You see the moon almost every night, but do you know what it does in astrology? When you’re a Libra moon, you radiate the charming, romantic, level-headed energy typically found in a Libra, but the moon augments that energy. Keep reading to find out exactly how.
What Does the Moon Do in Astrology?
The moon’s control on earth controls cycles and patterns, such as in our ocean tides. The moon plays a similar role in astrology, where it controls one’s emotions and internal states, such as how you think and react to situations. The moon also dictates your mental state and processes.
So a moon in Libra man would have the emotional energy of a Libra, as you can see below.
Moon in Libra Traits
Striving for Fairness
You’re mad at someone for cutting you off in traffic, but you’ll ask yourself, is it really fair to be mad at them? Maybe they didn’t see you or they’re in an emergency, so they had to rush. You give people the benefit of the doubt because you don’t want to assign ill-will to someone who doesn’t deserve it.
You innately strive for fairness. It’s not fair to be mad at someone who doesn’t deserve it. It’s not fair to take a raise over a coworker who worked harder than you at the company, and you’d be the honest guy to give up that position so that someone else can have it. You’re a good person at your core, and that’s why people know they can trust you.
You’re the logical Libra, so you’re constantly wondering if what you’re feeling is justified — even though you know emotions work on a different system and can’t always be assigned rational thought. You wonder if how you’re treating someone is fair and whether you should work hard to bring more balance to a relationship.
You might also be attracted to professional fields that involve justice or fairness, such as law or journalism. But even in your personal life, you maintain long-lasting healthy relationships because you’re mindful of how your behavior impacts others and whether your actions are justified.
Rarely Feeling Extreme Emotions
The weighted scales symbolizing Libra rarely tip to one side or the other. You try to keep them as centered as possible, and that particularly applies to your emotional state.
You don’t like feeling extreme emotions, whether it is sadness, anger, fear, or even happiness. You like the neutral center because you know the transition from one extreme emotion to the next is disorienting. As a result, you prefer little movement in your emotions.
You tend to be logical and rational in most situations, wondering how best to resolve a problem or proceed so that everyone gets what’s fair. This makes you an excellent negotiator, compromiser, and mediator. You also don’t tend to get into arguments because you don’t see the point of picking fights when diplomacy is more efficient.
You’re also not stubborn in your emotions. Some people can get into bouts of sadness and feel sad all day, no matter what pick-me-ups they might try to use or no matter how their friends try to cheer them up.
You’re not one of those people. If you’re sad and do something to cheer yourself up, it generally works. Logic and reason can also quickly change your emotional state. For example, if your partner’s behavior made you mad, your partner explaining their reasoning behind the behavior in an understanding way can dissolve your frustration with them.
Moon in Libra men are emotionally stable and rarely get thrown off-center. When they are thrown off-center, though, they tend to find their way back pretty easily. They’re not prone to bouts of moodiness and temperamentality like Pisces, Cancer, Gemini, or Aquarius.
You Have a Graceful and Elegant Air
Libras tend to pause before reacting to a situation. This gives them the appearance that they’re not jerked around by the rapid developments of a situation. Instead, they use that slight pause to collect themselves and react most appropriately.
This is especially true for Moon in Libra men. You don’t impulsively react to a situation, no matter how tense. If some drunk guy were to yell at you at a bar, you probably would laugh and throw a witty insult at him. Doing so would make you feel above-it-all and more mature, feeding your elegant energy.
You have high-class tastes and an appreciation for the arts, so your living arrangements look elegant. Combining your gracefulness and elegant air, you’re one classy guy.
High Emotional Intelligence
Some guys don’t know how to deal with their emotions other than punching things or yelling at others, but that’s not you. You tend to have high emotional intelligence, which means you can not only identify the emotions you and others are feeling but know how to deal with them healthily.
Moon in Libra men know when they’re sad and how to release that melancholic pressure through writing, art, or conversations with trusted friends or family. When they’re angry, they know to count to ten and let off some steam before saying something they might regret. The same goes for when the Moon in Libra man feels anxious, awkward, or scared.
You know how to use your emotional intelligence for diplomatic purposes. For example, if two of your friends are fighting about someone always flaking out on the other, you know to dive deeper into the issue at hand — one friend feels like they’re being loyal to the other but is frustrated at the lack of reciprocity.
With that emotional core in mind, you know how to resolve the conflict on the deeper levels so that the symptoms of the emotional disputes — an argument over flakiness — get resolved as well. Your intuition told you that there’s more to the argument that wasn’t being said, so digging deeper and using your emotional intelligence helps you mediate stressful situations.
Your high emotional intelligence serves you well in life, from your platonic, romantic, and professional relationships to your work ethic. Even if you want to sit all day on the couch and watch Netflix, you know that it would be best to overcome that need for laziness and do your homework or chores instead.
Emotional intelligence helps build discipline as well, which means you can accomplish more in life and have an impressive resume — allowing you to get jobs as well as networking connections.
You Get Along With Lots of People
You don’t judge people when you first meet them (that wouldn’t be fair, now, would it?). Combined with your natural charm, you can win over lots of different people. Your friend group is large and diverse, and friends often call upon you to vent or blow off steam to you. Since you like hearing about people’s problems and providing emotional support, you enjoy that.
You love having good, deep relationships with other people. You love it when you get to know someone on a deeper level and build a loyal trust that they’ll be there for you, just as you would be there for them. The friends in your life are important, so you make sure to be the most helpful, loyal, and awesome friend you can be.
But You Can Be a People Pleaser
Your love of maintaining good relationships can often backfire, though. You’re prone to people-pleasing — overexerting yourself so that other people are happy.
This means that you stay up late working on a business project that your boss sprung on you at the last minute. You don’t want to disappoint your boss and thus harm your relationship with them, so losing a few hours of sleep is worth it in the long run.
People pleasing can mean you can feel resentful toward those around you. Yes, you offered to stay up late to the people around you, but couldn’t your boss have asked you to finish the project a little earlier?
That would have helped you slowly fold that project into your to-do lists other than bingeing all the work at the last minute. But you can’t do anything about that now other than suck it up and do the work.
People-pleasing helps you avoid conflict at the expense of your comfort or boundaries. It also means that you don’t adjust people’s behaviors to be more accommodating to your needs. Such behavioral changes could be what someone needs to grow as a person since they might not understand how their actions could be annoying to other people.
While people pleasing keeps things normal in the short-term, it’s ultimately not a sustainable way to live. You might get so frustrated at some point that you do some real damage to yourself or those around you. It also means that you downplay your agency for the benefit of others, which can harm your self-esteem. You have to pick your battles, but don’t be a pacifist.
That’s the overview of Moon in Libra men. Charming, emotionally intelligent, diplomatic, and graceful — those are the main traits of this zodiac arrangement.