So you’ve finally found the woman of your dreams – Lucky you! And now you’ve got to figure out how to ask her to be your wife. Planning is everything and when you know what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it, the nerves will subside somewhat.
And never forget to first ask her parents for her hand in marriage before you buy the ring. It’s just the right thing to do when it’s an option.
Proposing to a girl is a big deal. When you are entering your next phase in life, you want to do it right, you want to do something special for your love to remember forever.
Nerves are surely in full swing. Understand that’s normal and you just need to push past them.
FACT – Pretty much every girls dream is getting proposed to perfectly. That’s a lot of pressure, I know.
This scenario is going to stress out the guys that either don’t have creativity or perhaps just lag in the romance department.
So there’s a little pressure here because most girls don’t want an ordinary ho-hum proposal. And please don’t copy what you see in the movies.
Down on one knee with the roses in one hand and the ring in the other. That gets old fast! You’re going to have to be a little more clever than that if you want to do it right.
How To Propose To A Girl
#1 – The Obvious – Just Be You!
When you are looking to propose to your girl, one of the best things you can do is just be yourself. If you are a calm and rational guy that’s usually quite composed and reserved, don’t overdo it with your proposal.
Keep it simple and you’ll be just fine!
Just try and be sweet and simple. You’ve got to follow what your gut is saying and tap into her heart too. Try to be somewhat creative, but also make sure you don’t do any acting. Just be yourself. You need to always speak from your heart, even if it’s a little clumsy.
Find your special way to say and show her she is the best thing that ever happened to you.
#2 – Rev Up The Romance By Candlelight
This one is quite popular but there are so many different things you can do in order to make it your own, to make it special. By dimming the lights and lighting up the candles, you are setting the stage for something truly special.
Candles and romance go hand in hand.
Maybe you want to prepare an extra special dinner for her with some soft romantic music in the background? How can she not feel special if you ask her for her hand in marriage in such a romantic moment?
An excellent option if you plan on proposing to your girlfriend.
#3 – Pick A Special Day
You know how your girlfriend thinks about the holidays; Valentine’s Day, Christmas Day, etc. Find a day that have special meaning to both of you and use it to pop the question.
What you are trying to do is establish meaning and when you find a special day that you share, then you will nail it when the day finally arrives for you to propose.
Remember, this marriage proposal signifies a solid commitment of love and trust between two people who love each other passionately and truly.
#4 – Ask The Question During A Rigged Movie Break
This route is seriously quite clever. It’s a romantic route to propose to her that’s also unique.
Try editing a short movie flick that asks her the big question during the break. Talk about a fun time anticipating her reaction and actually watching her read those life changing words.
#5 – Use A Good Old-Fashioned T-Shirt!
This is another clever but sweet route to ask the girl of your dreams to marry you. Either use an old favorite T-shirt or buy a new one and get the words “Will You Marry Me?” printed on it.
Wear your jacket and take her to the park or someplace special. There you can get down on one knee and show her your shirt. That’s just super sweet romantic. It’ll make her melt.
#6 – Picnic Getaway
Sometimes less is more and when it comes to proposing, you are better to not overdo it. Take her to a quiet park to have a romantic picnic, just the two of you.
Have some wine chilling and perhaps a few chocolate covered strawberries. You could even use the strawberries to hide her engagement ring. If you have any creativity you could write her a poem or even sing her a song.
The sky’s the limit so tap into your imagination.
#7 – Use The Radio Waves
No doubt every girls dream is to fall in love with a strong brave man. Show her this by shouting out to the world via radio that you love her and want her for the rest of your life.
Wow…Talk about putting it out there.
This one takes a little bit of planning but will be well worth it when all is said and done.
Figure out when she listens to the radio regularly and what station of course. Dedicate a special song to her and propose to her either before or after the song is done. And to top it all off, have her call into the radio station to give her answer live on the air.
This one will give you a YES for sure!
#8 – Silliness In A Box
This one will take a little help and planning to execute properly. You’re going to hide in a box that’s wrapped and wait for her to unwrap you. Inside of course you will be down on one knee with the ring.
Talk about a huge surprise!
Of course, you will need to have someone with her that’s going to convince her to open this big box. To make it a little easier you could personalize it on the outside and ask her to “Open Me Please!”
That’s just magical.
#9 – Banner Inside Or Out
If you have anxiety or battle with your nerves more often than not, you might want to try the banner method when proposing. Just make sure you know she’s going to say yes before you try it!
You can hang the banner outside her workplace or hang it up in the room for when she gets home. Have it made up to ask her if she will marry you.
Another exciting and alive route is to have an airplane pull the banner across the sky. Again, this one will take a little bit of planning because you will have to make sure you get her to the spot where the plane is flying over!
#10 – Be Absolutely Certain She Is The Woman For You
I don’t want to scare you with the stats on divorce today, but it’s just not pretty. Take your time here to write down what you love about her and why you want to marry her.
This is going to help you when you are looking for the words to propose to her. As well, this will remind you about why you love her so much. Don’t let external factors get in the way. Make sure you truly feel you want to be with your girlfriend for the rest of your life before you pop the big question.
*Many people will tell you that, “You’ll just know” when you are ready to marry your sweetheart. That really doesn’t matter because you need to be genuine to yourself and make certain this is what you really want to do.
Not because the family is pressuring you or because she keeps hinting she wants to get married. Those reasons will not stand the test of time and everyone will get hurt. Be careful please.
*Think about moving in together if you haven’t already before you get married. It’s a heck of a lot easier to love someone from afar then it is when they are in your face 24/7.
In other words, there is a difference between full-time and part-time.
Sometime when couples move in together and start sharing the bed, bills, groceries and household chores, the opinions of each other change drastically. You’re much better finding this out sooner not later.
*Confide in someone about your feelings. It’s not wrong to second guess yourself before you ask a girl for her hand in marriage.
In fact, it’s smart to have second thoughts and to discuss these thoughts with someone you trust. A sounding board is a good thing and it can only help. You could be making the best decision in your life or the worst mistake of your life.
Talk it out to know if it’s the right decision for you.
#11 – Do What You Can To Make Sure She Says Yes
Of course you want her to say yes and some men guess wrong. But you should have a pretty strong idea that she will say yes when you ask for her for her hand in marriage. It’s much easier if she’s already dropped hints to you that she wants to get married.
If she acts weird around the topics of your future, marriage, kids, etc., you might want to hold off until you are a little more sure.
*If you’ve only been with each other a short while, it’s important you ensure she really wants to be with you long-term. Yes, there are many couples that get married right off the hop and it works out forever.
Others have been together happily for years and after they get married, they decide to call it quits. You just never know.
Just be cautious here because nobody wants their heart broken.
*Sure, you are likely going to be a little nervous about her feelings but putting in the time to make sure she wants you forever will help you safe face during the proposal. The last thing you want to do is gather the courage to get down on one knee only to have her push you over.
#12 – Ask Her Parents Permission If You’re Both Traditional
This is an art that seems to be losing steam as our world progresses full speed ahead into technology and broken communication.
You know your girlfriend and hopefully you know her parents if they are still alive and involved in her life.
Ask yourself if they would be flattered if you ask them first for their daughter’s hand in marriage. If you think this would please them, it’s important you go ahead and ask them.
This is a thoughtful, kind and considerate gesture that goes a long way in showing your girlfriend she really is the one.
*Always make sure she is first. If this would be something that’s important to the family, you need to do it. If not, don’t worry about it.
*Don’t be afraid of the modern twist. You don’t have to ask for permission before you actually ask her. The modern route to do this is to ask after you’ve got her okay. This just makes sure everyone is on board just in case she did say no.
*Ask someone! If you can’t ask her father for permission to marry then ask the mother. If not the mother, then maybe the brother or sister or another close relative. This is just a nice gesture any way you look at it.
#13 – Figure Out The Perfect Time To Pop The Question
Timing is VIP when you are looking to propose with meaning to your girlfriend. And this is something only you can figure out. Now there isn’t really a “perfect” time to propose but there are better times for you.
You want to be calm and relaxed and not rushed when you ask for her hand in marriage.
Do your planning first and the timing will work itself out. That said, here are a few pointers to think about long and hard:
*Take into consideration how busy your lives are for one. If you both work long hours throughout the week, it makes sense to ask her when you both have a day off.
*It’s got to make practical sense too. If you live in different cities, this will dwindle your times available to propose. Maybe you have a date night each week and can work it around that.
*Think about what she wants. Perhaps she’s always wanted a winter wedding and it makes sense to ask her about a year before the date considering all the planning involved. Just something to think about.
*If you propose on a special day like Christmas, this can be good and bad. The good part is you both love the spirit of the season and that makes it special for you. However, it may not be the best of the best because you are so busy and perhaps too many family members are around, if that makes sense?
It could very well be a little too hustle and bustle and not “special” because it’s already a celebrated day for so many people.
*No matter when you do it, there needs to be some alone time right after. So if you are proposing on a family holiday, make sure you can sneak off for a long walk or something afterward. That’s very important because it really is a moment you both want to remember forever.
#14 – Figure Out The Exact Location
Be careful because it’s the atmosphere that’s going to be important and it’s you that will be creating it. Depending on which location you choose. It’s you that’s setting the stage, no pressure!
You can pop the question anywhere you like but when you put a little creative thought into it, you increases the chances of impressing her with something very meaningful.
Women appreciate a man that remembers special moments. And if you propose to your girlfriend in a special place for the two of you, that speaks wonders.
*Maybe you want to ask her the big question in the place where you first met? It doesn’t get much more perfect than that. Reminding her how special it is to have her in your life.
*What favorite places do you both share? Does she like it on the rooftop of tall buildings or making sitting on the rocks at the beach? How about going to a private screening for the main event? This is a crucial decision in the whole process.
*What’s practical for the both of you. If you try too hard to make it magical, you are going to make it tougher on yourself. There will be more doors open and more things that can go seriously wrong.
Often, it’s just easier to go with what you know and leave it at that.
*Think romance and you’re on the right track. What place would your girlfriend think of as romantic and go from there. Maybe you want to take her to a fancy restaurant you’ve never been to before? Perhaps she thinks romantic is at the zoo because she’s an animal lover?
*Be safe when you pick the spot. I’m sure you’ve heard the stories where a guy has proposed in a dangerous place, like on a cliff, and it’s backfired big time.
Safety first and the rest will fall into place.
#15 – Take The Time To Figure Out How
It’s critical that you break it all down step by step to figure out how you’re going to propose. The more information in your brain, the better here. Think about the few things you can’t forget. The ring for one!
Think about how you are going to do this because if you are successful, the story of how you proposed will be told over and over again.
#16 – Sensuous Massage
Try giving the love of your life a super sexy massage and make sure you save the left hand for that.
Get her nice and relaxed like jelly and slip the ring on her finger. Of course you need to be set to pop the question.
#17 – Test Out The Surprise Message
This is where you need to spell out the marriage proposal in a place she isn’t expecting it. The key is to catch her off guard.
Maybe you want to write it with her favourite lipstick on the bathroom mirror?
What about using fridge magnets?
Glow in the dark stickers are awesome on the ceiling.
Use your imagination and have fun. Make the moment one she will remember always.
#18 – Gift Trail
They don’t have to be expensive. In fact, thoughtful and funny is even better. Make a trail of 5 or 6 gifts that will lead her to the box that has the ring. And get set to drop down on one knee and pop the question.
If she loves egg whites and reading, throw a carton of egg whites in the mix and a good book. You get what I’m saying.
Be creative and unique and she will appreciate every thoughtful moment you spent thinking through this proposal.
Final Words
When you are looking to figure out the best way to propose to your girlfriend, there are a heck of a lot of aspects to think about. Be creative and thoughtful but try not to make it too complicated. Think of what your girlfriend likes and make sure it winds up somewhere in your proposal plans.
Take your time and make sure you follow your heart. You will do great!
Best of luck!