Sagittarius men want to find a partner but find that they don’t have luck finding compatible women. Cancer women want to settle down and have the domestic life they’ve dreamed of but keep getting hurt during the dating game. Can the two be compatible with each other? Let’s find out.
What Are Sagittarius Traits?
A Sagittarius man is positive and optimistic. He doesn’t let negative events in his life keep him down. He always bounces back with his unflappable happy outlook on life.
He won’t beat around the bush. Sagittarius men are straightforward and blunt, somewhat to a fault. He might have caused some friends or past partners to walk away because they couldn’t handle his brutal honesty, but he’d rather say how he feels rather than waste time sugar-coating the truth.
Sagittarius men are philosophical and intellectual. They love learning about new interesting topics or perfecting their craft at a hobby. They’ll draw some greater conclusion about the human condition and talk your ear off for hours with his crazy concepts about life, death, love, and other serious matters.
A Sagittarius man isn’t one to stay at home on the weekends. He loves traveling and throwing himself into new adventures. Sagittarius men love something risky or thrilling, like gambling or going to amusement parks. He doesn’t want a boring life, so he doesn’t live that way.
Most importantly, Sagittarius men will have the biggest hearts you’ll see on the Zodiac. They love helping people, making a person’s day brighter, and overall imparting the positive change in the world they’d like to see.
While caring by nature, Sagittarius men can be careless too often than they’d like to admit. Sagittarius men take their possessions or loved ones for granted and often take unnecessary risks for the thrill of it. Sagittarius men can put their stable lives in jeopardy when they want an adventure but don’t think about the negative consequences of their actions.
Their carelessness is fueled by a Sagittarius man’s overconfidence. He thinks everything will work out for the best, so he doesn’t have to put forethought into planning and organization to make sure nothing goes south. When things eventually do, he has to scramble to do damage control, often hurting his work, relationships, and friendships.
When they want something, a Sagittarius man gets impatient. This could be waiting in line for a coffee or waiting for a partner to settle down with him. Sagittarius men grow restless easily and want constant stimulation for him to feel fulfilled.
While a Sagittarius man’s reckless honesty can be beneficial in relationships, it often causes people to feel hurt. He can unintentionally hurt the people he loves because he doesn’t choose his words carefully. His honesty has led him to unintentional arguments and conflicts in the past, and he finds it’s hard to stop digging himself deeper in the mess.
Sagittarius men are also prone to superficiality. This can be picking partners based on their looks, or the superficiality could run deeper. Sagittarius men often see the world for its face value, rather than the hidden machinations that truly run it. A Sagittarius man is comfortable with a surface-deep understanding of life without really exploring deeper workings.
The fatal flaw a Sagittarius man has is that he’s inconsistent. Because he’s always chasing adventure and stimulation, a Sagittarius man doesn’t stay in one job, city, or relationship for long. He can’t do stability because he often finds it boring. While he ends up living an action-packed life, it’s often a shallow one.
What Are Cancer Traits?
Cancers women are most known for their empathy and compassion. They naturally feel for the plights of others, and they’re good people as a result. They never want to take an action that will voluntarily or involuntarily hurt another living thing, so Cancer women live a life of good. Their big hearts won’t let them do anything else.
Cancer women are also known for their creativity. She’s likely pursued an artistic profession, like writing, painting, drawing, or graphic design. While her ideas may not always be the most practical, she can wow her listeners with ideas they never would have thought of. She’s funny and attracts a lot of friends as a result.
A Cancer woman loves spontaneity. She likes changing things ups with a surprise road trip or splurging on an expensive item. While she usually puts some forethought into bigger actions, she likes leading with her gut and intuiting her decisions in life.
Cancer women are known for their loyalty to friends and partners. While she can be a bit shy and closed off to people when she first meets them, she’s attached to her loved ones once she comes out of her shell (pardon the crab joke!). A Cancer woman is a lifelong friend or partner. In relationships, she’s not likely to cheat or be unfaithful.
Last but not least, a Cancer woman is emotional and protective of her friends. If a stranger makes a rude remark to her loved one, she’s the first to stand up and defend them. She hates when her friend or partner feels hurt by the world, so she’ll do everything in her power to make her loved one feel better.
A Cancer woman will love cuddling her partner and being overly romantic. While she sounds like a great partner, she has her fair share of negative traits.
Cancer women can be a bit too clingy to their friends or partners. She has a lot of love to give, but she sometimes has trouble respecting the boundaries of her loved ones. She wants to spend more time with them than they probably have to spend time with her. She finds it hard to balance her love-giving with other people’s schedules.
Cancer women are prone to mood swings and being overly emotional at seemingly random times. She can seem happy as a clam (or a crab) one minute, then be voraciously angry the next. It’s hard for her loved ones to predict her next mood swing, and she has trouble with it herself. Her sensitivity can cause her to feel hurt at what others would consider small slights.
A Cancer woman is prone to skepticism of her loved ones as a result. She knows she gets hurt easily, so she’ll keep an eye on her friends or partner to make sure they don’t do anything to hurt her. Her suspicions can strain a relationship, but she knows she only does it with the best intentions to make sure no one does anything to hurt the other.
Now that you know everything about a Sagittarius man and Cancer woman, let’s see how well they get along.
How Well Can a Sagittarius Man and Cancer Woman Communicate?
Both a Cancer woman and Sagittarius man love the pursuit of knowledge, so they’ll indulge each other’s’ wild creative tangents or deeply philosophical musings. The Sagittarius man will fall in love with her creativity, and a Cancer woman will find his philosophical mind intensely attractive.
The two will never run out of things to talk about since the two are constantly coming up with good ideas. The only thing that could dampen their communication is the Sagittarius man’s blunt honesty.
Since she’s highly sensitive, small words can have big effects on her. Her mood can completely shift if she thinks the Sagittarius man is more angry or sarcastic in his tone than he intends to be.
The Sagittarius man will have to learn how to control his tongue, and the Cancer woman will have to learn how to not take everything to heart.
Can a Sagittarius Man and Cancer Woman Trust Each Other?
In short, yes. Both a Sagittarius man and Cancer woman are deeply caring people, so neither will want to do anything to hurt the other. A Cancer woman is fiercely loyal, and she’ll notice if her partner isn’t.
The Sagittarius man doesn’t like stringing people along if he’s not feeling a relationship, so the two will have a loving, caring romance with each other due to their Zodiac signs.
Are Sagittarius Man and Cancer Woman Sexually Compatible?
It’s a rather positive coincidence that both signs enjoy spontaneity. They’ll never grow bored of each other in the bedroom and can have a healthy, enriching sexual relationship with each other.
However, this will only be if the Sagittarius man and Cancer woman are deeply committed to each other. In the early stages of dating, an unevolved Sagittarius man can seriously hurt a Cancer woman by having sex then leaving in search of a different partner.
A Cancer woman grows attached very easily, so this will be devastating for her. If a Sagittarius man can learn to stay, he will grow happy with his Cancer partner.
Are a Sagittarius Man and Cancer Woman Compatible?
Both signs are caring people who enjoy spontaneity, creativity, intellectuality, positivity and being kind to other people. They’ll make great friends and have the groundwork to make great partners.
Sagittarius men will seek adventure and stimulation, but he’ll eventually grow tired of his constantly changing, shallow life. He’ll want to settle down one day. If he does, a Cancer woman will be one of the best choices he can make.