As an archer, the Sagittarius man is on the chase. He’s not always after a woman, though. He’s usually pursuing adventure. While he may have some wild love affairs, they’re typically short-lived because something else comes around to capture his interest.
When the Sagittarius man goes hunting, he might be happy to come up with the fish as the reward. The Pisces woman is easygoing and non-judgmental. She’s happy to let her man live the life that he wants. She sees that it fulfills him, and that pleases her.
They do have a few differences, which can pose a challenge for this relationship. As long as these two put effort into setting expectations, their relationship can be positive.
How Do The Sagittarius Man And Pisces Woman Interact With The World?
These individuals have different ways of viewing the world. The Pisces woman spends her time dreaming about the universe that extends beyond the boundaries of the human perspective. She is spiritual and intuitive. She believes that everything happens for a reason, but it can’t all be explained in the language that we use on this earth.
Therefore, the Pisces woman spends her time living in a place with different language and symbolism. She often escapes into her mind or her meditations when things aren’t going well in the real world.
In contrast, the Sagittarius man wants to check out every corner of this world. He wants to explore, leaving no stone unturned. Escaping into a mystical place doesn’t occur to him when there is so much of this reality to investigate.
Are The Dreamer And The Go-Getter Compatible?
The Sagittarius man is not egotistical, but he is confident. He believes that he already has everything that he needs. He is completely self-sufficient, which makes him ready to take on any challenge.
Therefore, he doesn’t hold back from setting goals. Once those objectives have been established, he takes immediate action toward achieving them. Nothing can stop him because he doesn’t get caught up in the world of hypotheticals or possibilities. He simply looks at what’s in front of him and moves toward it.
For the Pisces woman, achieving her dreams is more complicated. She creates a fantasy world in her head that may not be lined up with the way that reality works. Trying to get things done, therefore, can feel like walking through murky water.
One of her biggest obstacles is her self-doubt. Her emotional sensitivity leads her to criticize herself. She has trouble letting go of past failures and previous hurts. These things can prevent her from moving forward and keep her trapped in her mental fog.
Do They Value Love More Than Anything Else?
For the Pisces woman, the answer to this question might be, “Yes.” She is a hopeless romantic. She wants a partner to share her life with. This is not because she needs the stability of a traditional partnership and a home with a white picket fence but because she feels more whole when her energy is connected with someone else’s.
The Sagittarius man rarely feels the urge to settle down. If he does, it’s usually fleeting. When he finds himself getting too comfortable, he’ll have to do something bold to shake things up. He is not against being in love and feeling connected to a woman; he just values his independence over anything else.
The male Sagittarius might go running for the hills just when the Pisces woman thinks that she’s roped him in. This can be confusing for her. It can also hurt her deeply, leaving her feeling fragile and vulnerable.
The Sagittarius Man And Pisces Woman Should Have This Conversation
If there were one thing that could help the Sagittarius man and Pisces woman stay on the same page and avoid getting their feelings hurt, it would be an honest conversation about what they need in a relationship.
The Sagittarius man might say something like, “I need to feel like I can pick up and follow my passions whenever I want. This has no reflection on you or the way that I feel about the relationship. I don’t want to get away from you; I simply have a constant need to see what’s beyond the container of my daily routine.”
The Pisces woman could explain that she needs someone to respect her emotions. She may start her conversation as follows: “I get worried when you run off to do your own thing. As long as you can reassure me that I’m important to you, I’m glad to give you the freedom that you need. I’ll support you as long as you don’t make me feel rejected.”
The Pisces woman should also reassure the Sagittarius man that she’s not particularly needy. She doesn’t need him to spend all of his time with her. In fact, she has her own need to go with the flow, and she doesn’t want to feel pinned down either.
What Do These Two Want From A Relationship?
The Sagittarius man and Pisces woman are both mutable signs. This makes them versatile and adaptable. They’ll adjust their personalities to fit into the other’s needs, but only to a certain extent. There are specific characteristics that are important to them in a relationship.
The Pisces woman needs the following things from a partnership:
- Steady support
- Caring patience
- Freedom to do what she desires
- Acceptance of her introspective nature
- Someone to ask her what she’s feeling
- Physical and emotional intimacy
The Sagittarius man needs to get the following things out of a relationship:
- Freedom
- Flexibility
- Consistent discovery to prevent boredom
- Loyalty
- Sensual intimacy
Is the Pisces Woman’s Skin Thick Enough For The Sagittarius Man?
Something that the Pisces woman should know about the Pisces guy is that he doesn’t beat around the bush. He’s a straightforward guy who doesn’t tell white lies. He has no problems revealing his thoughts, and he can come off as brutish or offensive when he’s really just trying to be truthful.
This can be a shock to the sensitive Pisces woman. If she’s used to people who walk on eggshells when they’re around her, she’s in for a big surprise when she pairs up with the Sagittarius. He doesn’t intend to be cruel; he just doesn’t see the need for deception of any kind.
The Sagittarius man figures that the faster you lay things out on the table, the easier it will be to sift through any obstacles and find the gold. The Pisces woman might not be ready for this straightforward approach to life.
She tends to remain guarded until things get pried out of her. She is not deceitful, but she can be a bit elusive. She prefers to hide some of her emotions until she gets to know someone better.
The Sagittarius man’s candidness might stun the Pisces woman from time to time. However, she appreciates people who are reliable and authentic. If she can realize that her man is really just showing his true colors, she might not be offended every time he tells her what he truly thinks.
The Pisces woman’s sensitivity might feel stifling to the Sagittarius. On the other hand, her gentle, feminine traits bring out his masculinity. The Pisces woman makes the Sagittarius man feel strong and protective. This helps her because she wants to feel like her man cares for and supports her.
What Would Make This Couple Let Each Other Go?
Because the Pisces woman is so sweet and caring, it’s hard to let her go. She gets along with people easily and has a genuine desire to please. She is loyal and devoted.
As long as she doesn’t feel left behind, the Pisces woman will support her Sagittarius man in his pursuits. She wants to make him happy, and she may even sacrifice her own satisfaction to make the relationship work.
She feels the most at home in a long-term relationship. Commitment gives her the freedom to reveal her feelings and express her emotions. The need to secure a guarantee of some kind from her Sagittarius man could turn him away, though. She has to be careful not to make him feel constrained as she lures him into a compassionate, accommodating love.
The Sagittarius man’s strength and assertiveness hint to the Pisces woman that he could be the man to protect her for the rest of his life. This attracts her, but once she has been sucked in, she may realize that the Sagittarius is too externally focused to really give her the emotional balance that she needs.
If her Sagittarius guy doesn’t respect her faith or her dreams, the Pisces can’t build a relationship with him. He can’t pass off her intuition as silly or say that she’s too emotional.
Fortunately, the Sagittarius is not the kind of guy who would stomp out someone’s dynamism. He recognizes the Pisces woman’s vibrancy, and he’ll bring her brightness out. When he does, these two can get wrapped up in a relationship that’s as compatible as it is exciting. It might just last a lifetime.