard.
There’s nothing sexier to a Virgo man than a partner who knows what she’s talking about and who takes the time to portray it correctly. He will always appreciate that you display the traits or accomplishments that make you an equal.
Be Giving
The Virgo male tends to appreciate acts of service, as he may be more apt to dole them out himself since he’s so analytical. Rather than making plans to meet up at a restaurant in the middle of a busy day, offer to drop off the home-made lunch you made for him so he can get through his day, and you can sneak in time to see him that doesn’t distract his focus.
Since he likes to take his time and analyze suitability, this will help him see that you’d make a considerate, giving partner in his time of need.
Be Supportive
It’s right for a lot of men that they’re a little more self-critical than they let on. A strong attraction from a Virgo guy can be forged simply by showing your support in his dealings.
From encouraging his sense of style to sending him that extra good luck text before a big meeting at work. Your efforts to show your support and devotion won’t go unnoticed in his book.
Remember that honesty and support don’t have to compete since a Virgo guy appreciates your well-thought-out opinion. If you strongly feel that a decision he’s making or an idea he is could be better suited, don’t be afraid to present him with your thoughts on the matter, in a supportive way.
We trust that you’ll know just what to say if the situation arises.
Wrapping Things Up
So, you want to grab the attention of a Virgo guy with whom you’ve crossed paths? There’s no reason to overthink the situation or make a blubbering fool of yourself. You don’t have to do much beyond being your genuine self around this guy.
The Virgo man you’re interested in likely has some set qualities he’s looking for in a partner, if he’s ready to partner up that is. While you’re taking the time to get to know this guy, make sure he’s a good match for you as well.
There are plenty of things you can do to make sure you catch the eye of this Virgo man. However, it’ll be the way you consistently interact in the long term, as he’s evaluating your compatibility, which makes you stand out to him.
As long as you’re honest, thoughtful, supportive, and take the time to work on your value, he will see you for all that you’re worth. Remember to lean back and let him lead in the romance department; he’s sure to embrace your femininity.