If you’re interested in an Aries woman, get ready to go on the ride of your life. This woman is a livewire who likes to be in charge. However, she has some quirks that make her a little difficult to read sometimes.
It takes a special kind of person to attract an Aries woman. You need to give her what she wants, excite her, and offer her plenty of attention. But you can’t be too demanding, pushy, or stifling. Captivating an Aries woman involves walking a fine line. Once you’ve figured it out, though, the relationship can be extremely lively, strong, and dynamic.
What Is an Aries Woman Like in Love?
An Aries woman is vibrant and active. She doesn’t like to stay in the same place for too long. That goes for her physical as well as mental state. She needs someone willing to challenge her and take her to a new level.
Because she’s always seeking out novelty, the Aries woman doesn’t like it when things feel stagnant. That doesn’t mean that she is always looking for a new partner, though. The Aries woman loves to fall in love. If you can captivate her, she will be loyal to you.
But you can’t just lie back and get comfortable in the relationship. You shouldn’t let your guard down just because you think that everything is going well. She needs you to provide a constant source of stimulation.
Because of her changing interests, an Aries woman has a wide social circle. She understands that one person can’t meet all of her needs. She is independent, so you shouldn’t try to limit her or control her social life. She will spend plenty of time with you if you keep her interest. But she will want to hang out with her friends frequently too.
You Should Flirt With Her
While the Aries woman doesn’t like playing games, she loves to flirt. But she doesn’t want someone who fawns all over her. Well, she does, but we’ll discuss that in more detail in the next section.
When you first meet or are getting to know her, you should be willing to duck in and out of the connection. Be assertive, compliment her, and get her to lean in toward you. Then, take a step back and watch her chase you. There is a lot of back-and-forth action in the pursuit of an Aries woman.
The Aries woman is a hunter. She wants to pursue her partner. Therefore, you have to play hard to get to attract her interest. The Aries woman won’t shy away from a potential conquest. Make her feel as though you’re a prize that she has to win.
But don’t try too hard. The Aries woman has an eye for authenticity. She can spot a faker a mile away. You have to be truly confident to attract an Aries woman.
She is looking for someone with a bit of arrogance. Of course, you have to know when to be humble and let her shine. But you can engage her with your self-assurance. The more confident you are, the more likely she is to pick you out in a crowd.
You’ll know if she’s into you by her body language. If she playfully brushes your hand or throws her arm around you, she might be interested. The Aries woman is confident enough to be physical even if she doesn’t know you very well.
She will also try to impress you with the way that she dresses. She expects the same in return. Paying attention to your appearance is important if you’re trying to capture the attention of an Aries woman. But you don’t have to overdo it. She isn’t attracted to a particular style; she just wants to know that you’re comfortable in your skin (and your wardrobe).
You Should Pay Attention to Her
One of the most confusing things about the Aries woman is her need for affection. She wants to know how important she is to you, but she doesn’t want you to overdo it.
On the one hand, the Aries woman wouldn’t mind it if you were a bit jealous of her friendships with other men. This would indicate that you were thinking about her and excited about the prospect of dating her. But if you act possessive or try to control her, she’ll run away.
Instead of giving her teddy bears and whispering sweet nothings in her ear, whisk the Aries woman away on an adventure. Give her experiences instead of gifts.
You’ll often know precisely what she wants because she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. Listen with your entire heart, and be willing to take action when you understand what she needs. She’ll know that you care when you do what she says.
Even though she wants you to show her love, the Aries woman isn’t fussy. She doesn’t need frills or excessive romance. She would rather have you be straightforward about your feelings. Be brave enough to share how you feel without smothering her.
An Aries woman only seems complicated if you fail to listen to her. If you’re mindful while you’re having discussions, you’ll see through the complexity and dig up her simple side. She tells it like it is, and it’s not difficult to give her what she wants. She will ask you for it directly.
You Should Show Your “Bad” Side
The Aries woman isn’t afraid to take risks. She likes to date people who carry an element of danger with them. You don’t have to be a serial killer to date an Aries woman. But you might want to get in touch with your adventurous side.
If you’re a sweet wallflower, the Aries woman might be intrigued at first. She may be especially magnetized to you if you flirt a little and then disappear into the background. You will have captured her interest, and she’ll wonder where you went and why you’re not still paying attention to her.
But don’t be too softhearted. The Aries woman wants someone bold, fearless, and audacious. If you’re too smooth and easygoing, she might lose interest.
Something to understand about the Aries woman is that she acts more masculine than many other female astrological signs. Even though she dresses with a feminine flair and is usually beautiful, coquettish, and sophisticated, she has a strong personality.
You need to match that with your own masculinity. The Aries woman is often attracted to people with large, strong body types. She’ll flock to you if you’re sporty or outdoorsy. She wants someone who looks as though they can handle her physically.
You Should Have a Mind of Your Own
We’re not saying that you should be argumentative with an Aries woman, but you shouldn’t be afraid to share your opinion. Even if you don’t agree with your lady, you can voice your dissent.
Be aware that you will probably never get her to settle on your side of the debate. However, most of the fun is in dissecting the issue.
The Aries woman is brilliant and curious. She can be quite intellectual and enjoys mulling over the details of every situation. She is a verbal processor who enjoys spouting information and expressing her judgments. If you comply with her outlook all the time, she might get bored.
Instead, engage her with conversation. Show her all of the sides. Get her excited about the discussion.
The Aries woman doesn’t want you to say “yes” to her every time she asks you about something. She is looking for some healthy dissent. It gets her heart pumping, which excites and arouses her.
But don’t play games. The Aries woman is looking for a straightforward partner. If you have no filter and tend to state what’s on your mind, even if it’s mildly inappropriate, you might be the perfect match for her.
However, you should be aware that the Aries woman doesn’t like to be made fun of or condescended to, especially in public. Don’t try to steal her spotlight or put her down in front of her friends. Also, you should avoid talking about her behind her back. If she finds out, her trust will be broken.
Therefore, you should be straight but compassionate with her. She’ll miss all of your subtlety if you’re not direct. But if you’re too harsh, you might risk offending her.
Here’s something tricky about the Aries woman—she wants you to be a leader. Even though she is also a born trailblazer, she doesn’t want to feel forced to be the groundbreaker. Everyone needs a break sometimes. If she thinks that you’re helpless, she might lose interest.
As you’re getting to know your Aries woman, show her that you can take care of yourself and her if she needs it. Don’t let her plan all of the dates. Delight her with a thrilling experience. But get ready to go with the flow. Even when you set the rules, she’s likely to need to add a few of her own just to feel like she is in control.
You Should Be Ready to Satisfy Her
The Aries woman is passionate in and out of the bedroom. When she’s involved in sexual intimacy, she can be a little less emotional than some of her partners would like. But she makes up for that seeming disconnect with verve and tenacity.
She knows what she wants sensually, and she will demand it. She can even be a bit aggressive in bed.
If she is in love with you, however, she might be slow to get physical. That’s because she’s more comfortable with sexuality than she is with intimacy. If her emotions are involved, she’ll be more careful than she might if she were having a casual hookup.
She is looking for a partner who reflects her sexual hunger. Therefore, you should be open to trying anything and everything. She enjoys getting out of the bedroom. Getting intimate outdoors or in public is always a turn-on for her.
The Aries woman won’t shy away from being a dominatrix in bed. But she doesn’t want you to be submissive all the time. Shift the roles around periodically. Surprise her by taking control or coming up with a new idea when she least expects it.
In fact, she loves to be surprised by sexual advances. She is all about living in the moment. Show her that you have an equal amount of enthusiasm for sexuality.
If you haven’t gotten to that level in your relationship yet, you can magnetize her with your kisses. She will probably plant one on you before you have a chance to plan your seduction method. Be ready for it.
She will probably kiss you when you least expect it, whether you’re at the bar or on a jet ski. You should respond with an equal amount of passion. The Aries woman likes to feel sensual. Therefore, you should play with her hair, caress her face, and run your hands up and down her back while you kiss her. Don’t stay lip-locked for too long, though. Tease her so that she keeps coming back for more.
You Should Be Willing to Forgive
Forgiveness is important for the Aries woman. She can have a fiery temper and is usually quick to anger. But she won’t stay mad for long.
If you hold a grudge, you might turn her off. She doesn’t want you to be a punching bag, but she needs you to be flexible enough to stand your ground in an argument, receive her demands, see her as the person that she is, and have amazing make-up sex.
Someone who is as stubborn as she is will cause too much friction to create a long-lasting relationship. If you’re tenacious, she might be fascinated by you initially. But when she learns that she can’t win and you aren’t receptive to her intense moods, she will seek someone who is willing to play along.