You can find numerous wedding vows online. Some are good while others are not. But are wedding vows essential. Yes, they are. In this article, we have listed numerous wedding vows for him or her. Check them out and choose the one that is closest to your heart. You can also make your own and combine multiple ones together.
The wedding gown, the food and everything in between are just nothing compared to the wedding vows. They hold such a weight about the wedding. These are words of marriage that would remind couples that they’re going on a journey into a slightly risky territory.
Wedding vows are recognition that you have acknowledged the fact that the love that you feel for your partner is a lifelong commitment. You’re giving yourself to another person without reservation and conditions. With wedding vows, you’re telling your fiancé about that commitment.
When writing your own vows, make sure that you find time to reflect. The words that you use should reveal what’s important to you and to him/her. They must be vows that truly reflect your united minds and hearts.
You may align your vows with values and things that are most important to both of you.
Romantic Wedding Vows for Him or Her
Don’t copy them. Instead, use them to help you create an idea for your own wedding vow.
1. I promise to be your loving friend and partner. I will be here when you need someone to talk to or listen to. I trust and appreciate you. I also pledge to respect and cherish your being unique, to strengthen you when you’re in sorrow. I promise to share with you my hopes, thoughts, and dreams as we grow and build our lives together.
2. I pledge to care and love you, until the day I die. I try to be worthy of your love. I promise to be always patient, honest, kind and forgiving with you. And I promise to be on time when we go out on a date. But first and foremost, I promise to be your faithful and devoted friend.
3. I promise to love you, unconditionally. That is without reservation. I promise to comfort you in times of trouble and distress. I will be here with you encouraging you to achieve your goals. To laugh with you and cry with you. I pledge to grow with you in spirit and in mind. I promise to be more open and honest with you. I will cherish you, for as long as I live.
4. Today, the day that I said I love you and the day that I knew you were the one for me. Those were the best days of my life.
5. I promise to be your best friend, consoler, navigator and your wife. And finally, I pledge to you myself.
6. With this ring, I will give you my promise. From this day on, I will offer you all my love, so you won’t walk alone. Your love has always been my anchor. The trust that you give me is my strength. Let my heart provide you shelter and consider my arms as your home. This ring has no start or end, just like my love for you. As I place this ring on your finger, I give you all that I am, all that I have and all that I will be.
7. I take you as my husband/wife. In equal love. You’re my mirror for my true self. As my partner on my path, I will honor and cherish you. In sorrow and in joy. Until death do us part.
8. I am proud to take you as my husband. For all those times that we’ve been together, there’s always been a mutual understanding that’s only shared when two people love each other truly. You were there when I face the greatest challenges of my life. You encouraged my personal growth. You helped me boost my self-confidence. You helped me to be the person that I am today. With your love and trust, I know I will be a better person tomorrow than I am today.
9. With this ring, I vow to trust and value your belief. I will stand by your actions. I promise to treat you as my confidante, best friend and equal. I’m excited to grow old with you gracefully, together, as always.
10. Millions of people around the world spend a lot of their time finding that one special person to be called their true love. Some are lucky to find the person they want to call as their significant other while others spend the rest of their lives looking for that true love but never finding it. I count myself as among the lucky ones to have finally found you.
11. My love [husband’s/wife’s name], do you remember the very first day that we met? I knew at that moment I saw you, we were meant to be together, forever. I knew that you’re the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Our courtship was unique. But I considered those days as the best moments of my life. You have become my lover, my companion, and my best friend, for eternity.
12. [Husband’s/wife’s name], you told me before that you have a fear of growing old. You told me that growing old means being alone. I knew, it frightened you. From this day on, you won’t grow old alone. I want to see the wrinkles forming on your handsome/pretty face. I can’t wait to see every strand of your hair turn grey. That’s because for me, you will always be the most handsome/beautiful creature in this world, even if your face is all wrinkled and gray. You no longer have to fear of growing old and being alone because I will always be with you, by your side. I promise to love you forever and be faithful. All those days left to me, I promise to spend them with you, loving you.
13. I [your name] take you [groom’s name] to be my husband. I know that by agreeing to this marriage, you will be my constant friend, companion and faithful partner in the remaining years of my life. You will be my one true love, I promise you that.
14. On this special event of our lives, I pledge to stay by your side as your faithful, loving wife/husband, in bad health and in good, in joy and in pain, the good times and the bad.
15. [Husband’s/wife’s name] take this ring as a promise that I will love you faithfully, without reservation. I will comfort you in times of sorrow and distress. I will help you achieve all of your goals in life. I will laugh and cry with you. I pledge to grow old with you, in mind and in spirit.
16. I pick you as my husband/wife. You will be my partner in life. With this ring, I promise you that I will love you unconditionally. I will give my fullest devotion. I know there are pressures and uncertainties that we need to face as the day goes by. But I promise to love, honor and respect you always.
17. I pledge my love to you on this day. You’re everything that I dreamed of. You’re everything that I need. From the day we met, I know God has answered my prayers. Our love for each other is heaven sent. So, I promise to be here with you, forever, always and for eternity.
18. I, standing here in front of you and the people that we love, promise to always love you. I will always love you. Your love to me is like water. It’s shapeless and it’s formless. It’s peaceful, yet strong. It’s all that I ever need in this life. You’re my heart. I promise to support you, through thick and thin. I also promise that if a zombie apocalypse would happen, you could count on my ax. I can’t wait to start spending the rest of my life with you. Everything that I am and everything that I have will be yours, too.
19. What can I say that I haven’t already said? What can I provide you that I haven’t already given? My body, my mind, my soul and my heart. They’re all yours. Everything that I have. Everything that I am, belongs to you long before this day. And I promise that I shall be yours forever. I will follow you anywhere you go, everywhere you lead me to. Hand in hand. Heart in heart. Let’s grow old together.
20. A long time ago, there was darkness in my life. But a light suddenly came. And that light was you. Your love gave me wings. Your trust gave me a strength to move on, despite the struggles. Our journey has already started when the day you said you loved me. I pledge to be your wife from this day on. Let’s make our two lives as one life. I love you, today, tomorrow and forever.
21. I used to be afraid of falling in love; of giving my heart away. How could I ever trust a man to love me? How could I love a man and wish he’d love me back the way I needed him to? But when I met you, I realized that it’s possible to meet a man I could trust; a man who could love me the way I wanted to be loved. You’ve renewed my perception in life. Today, I join that life with you, forever.
22. Today is a day of celebration full of music. But it’s also this day that I share my life with you. I know that our future is full of uncertainties. But I promise to live them with you. I give myself, my heart and my soul, to you as my husband/wife.
23. When there was cold, you’ve brought warmth in my life. When my life was full of darkness, you’ve brought light. I promise you to be your wife from this day and beyond. Let’s make our two lives one. Let’s honor and respect each other, always.
24. I promise to love you forever and always, even after having a night of beans and broccoli.
25. I choose you as my life partner. I pledge to love and cherish you, despite the obstacles that our path may have for us. I will comfort you when your [favorite sport] team loses. I will drink beer and vodka with you when they win.
26. I see our marriage as a privilege. I get to laugh and cry with you. I get to share and care for you. I get to build with you and live with you. That’s a true honor and a privilege.
27. May our lives be ever intertwined, our love keep us together. May we build a home that is compassionate to all, full of respect and honor for others and each other. And may our home be forever filled with happiness, love, and peace.
28. I [name] take you [name]to be my wife/husband to start our journey together. I will be your constant friend, a faithful partner in life, and your one true love.
29. Today, I attach my life with yours. I will follow wherever you go and I take you as my wife/husband, and will give myself to no other.
30. On this day, I (name) ask you (name) to be my wife/husband. I will be yours in poorness and in plenty, in health and in sickness, in triumph and in failure.
31. The sun smiles on us today, our wedding day, and how can it not. Our love is stronger that eternity, and our hearts beat together as one.
32. I [your name] take you as you are. I love you for who you are now and who you will become. I promise that I will listen to you, no matter what it is that you want me to hear. I will promise to learn from you so we can grow old together. I promise to support you all the time and I will accept your support. I will be with you celebrating your triumphs. When you mourn, I will mourn with you as though your sufferings were my own. I will always love you and have faith in you. Through all our years. And all that life may bring us.
33. I love and cherish you unconditionally, i.e. without hesitation. I promise to love, encourage, trust and respect you for who you are and who you will become. As we build a family, we will create a home that is filled with laughter, learning and compassion. I vow to work with you to creating our relationship of equality knowing that the two of us will build a life that’s far better that we could imagine alone. Today, I choose you to be my husband/wife. I accept you for who you are and I offer myself in return. I will not only care and stand beside you but I will also share with you the life’s adversities and laugh with you for all the joys from this day and all the days of our lives.
***Check out our two other articles: Bride’s Wedding Speech Examples and Groom’s Wedding Speech Examples .
34. This day, the very special day of my life, I promise you that I will laugh with you in times of joy and comfort you during times of sorrow. I will share with you my dreams and support you as we strive to achieve our goals. When I listen to you, I will listen with compassion and understanding. When I speak to you, I will do it with encouragement. Today, let’s start building a home that’s filled with laughter and light. Let’s be partners, lovers, and friends today and all the days that will follow.
35. [ Name], you’re my best friend, my lover and partner for life. I promise to you that I will laugh with you, cry with you, mourn with you and grow old with you. I will love and cherish you when we’re together. I will do the same when we’re apart. I vow to support your dreams, no matter how crazy they are. I will respect our differences, knowing that they are the ones that bind us together. I promise to love you and be by your side all the time.
36. I, [your name] take you, [his/her name] to be my husband/wife. I vow to be your biggest fan and partner in crime. I promise to support a family with you in a home filled with patience, love and understanding. I vow to grow old with you. I will love you faithfully and unconditionally through difficult and easy times. What may come, I promise to always be there with you. As I have given my life to you.
37. I [your name], take you [his/her name] to be my husband/wife. I promise to God and these witnesses to be your loving and faithful husband/wife. I vow to be by your side and share with you your happiness, sorrow and success. I promise to comfort you in times of disappointment. As your partner in life, I will promise to be open and honest with you. When you make mistakes, I promise to forgive you as God has forgiven me. I will be there always to remind you of the Lord’s promises and plans to us. I devote my life and love to you from this day to the end of our lives.
38. By this wedding ring, you’re sanctified to me as my husband and partner in life, in accordance with the traditional of Moses. Wear me as a seal upon your arm, heart for our love is infinitely strong. Many waters can’t quench love. There’s no flood that can sweep it away. You are my beloved.
39. I take you as my husband/wife and vow to spend my life with you cultivating my love and care for you and for all living things. Our relationship is the most important thing to me. It gives me strength. I vow that I put every effort into strengthening it with honesty, patience and faithfulness. For all the days, months and years that we live with each other, I vow to spend every day working to be a truer version of myself. I will make sure that you do the same.
40. I pledge to be spontaneous and to care each moment that we have together. I will be fair and willing to try new things with you. I vow to witness your beautiful life and I will always take time for the two of us. I also promise to dream with you and be your biggest and number 1 fan, even if others doubted your abilities. I vow to laugh and love you with actions and not just words. I will always be there to encourage you to achieve your dreams.
41. Happiness in marriage doesn’t just happen. Rather, a good marriage should and must be created. In marriage, little things are always big things. Today, I promise that I will grow old with you and hold your hand to show my support. I promise to say “I love you” once a day. I will never go to sleep angry with you. Our marriage isn’t a time to take one for granted. Our courtship should not stop with the honeymoon. Instead, it must continue through all the years. I promise to give you mutual sense of values and common objectives.
42. I [your name] choose you, [his/her name], to stand by your side and to sleep in your arms. I choose to be the joy to your heart and to be the food for your soul. I choose to learn and grow with you, even our time and lives will change us both. I promise that I will laugh with you during good times and struggle with you in bad times. I promise that I will respect and cherish you as an individual, a partner in life and an equal, knowing that, as we live as husband and wife, we don’t compete but we complement each other.
43. [Husband’s/wife’s name], I love you. You’re my best and true friend. To this day until the end of my life, I give myself to you. I promise that I will encourage and inspire you. I will laugh with you and comfort you in times of sorrow. I promise that I will love you in good and bad times. I will always cherish you even if the life seems easy or hard. All of these things I give to you today and all the days of our lives.
44. I [your name] take you [husband’s/wife’s name] to be my dearest better half. I vow to love, cherish and be your faithful partner. For better or for worse, for richer and for poorer, when the [favorite sport team] is winning and when it’s losing. In sickness and in health, I will stay true and loyal. I will cherish you for all the days of our married lives.
45. I humbly give you my hand, my heart and my life as I promise my faith and love to you. My love for you is eternal, just like the ring I give you today. It’s a circle without end. Just like this ring, it’s made of incorruptible substance, my commitment and love to you will never fail.
46. I vow to stay with you for the rest of our lives. I know that it will turn out to be a very long life. I promise to love you but not more than my makeup. But I do promise that I will honor you with all my actions. I will treasure you like you’re an actual treasure. But I won’t bury you. I promise to keep you warm when it’s extremely cold outside. No matter how many books you have, how many times we move, I promise that I will always carry them all each time.
47. I promise to support your compassion as that’s what makes you wonderful and unique. I vow to nurture your dreams because of them, your soul shines. I pledge to help you in facing our challenges for I know that there’s nothing we can’t face if we stand together. I promise that I will be your partner in everything that you want to do. Not possessing you. But I work with you as a part of a whole. I pledge to you the perfect love and trust. One lifetime with you is never enough. This is my sacred promise to you.
48. You’re my best friend, my playmate, my confidant, and my greatest challenge. You’re the love of my life. You always make me happier than I could ever imagine. You’ve made me a better person than I was before. Our love for each other is reflected in how I live my life. I am truly blessed to be a part for your life, which becomes our life together.
49. [Husband’s/wife’s name] you’re my best friend and a true friend for life. I vow to honor and support you through our journey together. When it becomes difficult, I promise to stand by you so that our bond will be stronger and we can accomplish more than we do it alone.
50. The feeling struck me the moment we made eye contact in [state where you first met]. It was immediate but powerful. It was too deep and inexplicably beyond any measure of time and place. No one can describe a feeling like that. It can’t be replicated or forced. All I had to do was to let it flow in and around me. We go wherever the flow will take us.
51. [Husband’s/wife’s name] take this ring as a symbol of the marriage vows I have spoken. As you’re wearing it, it will remind you of how much I love and admire you. Not only on this precious day, but every day of your life.
52. [Husband’s/wife’s name], I love you with all my heart. You’re my love, light and soulmate. You’re the person that keeps me singing, smiling and laughing. Without you, my life would be nothing. So, I ask you, are you willing to give me your heart, your light and be my soulmate? I give you this ring as a sign of my love that’s forever, eternal and never ending, like the circle in this ring.