A Leo man in bed is a ball of fire. He is very confident and he knows what he likes. He does not often ask for reassurance, but he will expect you to give him praise. If you have ever wondered what it is like to be in bed with a Leo man, this is your opportunity to find out.
Characteristics of the Leo Man in Bed
Leos have very specific traits. Knowing them helps you to understand him when the two of you are between the sheets, or in his case on the floor, or pretty much anywhere else in the house.
As with all things in his life a Leo man is extremely confident in bed. He is so sure of himself that he will not ask you what you think or like. He has a thing or two to teach you, and there is no way he is not the best lover you have ever had. If you tell him he is not the best, he will think you are lying or crazy.
Kinky and Adventurous
He is not a boring lover. He is quite the opposite. He will likely want to try everything under the sun, literally and metaphorically. He will likely try to convince you to let him take you in public places, and he will likely want to use many different toys with you.
When it comes to having more than one partner in the bedroom, if he is in a relationship, that simply will not work. However, if he is single, he will gladly take more than one partner at the same time. As long as all of the attention is on him. He does not like to share the spotlight. He is the party, so he will expect everything to revolve around him.
A Leader
He is the leader when he is engaging in sex. You will likely never get the chance to take the leading role. He will tell you what to do and how to do it. Or, he will just show you what he likes. Expect him to flip you around and bend you into all sorts of positions. He has quite a few tricks up his sleeve.
A Leo man does not necessarily attach sex with his relationships. He can be a faithful partner in the right situations. However, he is not the type to have a strong connection between the physical and mental side of his relationship. If he is in the act he will not tell you how much he loves you. He does not need much of a mental connection in the bedroom.
After it is said and done, do not expect him to snuggle. He might even hop up out of bed and go onto another task shortly after lovemaking. In his mind, he has just given you the best experience of your life, so you could not possibly want more.
Things You Can Do to Turn a Leo Man On In Bed
A Leo man in bed is very unique. He is one of the most exciting lovers you will have if you do not mind a man taking control. His style is very bold and he is confident in his abilities. To turn him on you have to go along with his plans.
Let Him Take Charge
Your Leo man likes to be in charge all the time. Let him lead things. He is very capable of satisfying you. If you let him take the lead, he will show you things you have never even thought of doing. Just let him do his thing.
The good news is, if you do not like a certain position or something he does, he is likely to change it up pretty quickly.
Keep Things Interesting
You need to have an open mind when you are with a Leo mate. He thrives on constant stimulation. If you are boring in bed, he will quickly lose interest in you. You can keep things interesting by:
- Trying new positions
- Trying different places
- Using toys
Tell Him How Great He Is
You should always tell your Leo man how wonderful he is in bed. Of course, he knows or at least believes he is the very best. However, there is part of him that is somewhat insecure. His insecurity is beneath the surface, though. He is unlikely to ask you how you like it, but he will want to hear that you do.
Things You Shouldn’t Do with a Leo Man in Bed
When you are with a Leo, it is really important to handle situations with grace. He gets his feelings hurt more often than he lets on. He also gets irritated when he thinks any other man might be a threat to him.
Keep in mind, Leo is the king. He is an alpha male and he doesn’t like anyone else threatening his position, especially when it comes to his mate.
Don’t Tell Him About Other Lovers
Whatever you do, never tell him about any other sexual experiences you have had with other men. He might even ask you about them. That is a trick though. If you tell him about other lovers you have had, he will surely become jealous. He might even lose respect for you.
So, do not fall into this trap. If he asks, appease him. However, do not give in and tell him about any other lovers. He might even tell you that it turns him on to hear your stories about other lovers you have had. He might just be fishing for information, though.
Don’t Bother Dressing for the Occasion
Your Leo lover is not interested in your sexy lingerie. He is more interested in what you have on underneath it. That is not to say he will not enjoy seeing you in something that flatters you. However, he will want to rip it off fairly quickly. He likes it when you are completely bare.
If you do decide to wear lingerie, wear it for you, and make sure it is not expensive. He is likely to tear it off of you without any regard to the price tag. Remember that he runs the show. He will not consider your investment.
You also want to be careful not to give him the impression you have worn an outfit for someone else. It could lead to a lot of questions and insecurity on his part. He does not like to think about what you have done in the bed with anyone else. So, it is best to clarify that you purchased the outfit just for him.
If you do want to wrap yourself in something for your Leo lover to rip off, make it something easy for him. Think a thigh-length coat with nothing underneath and a sexy pair of heels. He would love that.
Don’t Bother Trying to Run the Show
Your Leo lover is the boss. If you try to run the show, he will quickly shut you down. That is not to say that he will not allow you to pleasure him. However, he is more likely to suggest that on his own. If it is your idea, he will probably shut you down unless that is what he is in the mood for at that time.
If you are lucky enough to have an opportunity to take charge, enjoy the opportunity to do things to him, but do not demand him to do things. He is not likely to listen to you. That can cause some tension in the bedroom and your relationship.
Don’t Expect Him to Whisper Sweet Nothings in Your Ear
He is not the most romantic lover. That does not mean he isn’t passionate. He is full of passion. However, he is not the type to tell you how beautiful you are while you are in the act. He prefers to focus more on how great he performs.
Never Insult His Lovemaking Ability
If you tell him he is not the best lover you have ever had, he will not believe you. Beyond that, he will resent you. Telling him you have had better is a big mistake. He will become very insecure. Of course, he will not tell you that. However, he might seek out other lovers he can please to gain confidence in himself.
A Leo man values commitment and loyalty. There are times though when he might not follow his values for others. He needs more than anything to have validation. So, if you want him to be faithful it is best not to tell him he is anything less than the best you have ever had.
The Best Matches for a Leo Man in Bed
Some signs are better matched for a Libra man in bed. Not every sign is as adventurous or open-minded as he needs them to be to stay turned on. So, here are the signs that are the best matches for him.
Leo and Aquarius have an interesting sexual dynamic. These two complement each other in and outside of the bedroom. People born under the Aquarius star sign are very adventurous and kinky in the bedroom which is something Leo likes.
An Aquarius will listen to all of Leo’s stories, which turns him on. Then, when they make it to the bedroom, Aquarius is up for pretty much anything and they like to perform acts on their partner, which Leo will gladly let them do.
They are not overbearing though and they are happy to let Leo take control of the situation. If Leo suggests something they will rarely say no.
Aries is another good match for a Leo man in bed. Aries is extremely sexual. However, they are more mild-mannered than Leos, so they complement each other well. These two can go for hours trying different positions.
Where there might be trouble is when Aries tries to lead the show. Leo likes to be in charge everywhere, especially in the sheets, and their Aries lover might have their ideas. A Leo man is not likely to allow Aries to take charge and this might cause issues with the stubborn ram.
Sagittarius and Leo are both fire signs and they understand each other, especially in an intimate setting. Both like to try new things. They are also two signs who both like to have fun while the encounter lasts, but they are not as into continuous rounds of sex. When they are done, they are done.
These two signs both like to take charge in the bedroom. However, Sagittarius is also willing to let someone else lead the show from time to time, and Leo needs that. They also value loyalty, so if these Sag and Leo are in a relationship, they will respect each other and neither will want to bring other partners in the mix.
The twins represent Geminis. So, making love to them is always interesting. It is like having two lovers in one. Leo will enjoy their adventurous nature. They love it when a Leo man throws them around and takes control over the situation.
They are also very giving to their partner which is something a Leo man enjoys. He prefers to be on the receiving end of oral sex, and Gemini is happy to oblige. They are also more than happy to let Leo take charge and less likely than other signs to be resistant.
Outside of the bedroom, Gemini is magnetic and will gladly let Leo share his stories and stroke his ego. So, these two have chemistry before they become intimate and it only intensifies behind closed doors.
Final Thoughts on a Leo Man in Bed
Leo men are red-hot in bed. If you are intimate with someone with this star sign, you will quickly find that out. However, it is always a good idea to let your Leo lover take charge. If you try to run the show, there might be conflict. It is also a good idea to stroke their ego. Tell them how much you enjoy everything they do and it will encourage them to give you more.