Your sun sign is the zodiac sign that most people are familiar with. It is based on the month in which you’re born. But your moon sign is based on the date and time that you were born. Your moon sign indicates your emotional personality.
The moon sign affects you behind the scenes. It influences your moods and attitudes.
A man with his moon in Virgo is analytical, logical, and organized. If he has a more freewheeling sun sign, his moon in Virgo will help him find some control in the chaos of his life. If he is a Virgo sun sign or another earth sign, the Virgo moon will make him exceptionally structured and methodical.
He Needs Emotional Security
The moon in Virgo man is all about security. He doesn’t enjoy dealing with drama. He is a what-you-see-is-what-you-get type of person.
This guy will soothe his emotions with a good round of deep cleaning. He might spend hours reorganizing the files in his office when he’s particularly stressed. Order brings him peace.
He doesn’t need to talk about his emotions very much. Instead, he prefers to stay calm by doing practical things.
He Wants to Please
The moon in Virgo man might not understand your emotions. However, he wants to. He’s an adaptable guy who wants to please the people in his life.
Therefore, he is a great listener and will try to help you come up with solutions to your problems. He believes that answers will always set you free. If you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed, he will try to find logical ways for you to work out your concerns.
He is also quite helpful in all areas of life. The moon in Virgo man might volunteer during his free time so that he can give back to his community. He probably likes working with animals and would offer his time to help out at an animal hospital or shelter.
This guy feels good when his partner has what they need. He will go above and beyond to listen to your needs and cater to them. If you told him that your favorite city was Paris, he might plan a trip there for your birthday just to make you happy.
He doesn’t love surprises, and he probably won’t whisk you away without you knowing. Instead, you’ll get to be part of the planning process. He will ask you what you want to do while you’re there so that you can make the experience perfect.
He Might Be Shy
The Virgo moon man isn’t the most confident person in the zodiac. His confidence comes from his own self-reflection. If he has reached his goals and lived according to his values, he will feel self-assured.
But he can become insecure when he makes mistakes or doesn’t live up to his full potential. He can be hard on himself because he is always overthinking things.
Therefore, he tends to be reserved. If he doesn’t think that he can do something well the first time, he would rather not do it in front of other people.
If he takes up a new hobby, such as playing the guitar, he’ll likely practice on his own before he lets anyone know what he’s working on. He doesn’t want to showcase his talents unless they’re perfect.
These qualities can make him seem somewhat shy. He isn’t the first person to speak up at a group gathering. His fashion sense is tasteful and modest. Nothing about this guy is showy.
But he’s not a wallflower. He can carry a great conversation and has an excellent sense of humor. He just prefers to let the more flamboyant people in the group get their time in the spotlight before he showcases how amazing he is.
One of the reasons that he’s happy to sit back and watch others take the lead is that he is afraid of being judged. He is so critical of himself that he expects others to be just as analytical.
Once he proves himself, he feels more comfortable stepping into the limelight. For this reason, the moon in Virgo man tends to develop self-confidence as he ages. A young Virgo moon man is typically more cautious and introverted than an older version of the same guy.
He Pursues His Goals
If you have trouble setting and pursuing your goals, you might want to get a moon in Virgo man to support you. One of this guy’s best qualities is his ability to follow through on his objectives.
The moon in Virgo man feels best when he is being productive. Therefore, he will set himself a long list of to-dos because it allows him to feel industrious. He is such a perfectionist that he won’t stop until he accomplishes those goals.
Sometimes, his perfectionism can get in the way, though. He might spend so much time on one tiny detail that he loses track of the rest of the project. As long as this guy can keep the big picture in mind, he can stay on the path to success.
One of the ways that a Virgo moon man can improve his chances for success is by setting up systems. Fortunately, he has a penchant for doing this. He is an excellent person to head up a team at work because he can set up a structure that everyone else can follow.
This guy is great at making the rules. Once the guidelines are in place, he feels secure as he moves down his path.
He is Flexible
Most people associate a Virgo moon with control and stability. That doesn’t mean that a moon in Virgo man is inflexible, though. He is actually quite adaptable.
Because he takes so much time to look at all sides of the equation before he takes action, he can convince himself that any movement will bring him positive results. He is all about transformation. If he believes that a particular situation will help him grow, he will gladly jump on it.
Even though the Virgo moon man likes to set the rules, he is a peaceful guy. He won’t go to war with someone who has a different frame of mind than he does. He doesn’t want conflict. The moon in Virgo man is likely to cooperate with people to find solutions instead of plowing them down with his way of thinking.
He would do just as well in a leadership position as he would as part of the team. He might shy away from high-profile roles, though. Although he enjoys setting up the structure for his life, he doesn’t always want to be responsible for the way that others live.
Plus, if he is in the limelight, his mistakes are more likely to be noticed. He would like to avoid showing his flaws to others at all costs.
The Virgo moon man might do best when he is in charge of his own projects. Although he is diligent about serving others, he works well alone. In fact, he needs time to recharge when he has been around other people for too long. He feels grounded when he has surrounded himself with a sense of security that comes from within.
Being in a group can take his focus off of himself and make him feel chaotic. This guy prefers to feel stable. But he could use the input of others. Sometimes, he sacrifices his creativity because he fears that he will make a mistake.
If he would take more risks in his personal and professional life, he could experience intense transformation. Remembering that can help him find a balance between stability and growth.
Something that can turn off the Virgo moon man is someone who is impatient and acts before they think. Chaotic people can make the moon in Virgo man anxious. He doesn’t do well with too much unpredictability.
He is an Idealist
Because of his drive toward perfection, the moon in Virgo man is an idealist. He strives to live as the best person that he can be. He hopes that others have the same goals in mind.
He likely surrounds himself with moral, ethical people. He enjoys having friends and partners who share his values. It wouldn’t be surprising if someone with this moon sign were a lawyer.
However, the moon in Virgo man might be more likely to be a teacher. He has a nostalgia for his childhood. He remembers being a playful spirit and recognizes the significance of the way that he grew up.
Working with children allows him to be of service to others during an essential time in their lives. Because the moon in Virgo man has such a pure heart, he makes an excellent role model for young people.
Plus, the moon in Virgo man loves being out in nature. Any role that allows him to spend time on the earth makes him feel like a better man. He would be an ideal camp counselor or hiking guide for young people.