The Mars in Gemini Man is a fast-thinking, utterly charming master of intellectual war games. They love a good argument and exploring the world. They relish new experiences and zip from one thing to the next. These men are also hopeless flirts, masters of sweet-talking, and can usually verbally diffuse a bad situation.
Mars in Gemini Men are fun-loving and free, and there is very little that can phase them. Optimism, humor, and mental dexterity are the primary weapons in their artillery, and these serve him well. His mind works at lightning speed, and he exudes youthful energy, which drives him to experience all this life has to offer.
Does Mars in Gemini Man Make Him Aggressive?
Despite being under the power of warlike Mars, a Mars in Gemini Man isn’t your typical warrior. You will seldom see them in a physical confrontation. They are masters of head games and can run intellectual circles around most of their would-be opponents.
The power of Mars over a Gemini Man doesn’t manifest itself in aggression but in incredibly high levels of energy. The need to diffuse some of that build-up of energy is what drives him to seek intellectual stimulation continually. He likes to go from project to project and enjoys discussions and debate. He thrives on the challenge of learning something new, and once he learns, he moves on.
The only time a Mars In Gemini Man may show some aggression is when he is getting impatient and feels the need to speed something up. Even this aggression is just a way of easing his pent-up energy so that he can move on to something new.
Is It Difficult for Geminis Under Mars to Express Emotions?
Like most Gemini signs, logic tends to overrule emotion when it comes to love and love-making. Passion and love are ideas, not feelings from the perspective of a Gemini. However, because Mars’ focus is partly on animal desires, a Gemini man under Mars’ influence has a healthy libido, but that libido reacts to mental rather than physical stimulation.
Mars Gemini men do experience emotion, but they experience it differently than other signs. Most believe emotions come from the heart, but for Geminis, emotions originate in the mind. A Gemini Mars man will have powerful emotions, but they have to be accessed through the mind first. They’ll be interested in a partner who’s willing to play their mind games with them.
A little verbal sparring and some dirty talk will get Mars Geminis aroused. These men don’t have a particular type of sexual partner they are attracted too. Part of what makes them interested in a partner is how different they are from their last partner. They like new experiences and new people because it caters to their need for novelty.
If you want a Mars Gemini, to share their emotions with you, you must keep them talking. You have to keep asking them questions and challenging them with new ideas. Emotional intimacy will come in a sharing of minds rather than in a sexual relationship. They want someone who can match wits with them, and if you can do that, you will draw them to you and help them open up.
What Do Mars Gemini Men Enjoy?
Above all else, Mars in Gemini men enjoy playing games, and if there is no game to play, they will make up their own whether they are striking up an interesting conversation or getting into some mischief. Games are one of their favorite pastimes. The reason they love games so much is that it provides them with much-needed mental stimulation without heavy emotions.
Despite being highly intellectual, you’ll never meet a Mars Gemini who is the dark, brooding type. These individuals are very social and want to share their thoughts with the world, not keep them to themselves. They want to experience all life has to offer them and never limit themselves. They relish new experiences and enjoy seeing things from different perspectives.
Mars in Gemini men like to keep it fresh. They don’t like routine and predictability; it causes them feelings of restlessness and resentment. These are people who don’t want to know what is going to happen next; they have an appetite for life only when they don’t know what to expect. New situations mean new problems to solve, and new difficulties mean new ways to stimulate the mind.
One of the most significant differences between Mars Gemini Men and Mars Gemini Women is that while a woman under this sign and influence is content to play games, her male counterpart wants to master the game. Despite frequently being scattered; they see little details that others miss. Their gift for strategy, along with their attention to minor details, helps them quickly gain prowess in a new game.
Will a Mars Gemini Man Ever Settle Down?
Settling down is not high on Mars Gemini’s list of priorities. It’s unheard-of for such a man even to have a list of priorities. Instead, curiosity drives them and a desire to experience many things in life. The wild unbridled passion of Mars heightens the already fiercely independent, roaming nature of a Gemini. These men can’t be tamed, but you can gain their loyalty with work.
A Mars Gemini Man needs a partner who is flexible and can offer them continuous mental stimulation. They will tend to flirt with others even if they are in a serious long-term relationship so their partner can’t be too possessive. Someone who can keep up with them mentally and energetically is ideal.
A Mars Gemini Man will do best with other wind signs because they can appreciate their need for freedom and flexibility. They also usually possess the ability to match wits with their Mars Gemini man. Geminis appreciate honesty and prefer a partner who is willing to go along on an adventure with them.
In terms of having a job, it may take time for a Mars Gemini to choose a career path. While other signs may know where they want to go and what they want to do from a very young age, Mars Gemini will need to explore a variety of different options. He is going to need to gather a lot of knowledge before he can find something he’s interested in enough to pursue a career in it.
What Is the Lifestyle of Mars in Gemini Men?
Mars in Gemini Men tend to prefer living the life of a Nomad. They like to wander the world in pursuit of the next newest thing. They don’t ever like to stay in one place for too long, and they don’t want to take life too seriously. These men may switch jobs a lot and live in many areas and situations throughout their lifetimes. They live for the chase and thrill of new experiences.
Mars in Gemini Men view life as a game of strategy, and they want to play every level and see what new things they can discover, learn about, and master. They have no ultimate goal besides having as many exciting and mentally stimulating experiences as possible to relieve the excess energy they have pent-up inside them.
These guys don’t do quiet nights at home. They want their social calendars filled with events every night. Mars Gemini men will frequently visit places where there is always a lot of action and interesting people that they can engage in a conversation. The twin-like influence of Gemini means he has a complex personality and with Mars’ influence it can almost seem like he lives multiple lives at once.
Can I Live with a Mars in Gemini Man?
Your own romantic needs and love style will help you decide whether you can live with a Gemini Man under Mars’ influence. If you’re the type that is a homebody and likes things to be stable and predictable, then this type of man is probably not the best match for you. While there are always exceptions, chances are if you are looking for a long-term commitment, you will get tired and frustrated by continually chasing him around.
If you share a desire for adventure and a thirst for knowledge, then you might be able to live with him, but it’s best if you’re flexible about commitment and are more intellectual than emotional yourself. This man will keep things fresh, fun, and exciting for you when he’s around. Be prepared for him to come and go as he pleases without warning and not press him.
This type of Gemini is witty, charming, and can’t pass up a scintillating conversation. He will be the life of the party. His boundless energy, sharp mind, combined with his great sense of humor, will win you over straight away.
Unfortunately, once the initial novelty wears off, you’re going to have to work hard to keep things interesting. If you are successful, however, you can enjoy a fulfilling marriage of minds and a travel companion through life.