To better understand life after breakup, researchers surveyed 5,705 people in nearly 100 countries about their breakups and experience of grief afterwards. The most common reason for breaking up was “lack of communication.” Women were more likely to initiate a breakup; those who were broken up with experienced more grief than initiators. Post-relationship grief was more severe emotionally (e.g., anxiety, depression) than physically (e.g., insomnia, weight change). Among those who were dumped, women reported slightly more emotional and physical consequences than men, although post-relationship grief was high for both men and women.
Morris, C. E., Reiber, C., & Roman, E. (2015). Quantitative sex differences in response to the dissolution of a romantic relationship. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 9, 270-282.
Sunny says
I am single but no problem. I also try to understand where is my lost point
Emy says
I try to see a relationship breaking coming, then if I can, I try to change it otherwise I just prepare myself emotionally so the breakup doesn’t hit too hard.
Fooled says
Comment and Question please:
They say “ it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all !!” Well but how about this question..: what’s better, to have BEEN loved and then lose that ( the person or they stop loving you) OR to think you were loved then find that you were never really loved at all?