As exact opposites, the Pisces man and Virgo woman form a perfect balance when they fall in love. Their partnership prevents them from falling prey to their weaknesses. The grounded nature of the Virgo prevents the Pisces from getting lost in dreamland. The Pisces man’s romantic character and ability to go with the flow teaches the Virgo woman that she should play as much as she works.
The lessons that these two learn together won’t always be easy. However, they’ll lead each partner toward their ultimate truth and help them grow throughout this lifetime.
What Is The Basic Compatibility Between The Pisces Man And Virgo Woman?
The Virgo woman is intellectual, practical and analytical. She uses her mind more than her heart, often letting her thinking cloud her intuition or cover up what she’s feeling. She can scrutinize things to death.
This can be helpful for the Pisces man, who tends to go along with the flow of life. He doesn’t analyze much. Instead, he follows his heart, only realizing that his decisions may not have been very practical after he has made them.
Although the Pisces man and Virgo woman are very different in this regard, they complement one another. The Pisces appreciates having someone to keep him grounded. The Virgo woman enjoys having someone to make decisions for.
The main similarity between these two is their idealism. They’re both hopeless romantics. The Virgo is turned off by egotistical, competitive personalities. The Pisces represents everything that she looks for in a man.
He treasures the woman he loves. He shows her how much he cares. He seeks out women who have the potential to connect with him deeply. When he finds the Virgo woman, he pictures a beautiful future together.
The Virgo woman is equally as sentimental as the Pisces man. This might come as a surprise because she uses her intellect for just about everything else. However, she does jump in with her heart when she meets a suitable partner.
The Virgo woman will passionately devote herself to her Pisces man. She’s the kind of woman who might send poetry or love letters to her love interest. During the day, she’s often busy with work and practical matters, but she enjoys getting cozy with her Pisces man in the evenings. The perfect night would involve reading together on the couch while sharing the same blanket.
Will They Make It Past A Friendship?
Although the Pisces is one of the most introverted signs in the zodiac, this guy has a lot of friends. That’s because he’s approachable and charming. He observes without casting judgment, and people pick up on this.
Plus, this guy is selfless. He draws people into his environment with his generous, helpful attitude.
The Virgo woman is more extroverted than the Pisces man. She’s not afraid to speak her mind. However, she’s more guarded than him when it comes to selecting people to get close to.
It can take time for the Pisces man to gain her companionship. She will open up more quickly if her partner shows that he will give her love and compassion. Therefore, the Pisces man shouldn’t wait to share his feelings if he wants to pursue a relationship with the Virgo woman. If he states his desires, she’ll melt when she realizes the potential that this connection could have.
Where Does The Magic Happen?
The Pisces man and Virgo woman are good at intimacy once they come together. This is where the magic happens.
The Pisces is extremely emotional and sensitive. He doesn’t open up to just anyone, but when he sees that the Virgo’s way of interacting with people matches his, he is willing to show her his heart.
He notices that she isn’t phony. He appreciates the fact that she feeds off of meaningful relationships and not superficial ones.
Neither partner gets into a relationship just for fun. They must both find meaning in the connection to spend time nurturing it.
Sexual intimacy is especially potent between these two. They don’t just have fun in bed; they make love. Every session of physical intimacy is a chance for them to express their hearts.
They are both sensitive to this because they understand exactly what their partner needs. They require the same thing.
The Virgo woman will be completely impressed with the Pisces man’s romantic intrigue. He will feel comfortable when she responds to his emotions without making him feel insecure. Their passion will only grow as they continue to explore their partner’s heart.
They Make A Great Domestic Pair
The Virgo woman is all about organization. She likes everything to have a place, and she can be a little controlling when it comes to keeping her house neat and clean.
The Pisces works well when things are a little chaotic. If his Virgo woman moves the items that he was using to work on a project, he might get frustrated. He leaves things out for a reason.
They can work well as a team, though. The Pisces man values cooperation. He doesn’t mind getting some direction from his Virgo woman, and he will be grateful for someone who can help him keep his space streamlined.
He might need a place to call his own, however. This could be a “man cave,” guest bedroom or studio. He can set it up the way that he wants, and his Virgo woman must respect the fact that he likes it just so. She needs to agree not to go in and clean up after her guy.
The Virgo woman must also respect her Pisces man’s independence. He needs to retreat to that space of his own sometimes. That’s how he connects with himself and recharges his energy.
If they get married or live together, this pair will have to decide how they’re going to deal with their finances. The Pisces man doesn’t usually keep a budget. He tends to be frivolous with his income.
The Virgo woman is more tightfisted. She’s a penny pincher who tries to save for the future. This discrepancy could cause conflict in the relationship. They might have to decide the best way to deal with money.
Maybe the Pisces man can have his own checking account if he promises to put a certain amount of money into joint savings. He’s usually happy to take part in a scenario like this because it means that he doesn’t have to do the mundane task of keeping track of money.
They’re Both Thoughtful
These two both think things through before making decisions. However, the Pisces man retreats to an inner space where he can use his intuition to let him know how he should proceed. The Virgo woman listens to her analytical mind, using logic to unwrap all of the pieces of the puzzle before putting them back together and making a decision.
This can make the pair take longer than most to come to conclusions and make decisions. When they do make a choice, they can be certain that it’s the right one. That’s why they can trust in their love once they commit to each other.
The Pisces man is a great listener. He’s happy to sit back and hear about his Virgo woman’s day. He will also get her to check in with her emotions when she’s feeling particularly frustrated or sad. He does this in a gentle way that makes the Virgo woman melt.
She is often the boss and the leader. People don’t always give her the emotional attention that she needs because she’s busy staying in her supervisory role. She can give that up for the Pisces, who meets her on an emotional level.
The Virgo woman is also kind. Although she can be known to bark orders or be exceptionally critical, she is kind and doesn’t want to hurt anyone. Therefore, she’ll be sensitive to the Pisces man when she’s interacting with him. These two take care of each other’s hearts.
What Can Each Partner Learn In This Relationship?
The Pisces man and Virgo woman make one of the most compatible couples in the zodiac. They do need to be receptive to a few things to allow for growth instead of friction.
It would serve the Virgo woman to be less critical of her man as well as herself. This causes her Pisces guy to be insecure, and it can make her have doubts. If she has decided that this is the relationship for her, she needs to own that.
Instead of criticizing the things that she doesn’t like about herself and her Pisces man, she should reveal her vulnerability. Being honest when she’s feeling uncertain will bring a constructive response from the Pisces. If she’s too disparaging, she might make the Pisces close himself off.
The Pisces man should be equally open in the relationship. He is inclined to keep his emotions to himself sometimes, which makes the Virgo woman think that he is keeping secrets from her. As long as he doesn’t feel like she will judge him, he should also be authentic. This open communication will help the relationship last.