A person’s star sign can tell a lot about them. Aries men, in particular, can be chaotic and difficult to predict at the best of times, and downright confusing at the worst. Unsurprisingly, it might be difficult to guess whether an Aries man will come back after a breakup or whether they’ll just move on. We’ll do our best to answer that question for you in this guide.
The Aries Man: Passion
The first thing to know about an Aries man in a relationship is that he’s passionate. If an Aries is in love with you, then chances are you’ll know it just as soon as he does! As such, as long as he still has some level of love and passion for you in his heart, he’s likely to try to mend a relationship after a fight or breakup.
Unfortunately, though, this passion grows in the heat of the moment, too. An Aries man might get caught up in defending his point during a fight, temporarily turning a blind eye to other important things. As long as you know your Aries man well, you can work around this, but it’s essential to be aware of it before a fight starts instead of only learning about it after!
Aries are passionate in all areas of their love life, and this makes them a great partner. This means that, as long as it was only a misunderstanding, your Aries is usually pretty likely to come back and potentially try things again. However, their strong, single-minded passion also means that, when you’ve broken his heart, he won’t try and hang around to pick up the pieces.
This is another side effect of the Aries man’s passion: his zest for love and for life. Aries will always be most likely to pursue what makes them feel passionate, so if you do something to break his heart, you can lose that favor. An Aries man isn’t afraid to move on to new relationships when he feels like the passion in his old one is lost.
Aries men (and women, to an extent) are ruled by their emotions, especially passion. As such, they can be refreshingly easy to predict, but also incredibly cutting and blunt. An Aries doesn’t like to waste time, and he’ll tell you what he thinks right off instead of sugar-coating it or beating around the bush.
While this can be both convenient and refreshing, it might be a bit much for the more sensitive signs. On the other hand, an Aries will rarely put in the time and effort to lie to you, so you’re less likely to go through a hurtful or unfaithful relationship with an Aries man as a result.
The way an Aries man’s mind works is simple. Often, he acts more on instinct and emotion than rational thought. If an Aries male has feelings for you, he’ll try to pursue a relationship with you – it’s as simple as that.
While this makes it easy to get into a relationship with an Aries, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll have a good relationship. An Aries won’t necessarily think about whether or not you’ll be good together before trying to initiate a connection. This can lead to more problems down the road than you might have been bargained for.
As you might have guessed, Aries men tend to be reckless and thoughtless at times. This means that they can sometimes escalate fights that they didn’t have any intention of escalating. When tensions between an Aries man and his partner get high, he won’t back down without a fight.
When this happens, there’s a good chance that your Aries man didn’t mean a lot of the things he said. Or, perhaps he meant what he said, but the words came out in an aggressive or insensitive way. Aries men tend to be stubborn at the best of times, but they also know when they’re wrong. Most Aries men will come forward and apologize if it was their recklessness that caused you to fight.
This doesn’t necessarily make it right that the two of you fought in the first place, but it does provide an excellent start for mending things between you. However, in the same measure, if you go too far and push him away for real, he won’t be one to dwell on past things, either.
An Aries male is one who takes life by the reins. He will live life in each moment, and if he no longer feels like your relationship makes his life better, he won’t hesitate to move on. As such, while it’s always good to avoid fights in the first place, it’s even more important for an Aries man.
One of the best redeeming qualities of an Aries man is his desire for true friendship. If he likes you, the chances are he will try to salvage some sort of relationship with you, regardless of whether your romance survives or not. This is because Aries men are genuine and authentic to their very core.
If an Aries doesn’t like you, they’ll definitely let you know as much. However, if they do like you, you’ll have gained a lifelong friend. An Aries man is just stubborn enough to stick with you through thick and thin – they will always try to surround themselves with those they genuinely like.
This makes it so you have a bit less to worry about when fighting with an Aries man. Regardless of whether your romantic relationship survives, as long as friendship persists between you, your Aries man will eventually come back.
Their desire to pursue friendship makes an Aries a genuinely great friend, but it imposes some restrictions upon you, too. Just like in a relationship, an Aries man won’t keep any friends around that he doesn’t like or doesn’t approve of. As such, if you do something that changes his opinion of you, then you can quickly lose his friendship.
That being said, short of doing something unforgivable, an Aries man will stick with his friends through thick and thin. Even if you have a brief fight or argument, he’ll do his best to figure out how to mend things between you again.
Aries men tend to be devoted and dependable, but there are several ways to break a friendship between you and your Aries man.
- Violate something essential to his morals
- Commit an act that he cannot forgive
- Break his trust
- Lie to him (an Aries man has no time for dishonesty)
An Aries man isn’t hard to read. He’ll rarely try to hide things from you or be something that he’s not unless he’s truly hurting inside. For the most part, you can take an Aries man at his word with a high degree of confidence. This makes it easy to know what your Aries man is thinking, as he won’t be afraid to tell you bluntly and honestly. However, this also means that, if an Aries man decides he doesn’t want to be around you anymore, he’s probably already made up his mind as such.
Unfortunately, the Aries male is one of the signs with the biggest ego. His ego isn’t nearly as problematic as some of the other signs, such as Leo, but it’s something that any prospective mate should know how to work around.
In this case, the Aries man tends to be a bit self-absorbed, but not in a way you would expect. In fact, the Aries man is incredibly perceptive, especially when he’s deeply in love with someone. However, more often than not, he chooses to ignore the signs he sees in front of him if they’re not significant enough to warrant his attention.
The reason why an Aries man acts this way is that he is his #1. Rarely will an Aries fall deeply in love enough that someone else becomes more important to him than himself. Even if he does, if you put that relationship in jeopardy, he can be quick to realign his priorities and move on.
As such, whether your Aries man listens to his own ego and moves on to bigger things depends heavily upon how things end between the two of you. If you and your Aries man ended things with betrayal and anger, he might decide that he’ll be better off on his own. However, if it’s all a misunderstanding or things became heated on both sides, you could potentially salvage what you had together.
Unfortunately, both his stubbornness and his ego can make it hard for the Aries man to return after a fight. He’ll often resort to name-calling and other ugly tactics to help take the spotlight off himself and put it onto you. This isn’t fair to you, of course, but remember that this is your Aries man lashing out in sadness and distress; if he’s angry and upset, it likely means that there’s still time to salvage what you had.
On the other hand, if your Aries man doesn’t seem upset about ending things, several things could be happening. For one, your Aries man is probably doing his best to cover up how he feels. Aries men feel love and loss incredibly profoundly, but he will do everything he can to cover up any feelings of perceived weakness in himself. As such, even if he’s hurting deep inside, you might not be able to tell at first.
On the other hand, If your Aries man isn’t covering up any feelings, you might not be able to bring him back at all. If your relationship has crumbled to the point where he feels like it’s no longer worth salvaging, then he won’t hesitate to bury his own emotions and move on. If things come to this, your chances of getting him back are next to zero unless he changes his mind on his own.
Bringing an Aries Man Back
In most situations, it’s possible to bring an Aries man back after a fight or other event between you two. However, there are some strategies and tricks you should keep in mind at this time, too. While every relationship (and every Aries) is different, these strategies should be an excellent start for tempting your Aries man back after a fight or other upset.
Look Your Best
Looking your best is an excellent way to tempt any man back after a fight or break up, but this especially true with Aries men. Looking calm, collected, and well put-together will have your Aries man thinking about how things were when you were together.
Looking good is a great way to tempt your Aries man back, but take care not to take things any further than that! Playing games or trying to make your Aries man jealous are the wrong things to do. Aries men prefer to be direct and straightforward, and they don’t appreciate it when their partners refuse to give them the same courtesy.
Unfortunately, an Aries man will conveniently forget this when he’s feeling sore about a breakup. He may well try to play games, try to make you jealous, and do more foolish things. As long as you keep in mind that he’s hurting inside and just wants you back, it’s easier to understand his actions.
Be Firm
The next most important thing to keep in mind when tempting back your Aries man is that you need to be strong, firm, and admirable. Like we mentioned above, your Aries man will be tempted to play cruel games with you because he’s hurting badly on the inside. However, it’s important not to stoop to his level, and you should resist the urge to accept him back right away.
Make sure to be firm and steadfast in all aspects of getting him back, but especially the following:
- Time: don’t take your Aries man back right away; give him a few minutes to relax, cool off, and think about how much he wants you back
- Words: don’t go back on the words you say to your Aries. If you tell him you’ll only take him back after he apologizes, don’t change your mind and bring him back earlier
- Accountability: if your Aries man played games or otherwise did something that hurt you, make sure to hold him accountable for his actions. Just because he was hurting inside doesn’t justify childish or cruel actions
As long as you keep things like the above in mind and your Aries man is still thinking about you, you should be able to bring him back to the benefit of you both!