The most communicative of all planet, Mercury, rules over the Virgo man and the Gemini woman. One particular aspect of this relationship is that there will be a lot of talking! Without talking, what will then keep the passion between these partners?
It would sometimes be hard for the Gemini woman to adapt to the demands of her Virgo partner. Where the Virgo man is rigid, she is malleable and discovering a balance may test the boundary of tolerance. In summary, a relationship between the Virgo man and a Gemini woman cannot be a walk in the park, except if the female Gemini wishes to share the path.
The positive angle to the relationship between the two is both Virgo and Gemini are mutable signs. Adapting to changes is natural for Gemini, but the male Virgo takes time and personal growth to adapt to changes. As a result, a relationship involving the Virgo will have the partner holding on tight and playing the Virgo game.
A Natural Friendship
Naturally, both male Virgo and female Gemini are friends and colleagues. Not only are they fond of one another, they value and enjoy the intellectual capabilities of each other. Their conversation can last hours. Both of them share similar interests since they operate on a related mental altitude.
When their friendship can be such a great experience, it is sure they will be beautiful lovers, too. The only problem with Virgo man and Gemini woman compatibility is too much friendship and too little love.
To get to the level of having a sustainable long term relationship, both of them must complement one another regarding character and granting the other what he or she doesn’t have.
Their relationship tends to be a case of having been too parallel to have any magnetism or spark for each other. Even with their rulership of Mercury, they still have their differences.
While the earth sign belongs to Virgo, Gemini is an air sign. Both of them are mutable signs with a willingness to adapt to the other, but Gemini takes the lead when talking about who is famously flexible between the two.
When this simple difference is supposed to be a good thing between them, but in truth, it merely leaves them a little lost as none of them is disposed to take the lead role in the relationship. The situation of love transforming to love is not always a common thing between the Virgo man and Gemini woman.
The differences in Virgo man and Gemini woman relationship will be a source of friction for them rather than that of strength. Before Virgo man sets to a task, he likes to plan things in details as a careful and cautious individual.
But the female Gemini is playful and spontaneous. The Gemini woman will be quick to wear out of what she perceives as Virgo’s stick in the mud method. In return, Gemini’s frequent changes in mood and fickle personality will bore her Virgo mate and the excessive pace with which she changes her mind will appall him.
Their relationship tends to be fragile when both parties start to fall out over mundane, everyday issues.
Virgo Man and Gemini Woman in Bed
As good friends, it will be handy for them to transfer such positive energy to the bedroom. The female Gemini is ready to go to any extent to satisfy her Virgo man in bed. As for the Virgo man, he enjoys seeing his spouse working hard for him.
Even when she is adventurous, the female Gemini fancies new things in bed while a male Virgo is fond of taking lovemaking the old-fashioned way. The Virgo man will get a lot of satisfaction from his Gemini woman including dancing erotically for him and teasing him by taking off her clothes piece by piece.
Part of the personality of a Gemini woman is the in-depth knowledge of catching and keeping a good man she wants. The Virgo man will be ready to try new stuff with her because of his profound love for her. The Virgo man will come to terms with some new thing when his Gemini woman brings them and shows him all the pros.
Virgo man and Gemini woman realize that they are bound to enjoy sex to the maximum and so, they both love it. Their match in bed is perfect since the two of them yearn to experiment with things they never did before and attempt certain new angle to lovemaking.
If the need arises, the Gemini woman will adjust to the style his Virgo partner wants, and Virgo man will be ready to make love to her just the way she wants.
She knows the way to the heart of her Virgo man, and she does that without any effort. The Gemini woman takes the task of keeping the spark in their relationship by being amusing and delightful to him all the time.
The Virgo man takes up the mantle of providing stability his Gemini woman needs and this makes her feel guarded and safe. Virgo man gets pleasure from all the romance that his love gives him and he feels so special when they make love because it becomes hard for Virgo to think that as shy as he is, he has a woman every guy would want.
Mental Power of Virgo Man and Gemini Woman
The Virgo man is naturally as punctual as organized, and he understands his Gemini woman may never be like that. He results to keeping quiet since he enjoys their long discussion and the unselfish shower of passion from his Gemini woman.
The Virgo man understands that changing his partner may be a hard thing to do and learns to accept her like that, putting up with her attitude of laziness, lateness, and sometimes holding onto grudges.
Virgo man is also aware that his Gemini woman can be childish at times. He knows that as fresh air in his life, he plans to do nothing that can make him lose her.
Virgo man takes his Gemini woman as a friend and a lover. Having the kind of thought makes it easy for them to nourish a stable emotional relationship while taking pleasure in all that their shared passion has to offer.
Both of them can be freaks in the bedroom if they choose. They can also leave rooms for full love and affection. The two of them are only seeking a balance between their love and sex life, and engage in anything to have a healthy relationship.
Primarily, the moment both Virgo man and Gemini woman find love, they tend to do everything in their capacity to keep that relationship stable. It is clear to both of them that problems crop up in any relationship and when a problem materializes, they turn to sit down and deliberate like adults, sharing paramount resolutions to salvage what they have.
Both of them have the understanding that their differences in characters can cause a lot of problems down the line. They know the needs for them to tango with each other with a need to make things work.
The motto of both the Virgo man and Gemini woman is giving more than getting, and both of them are used to this habit. It becomes a big heartache for both of them when they think of helping someone live a better life and missed that chance.
Life can get back with unfair treatment from people, both Virgo and Gemini want to have an experience where they give more than taking. That same outlook works in bed, as well. The two of them are such a good match in bed because they provide more than they receive.
How Mutability Saves the Day
When it comes to sexuality, Virgo man and Gemini woman can be a sensual and playful peer. The inner sensuality of the male Virgo will meet up with the female Gemini’s imaginative approach to her love life.
Nevertheless, bedroom compatibility of Virgo man and Gemini woman can lead to problems of jealousy. Even when he is not a jealous type, the male Virgo will struggle over the natural flirtatious personality of the female Gemini. The feeling for him is like she betrays his trust.
Meanwhile, the female Gemini will see it as ridicule when her partner asks her to tone down her behavior. When there is no harm intended, why should she? When he becomes so uninteresting, there will undoubtedly be a need for her to talk to someone else. Again, a new argument will ensue.
From one moment to the other, so many things can happen in a relationship between a Virgo man and a Gemini woman.
The collective mutability between Virgo man and Gemini woman is their saving grace. Walking things through and compromising endlessly with the need to try and try yet again is the routine they will have to imbibe if they are willing to make the relationship work.
The positive side of their struggle to make it work may seem little since both of them have something the other needs. And if it happens that they part, the condition will be on good terms, and their friendship will remain intact.