As most know, water and fire don’t mix well. Water douses fire, snuffing out its flame easily in many cases. Fire can rage hot enough to survive an encounter with its natural enemy, but it takes a lot of passion and determination to do so.
Such is the case with a match between the Scorpio man and Aries woman. These two hotheads will either come across as a loving and passionate couple or one that’s at constant war. There is certainly a limit to how much either partner can compromise, but if they figure it out, this odd combination has the potential to work out well.
Passion Is in No Short Supply for This Couple
When it comes to a physical relationship, passion will never be lacking for these two. The intimate side of this pairing is something that would make most couples jealous. Scorpio is blessed with one of the strongest sex drives of any sign on the Zodiac, and Aries, aptly named for the God of War, is no slouch in that arena either.
Scorpio is a very giving lover, always trying his hardest to please his Aries lady. She is the picture of spontaneity and submission (when he asks for it). She doesn’t have to be in charge in the bedroom, but she can be if that’s what her partner wants.
Sex is a driving force for this couple, but it’s important for both Scorpio and Aries to ensure their relationship is about more than just the physical side, assuming that is what they want. If they communicate their needs, and it turns out both parties genuinely only want a sexual relationship, watch out! There won’t be much stopping them at that point.
If, on the other hand, they’re both looking for a long-term partner, they’ll need to work a bit harder to develop an emotional connection. If they can’t accomplish that task, it’s unlikely they’ll move much beyond their physical attraction for one another. That will only produce conflict later in the relationship if it lasts long at all.
Building a Lasting Relationship Takes Time
Only time will tell with this couple. On the outside, they blend well together, with both of them showing sensitivity and sympathy in certain situations. They are intellectual signs but have very different ways of thinking. The Scorpio man is quietly astute and often cynical. The Aries woman is outspoken and always gets to-the-point.
The Scorpio man has a natural knack for dealing with the Aries woman’s fierce attitude. When she gets riled up, he can calm her emotions and set things straight. She’s independent like he is, but also much more carefree. Her approach to life is something that both fascinates and frightens him. The more he learns about her over time, the more he is attracted to her.
While the Aries lady values her freedom, she is more than happy to lean on her Scorpio man for security. After all, a significant part of what attracts her to him is his masculinity and strength, both on the inside and outside. Her doting behavior will push him over the edge when it comes to falling in love.
After the appropriate courtship period, a strong Scorpio-Aries couple will come to trust each other completely, and the worry of jealousy rearing its ugly head will fall by the wayside. Before that happens, there may be jealous moments that could get out of hand if someone doesn’t give in and apologize. Both Scorpio and Aries can hold their own in a fight, but the more they battle, the farther apart they will drift.
The Scorpio Man and Aries Woman Are a Hot Mess
Scorpio and Aries are loyal to a fault regarding their friends, family, and lovers. They choose their friends very carefully simply because they value their time and see no point in wasting it on a doomed friendship. While this is a strong commonality between them, their social life is quite different.
The Scorpio man is the loner of the partnership, preferring to spend time alone and avoiding noisy social settings whenever possible. The Aries woman may get bored without her man by her side to keep her attention. If this happens, her eyes may stray and fall upon another man. This doesn’t mean she will cheat on Scorpio, but it could be the beginning of a failed relationship if he doesn’t wake up and smell the roses.
Scorpio may react with jealousy, but if Aries can logically explain her actions, an intelligent Scorpio will come to see the flirtation for what it is: a harmless reaction to boredom. It’s not all on Scorpio to turn things around, though. Aries must recognize her lover’s discomfort and suggest alternate plans from time to time. A night home watching a movie together appeals to both parties when they’re in the right mood.
Most importantly, both Scorpio and Aries must remember they have separate lives outside of their relationship, and rightfully so. No two people can spend every waking moment with each other. It’s simply too much. After all, the Scorpio man tends to ask deep questions and offer insightful opinions that Aries may not like.
She may find his opinions difficult to stomach at times, so allowing him some stolen moments alone could work to both their benefits. If she makes the mistake of attempting to change his opinions instead, he will likely react negatively.
The Aries Woman Needs Excitement
There’s no doubt that although the Aries woman will stand by her man’s side whenever he calls, she is still her own person. The Scorpio man will admire her devotion, while also recognizing her independence. She’s competitive by nature and loves to experience new and exciting things. She’s always looking forward, preferring what lies ahead to what’s behind her.
There will be times when Aries wants a little peace and quiet in her life, but there will also be times when she must have an outlet for her endless energy. Any partner she falls for will need to remember this if he plans to keep her by his side. The more change she is allowed to experience as the relationship progresses, the better off they will both be.
The Aries woman is feminine, but not so much so that she appears weak. She is aggressive when she wants something, but also has a compassionate and tender side to her personality. It’s these traits that encourage
Scorpio to share his secrets with her. While Aries will respect the mysterious nature of her Scorpio lover, as time passes, too many secrets can lead them down a path of resentment and distrust.
The Scorpio Man Likes to Keep Secrets
The Scorpio man shares a number of traits in common with his Aries lady. He is competitive as well and tends to be a very physically-minded person. Scorpios are mysterious by nature, which is usually the primary reason for an Aries woman’s interest.
His sexy, demure personality will keep her interested for a while, but it won’t take long for her to want to dive deeper into the thoughts and emotions of her Scorpio partner. This is where things may get complicated.
Scorpio doesn’t just keep a few things to himself from time to time. He is a man of many secrets and won’t give them up without good reason. His Aries lady asking him to share his secrets with her is typically not reason enough. Scorpios are intelligent beings and have a way of seeing things that is not typical, which makes his obsession with what he considers private information even harder to crack.
Scorpio may prefer to keep things to himself, but that should be a sign to Aries that he is dependable and loyal. Once he has declared his love for her, he won’t stray, even when other women approach him.
He is charming, funny and smart, which are all things she loves about him, but he won’t use those traits to step out on her with someone else. He just has to make sure he doesn’t doubt her fidelity either.
The Scorpio-Aries Match Is Intense
A Scorpio-Aries relationship burns intense. Scorpio’s calmness associated with his water sign can help control Aries’ fiery tendency to get out of control. Aries’ spark can force water to snap out of a sluggish stage and join the current of life again.
However, only through open communication, a calm demeanor, and good conflict resolution skills will this couple have a chance at forming a deep, lasting connection. The Aries woman wants a partner who will keep her interest and be a good support system.
Luckily, the Scorpio man fits this bill. He wants a partner who compliments his personality and understands him on a deeper level. The Aries woman is a good match for his desires as well. With a little work on controlling their passion and energy, this relationship has the potential to be one of love and understanding.