There are different types of kisses. Each type has its own meaning. Regardless, kissing is one of the most intimate fun things that you can do with your special love. Kissing, however, isn’t the same for everyone. In fact, each country has its own customs about kissing.
When you kiss someone in a public place, make sure that you’re in an area where it’s legal. Yes, there are some places in the U.S. that consider kissing as illegal.
It’s said that kissing for at least one minute can help you burn 26 calories. And yes, it can also increase your life expectancy.
In other words, there are benefits of kissing.
Different Types of Kisses
1. Kiss on the Forehead
It’s a kind of kiss that conveys love and trust. This type doesn’t anticipate a sort of reply. It also doesn’t need a reply. For some, it’s a promise of love, care, and protection. It’s also a signature love indicating the kisser’s honor to his/her commitments.
The one who received the kiss will think that he/she is being cared for or loved. Generally, a kiss on the forehead implies a deeper sense of love. The forehead is a unique place to be kissed and it implies trust. Moreover, if that person kissed you on the forehead before leaving, it’s an assurance that he/she will be there for you no matter what.
2. Eskimo Kiss
It’s a popular kiss used by parents to show their love and affection to their kids. Eskimo kiss is carried out nose-to-nose. Then, a slight side-to-side rubbing motion is performed.
For couples, it’s used as the perfect kiss that can lead to a meaningful lip kiss.
Although, some would think that the guy who initiated the Eskimo kiss isn’t interested in the girl, it’s exactly the opposite. This type of kiss originated in Northern Canada where Inuit lived. The place was cold so the people there covered up everything excluding their eyes and noses. Each time they met someone they cared for, they would rub noses, instead of kissing.
So, good news for you, it only shows that such person is showing high interest in you. It’s a lovely way to express your love for your partner.
3. French Kiss
This is a type of kiss that you should never do in front of your parents. Also known as a deep kiss, the French kiss is considered as an amorous kiss. Some would love to call it tonsil hockey while others would describe it as a swapping spit.
Kissing the tongue of your partner will stimulate his/her tongue, lips, and mouth that are extremely sensitive to the touch. This practice is considered as a source of pleasure.
In France, this kiss is referred to as a lover’s kiss or “un baiser amooureux”. But this type of kiss may carry a risk of HPV, especially if the lips or gums are bleeding. However, transmission of Hepatitis B through this kiss is an unlikely mode of infection.
4. Cheek Kiss
This is a kiss that conveys affection. When a guy kisses you on your cheek, it means that he likes and respects you. Instead of diving into your mouth, he lays a gentle kiss on your cheek.
Cheek kiss is usually a kiss used by friends and parents to their kids.
For couples, the person kissing your cheek may have a romantic feeling for you. The moment he kisses you, it’s not yet a romance. But he’s telling you that he likes you and he’s growing a true fondness of you. However, it could also mean a friendly greeting.
5. Butterfly Kiss
Although there are no lips involved, this type of kiss is sweet and tender. It shows passion, affection, and love. To give your partner a butterfly kiss, you just need to move your face close to the face of your partner. It must be as close as possible in a way that you and your partner’s eyes are almost touching. Then, flutter your eyelids so your partner will feel like he/she’s being kissed by a butterfly.
When you partner is giving you a butterfly kiss, you should close your eyes and enjoy that moment. However, when you do this, you should be extra careful not to hurt your or your partner’s eyes.
If you’re a woman and you’re planning to butterfly kiss your partner, make sure that you’re not wearing a mascara as it could easily get into your partner’s eyes. The outcome won’t feel good.
6. Kiss on the Hand
Perhaps, you’ve seen it while watching Downton Abbey. But this type of kiss is a gesture that indicates politeness, respect, courtesy, and admiration. The person who’ll kiss your hand will bow toward the hand that you offered.
This kiss has become extremely rare. It’s usually restricted to the conservative diplomats and upper class. In the Philippines and Indonesia, hand kissing is a kind of greeting to an elder individual of both genders. However, it’s done to the closest relatives, like grandparents, uncles or aunts. After kissing the hand, the “greeter” will immediately draw the hand to his/her own forehead.
When he kisses you on your hand, it means that he respects you as a lady.
7. Earlobe Kiss
It’s actually a break from French kissing. In here, your partner will take your earlobe between his/her lips before tugging them downward. It’s usually given to someone you’re romantically involved with. You can’t do it to someone you just met.
An earlobe kiss is a fun kiss with lots of meaning. When you do it, it usually leads to hotter and passionate kiss. You can safely do this in a public place because it’s not too offensive, unlike French kiss.
8. Spiderman Kiss
You’ve seen Spiderman, haven’t you? The part where Mary Jane kissed Spiderman while he was in an upside down position? When you’re doing the Spiderman kiss, one of you will be in an upside down position. If it’s your partner, then your top lip will be kissing his bottom lip and vice versa.
It works best when one of you is reclining on a couch. To see how this kiss was originally done, you should see the Spiderman movie of Kirsten Dunst and Tobey Maguire.
9. Lip Gloss Kiss
It’s a flirty kiss that a girl can give to her boyfriend. Before you start lip gloss kissing your bf, make sure that you have a healthy amount of lip gloss. Then, rub your lips on his lips. You should only stop when his lips are covered or coated with lip gloss too.
Lip gloss kiss is a fun type of kiss and it’s harmless. To add more fun to the kiss, make sure that you’re using a lip gloss with a fruity flavor. He’s going to love it.
10. Tongue Kiss
This is almost similar to French kiss. The only difference is that you slip your tongue inside your partner’s mouth.
For some, it’s considered as more intimate than sex. Their eyes are closed while feeling the tongue of their partners. There’s magic in it and almost all men love it. However, try not to do it in public. Your audience will abhor the sight of it.
11. Air Kiss
It’s a social gesture. Some would describe it as pretense of kissing. In here, your lips are pursed as if you’re really kissing your partner but without actually touching your partner’s lips.
Sometimes, it includes check-to-cheek. It’s also accompanied with a mwah sound. This is frequently seen in Western cultures.
When someone air kisses you, it would mean that he/she has mostly likely a crush on you.
12. Single-Lip Kiss
It’s a type of kiss that involves sucking the lip of your partner in a gentle manner. To offer this kiss, you have to gently grab either his/her upper or lower lip. Make sure that it’s sandwiched between yours.
When you execute it perfectly, you’re sending a cute romantic sign to your partner that you like him/her. It allows you to get close enough to your partner and assess his/her essential characteristics. This kiss may also be a subtle way for some to evaluate immune compatibility of a mate.
Thus, if you’re looking for a long-time partner, you may choose to use this kiss and find out whether or not you’re compatible to each other before you even invest your time and energy in him/her.
After a single-lip kiss, you’ll feel good about everything. That is if you’ve executed it properly. Through this kiss, you’re unleashing those feel-good chemicals that may increase social bonding.
13. Hickey
This isn’t an actual kiss. Rather, you’re leaving a red mark on your partner’s skin after sucking it hard enough. You need to be careful when executing it as it may deeply hurt your partner. Some people love the feeling of being sucked by their partners; while others abhor it.
The hickey kiss doesn’t necessarily require that you keep your breath minty because your lips won’t touch his/her lips. Then again, your partner may also want you to kiss him/her on the lips, which may turn him/her off if you have bad breath.
So, before you even give your partner the hickey kiss, sneak away to get a quick brush or chew a pack of gum first. Your partner would definitely appreciate it. What could have been a good hickey could be a complete turn-off for your partner if you have a smelly breath.
14. Vampire
Before you even give your partner this kiss, you should ask permission. It’s also essential that you show your partner that you can control yourself before you make a vampire kiss. So start by breathing a little on his/her mouth. Then, start smelling his/her hair and skin.
If he/she gives you permission to offer him/her a vampire kiss, you should’t move too fast. Less is more ideal here, especially if it’s your first time to offer your partner with this type of kiss. You may choose to kiss his/her lips gently first before moving on to his/her neck.
When you’re giving him/her a vampire kiss, try listening to her breathing. Make sure that you’re aware of what he/she is doing.
Does he/she like it? Is he/she taking deeper breaths?
Is he/she is trying to pull away from you? If he/she is indeed pushing you away, you’re doing it wrong and things aren’t really working out. The best thing that you can do here is to stop.
For some, a vampire kiss isn’t really romantic. If he/she is receptive, however, he/she will offer you body language clues.
15. Wet Kiss
Wet kisses are mostly open-mouthed kisses. They can be executed with your tongue. You can also give your partner a wet kiss without even touching his/her tongue. This kiss enhances sexual arousal. Then again, too much of it can be sloppy.
When you’re giving your partner a wet kiss, it usually creates a physical connection. Look into his/her eyes first as a prelude to a wet kiss.
In Chinese medicine, your eyes are connected to an energetic pathway surrounding your genitals.
Wet kiss is especially great if you want to surprise your partner. This is great if you’ve never done it to your partner after a long time of being together. You may have a certain way of kissing him/her so your partner expects that kiss. So, surprising him/her with a wet kiss will make him/her faint with amazement.
Remember that kissing him/her when your partner least expects it is just one of the many ways to find a way out of your routine smooches. But no matter how romantic wet kiss is, you should consider carrying the pressure and the technique.
16. Breath
It’s a type of kiss that can be considered as a game, rather than a real kiss. In here, you need to inhale deeply before locking your lips with your partner. When he/she inhales, you have to slowly exhale in to his/her mouth and vice versa. Even though a breath kiss isn’t a real kiss, it can still be a romantic gesture.
When he/she tilts on your left, lean in and embrace a little. This way, your lips aren’t the only ones touching but also your hearts.
This is more than a nice symbol of love but it’s also a way to experience a deeper connection with your partner. The reason for this is that the two of you are aware of your heartbeats which can be elevated through a breath kiss.
When you’re giving your partner this type of kiss, make sure that you’re conscious of what you’re doing. This kiss may still light up your and your partner’s nerve endings found in the mouth. It stimulates salivary glands. Producing more saliva while doing this kiss can give a little jolt to your libido.
You may not necessarily swap saliva in a breath kiss, it may still help in activating your sex drive.
17. Love Kiss
This is one of the most romantic kisses that you can offer to your partner. It’s a type of kiss that’s filled with thoughts about your partner. A love kiss can be given on your partner’s ear, forehead, mouth and neck.
In a love kiss, you may choose to kiss your partner a longer kiss. This gives him/her an idea that you’re passionately kissing him/her. Sometimes, a love kiss can lead to a French kiss and other types of kisses. If he/she is receptive, you need to keep doing what you’re doing. You also have to be conscious of his/her cues.
When you’re giving your partner a love kiss, you should use your hands wisely. Kiss and brush his/her cheeks while embracing him/her. Then, allow your hands to sweep his/her lower back. Allow your bodies to be your guide.
If you’ve been kissing for a while, make sure that you take a breather. This will prevent you to pass out. It would be too embarrassing for your partner to see you fainting while giving him/her a love kiss. Taking a breather will also give the two of you to have a chance of swallowing your saliva. This way, your kisses won’t be too wet.
It may also be great if you kiss your partner in a whole new light by opening your eyes while you kiss him/her. Although it can be difficult to do it, kissing while your eyes are open will hep you admire your partner’s face and expression while you’re in this very intimate moment.
A love kiss may be a perfect kiss but you should also kiss at the right time and the right move. If you’e anticipating making love you should offer your partner a deep kiss. That is with more tongue to help you set the mood.
18. Belly Button Kiss
This type of kiss would usually lead to a lot more, even if the initial stage is sweet and innocent. Belly button kiss can’t be executed while you and your partner are in a public place. If you want to give your partner this kiss, you may need to clean up a bit.
Men must shave while wearing a nice outfit. Women should wear a sexy lingerie, in case this kiss will lead to more. You and your partner must be in the mood before you engage in this type of kiss.
Even though a belly button kiss won’t require touching your partner’s lips, you still need to brush your teeth. If you’re anticipating this moment, you should avoid onions, garlic and other foods that may cause your breath to stink. For additional security, it’s best to chew a mint.
You also need to relax. Remember that you’re not in a public place. You are with your partner and you should be comfortable with it. However, before you give your partner a belly button kiss, make sure that he/she agrees to it. Some people like to be wooed first before they want to be kissed. If you’ve been dating for a while, you may even do it in the car.
Additionally, you need to control the setting. Always remember that a belly button kiss with good timing can surely pack a strong punch. The two of you will definitely feel those butterflies for sure.
It’s also ideal to take your partner by your hand. You can also squeeze your partner’s hand to keep him/her still. This will also increase anticipation.
Check out our other article: What Does it Mean When You Dream About Someone.
19. Teaser
If you wish to engage in extra passion, you should consider a teaser kiss. You may start at the forehead of your partner and move to his/her cheeks, neck, nose, arms and hands. With this kiss, you’re teasing your partner and bringing in a certain desire in the atmosphere.
When you’re teasing your partner, you shouldn’t come off like an octopus. That is don’t grope your partner. The goal of this kiss is to be sensual. As you go in to embrace him/her, you may need to brush away his/her hair while you caress his/her cheek.
But a teaser kiss doesn’t necessarily lead to more. Sometimes, this kiss is more meaningful than a romantic and other types of kisses as long as it’s executed perfectly as a way to share your feelings. However, if you’re anticipating coitus, you need to express your love and affection to your partner. Be demonstrative and enhance the love between you and your girlfriend/boyfriend.
It’s quite unique to every couple, as it’s all about love and affection that oozes out while you’re teasing your partner. If you love your partner so much, passion will take a back seat while your love will drive this act. The teaser kiss will surely be out of this world.
You may also be interested in our other article: How To Kiss A Girl For The First Time.
Final Thoughts
All of these kisses have their own meanings. Your kissing style is usually influenced by what’s going on inside your mouth. When you think about love, you can give your partner extra kisses that are soft and sweet.
When two people kiss, a lot can go on. If it’s a romantic kiss, you’re gazing at each other. A kiss can be done early in a relationship. If it’s done right, it’s magic. However, if it goes wrong, it’s a tragedy. That said, it’s ideal that you pay attention to your partner. You need to read the mind of your partner to know the style of kiss that he/she is interested in.
Being a good kisser starts by paying attention and practicing it. Thus, you should learn the technical skills before adding the artistry. Whatever type of kiss you wish to give your partner, you should always start out slow.
Ciara Hudson says
I want to know how long do it takes before girlfriend’s and boyfriend’s spin the night over each other houses sometimes I just want to know how long do it takes for girlfriend’s and boyfriend’s to spin the night at each other houses sometimes
Florjan Brudar says
Girflriends and boyfriends, not girlfriend’s and boyfriend’s
TOM says
Mohsin Hamad Khan says
Most folks consider kissing as an act of affection and keenness between companions. They are proper, however kissing, if you get to the fundamentals is an act of rubbing faces in opposition to one another and exchanging saliva. And this has many health benefits. Kisses serve many functions other than essentially the most obvious one of how it makes you feel. It reveals who you might be, the way you see your self, who you need your associate to be; it may possibly heal you, boost your immunity, hold your enamel wholesome; and it may possibly even enable you to burn (a couple of) further energy.